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too many porn stars not enough shamans

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 24, 2003 12:49

On 2003-09-24 12:06, kaz wrote:
The whole point is that well - the parties in the US are a little too well organized, to the point where it just doesn't feel like a spontaneous gathering of people who love the music.

The legal/police situation in the US is such that you MUST be very well organized and have your shit together in order for a gathering to happen without being shut down. If a lot of people were to try to have a "spontaneous gathering", the police would be on it in a second, organizers would be spending a night in mail, patrons would be searched, sound system would be confiscated, etc. It is a common occurance that a party must involve a serious legal fight in order to even happen. The nutters in San Fran are all-too-familiar with having to fight tooth and nail for an event to happen (ie, Fusion 2002).

well-organized does not always mean commerical. In the states, it is equivalent to having a chance of the party actually happening without being ended early. Even in our free/illegal parties we threw in Texas, we had to be extremely well organized to guarantee that everything went smoothly and we weren't located and shut down.
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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 24, 2003 13:28
I know a bit about what was going on in the texas party scene (even though my source to that has moved to England) - I'm not ignorant to the troubles that are given to the scene in the US by the police (and the occasional absurd notion of the government, like the RAVE bill)... but it doesn't change the fact that those troubles DO effect the vibe. 

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Posted : Sep 24, 2003 13:47

On 2003-09-24 01:01, Elysium Project wrote:

What have bothered me for a very long time is that you're not part or should I say accepted into the "tribe" if you don't smoke bongs, use the word boom and want to associate the music and culture with higher enegies and almost religious ecstacy.

I agree with you 100%. I am doing less and less of... bongs... lately. It doesn't bother me at all if other people do, but it seems somehow do bother them when I don't. Not very openminded and free spirited in my opinion....

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 24, 2003 15:08

On 2003-09-24 13:28, kaz wrote:
I know a bit about what was going on in the texas party scene (even though my source to that has moved to England)

Are you speaking of Robin by chance? If so, what a coincidence.


- I'm not ignorant to the troubles that are given to the scene in the US by the police (and the occasional absurd notion of the government, like the RAVE bill)... but it doesn't change the fact that those troubles DO effect the vibe. is tougher to let go on the dancefloor or behind the decks when you are worried that the party could be abruptly shut down at any moment. It is difficult to prepare mentally for the experience if you can't be sure it is even going to happen.

But, that sort of distraction is still a totally different thing than relegating it to simply a "disco in the woods". Fully separate issue there.

I have for sure been to some psytrance parties that were little more than discos with better music, but that was more to do with whatever crowd was promoted to and showed up rather than the amount of organization that went into the event. I have been to some exquisite events that had been intricately organized for months, but never lost the feeling that I would get from a spontaneous gathering of 50 friends in the middle of the woods.

Just out of curiosity, which events in San Fran did you attend? I have been to a couple myself and saw both sides of the coin. I think it sort of depends on the particular situation - especially in that area.
Dr. Krelm DJ Mixes and Broken Symmetry archives -

Broken Symmetry on MCast - coming in 2007....
Inactive User

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Posted : Sep 24, 2003 17:20
ppl are bothered if they meet others which aren t doing drugs ?!?! ...never seen smt like that...hope this won t become reality in swizz...sounds horrible ( i go and roll one now...=(-; )


np: paps & droidlock - just a game           experiment !
make it your motto day and night.
and it will lead you to the light.
the apple on the top of the tree
is never too high to achieve,
so take an example from eve...
experiment !

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  278
Posted : Sep 24, 2003 18:01
This is a nice thread, I see some usual pp running to kill the spirit and Iīm not gonna answer them.

Li Yun, we are there... Yes, pp r confused. Yes, pp mistake atitude with appearance. Yes most pp who looks tottally 'trancer' r bogus by nature.

But the shamanīs r there also, just look deeper... We r spreading our smiles as a magick ritual, and when our eyes meet is like our Iīs hv met. Be sure my friend, where ever u go, the shamanīs of light and sound, of full featured smiles and glances will be there. Be sure to join us as the universal intention conspirates on our side.

And to all of u who are wandering alone, apart of the one heart of all of us (specially Traveller), make ur choice, choose the side of ur heart uīr going to hear... and join us.

PLURall(idade da luz)

as one

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  230
Posted : Sep 24, 2003 19:12
While we're on the subject of U.S. parties, there's one this weekend (9/27-28) in the LA area. I don't really know the crew who are doing it so I'm not going to put addresses or numbers on here out of respect, but if anybody wants details feel free to PM me.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 24, 2003 20:02
oh my good, are trancers suposed to be some special kind? better humans or wtf? its about music and fun not some kind of strange religion or sect. there are no true trancers and bogus ones. if ppl would more focus to have fun at parties instead of worrying all the time about the good old times vibes, the parties would improve a lot.

like technoid said before: Let's not get too deep about it, it's a party. and he's bloody right about that.

btw. i never heard that its cool to be in the trance scene, my experience is quite the opposite.

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  278
Posted : Sep 24, 2003 20:47
No way

Itīs not just a party. It has some special stuff, there r true trancers and there r bogus ones...

A true trancer is all about atitude, a bogus one is anyone who does look like one but do not act like it...

And thereīs no way Iīll accept itīs just another party, is that line of thought that brings comercialism to the productions, bad vibes to the parties and sorrow to the hearts... if u want just another party PLEASE LEAVE PSYTRANCE ALONE!

There r several parties u can atend to, trance has a spiritual proposal from the beginning, if u r not open to it u r corrupting the movement and becoming a factor of destruction of something very special.

We still want u by our side, with open eyes, mind, and heart. But itīs not because trance has gone pop, and so many pp come around knowing nothing about it and then call it 'just another party' that we r giving away the movement, the true movement.

We r bearing light swords at our souls and golden armor as our aurea. We can, at tops, be ignored, never defeated.


as one
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  11
Posts :  108
Posted : Sep 24, 2003 21:29
dear drope im going to trance parties since 1993, so dont patronize me! if u get a quasi religious experience out of trance parties... good for u, but for me, and i suppose for a whole lot of ppl, its about music and fun.

how would u define a true trancer anyway? if ure talking about plur, this is not coined by trance alone. there are good human beeings wich dont like trance also. (just in case)


Started Topics :  6
Posts :  278
Posted : Sep 24, 2003 21:47
Well Patrick, Iīm talking about plurish atitude... music and fun is good, yet I prefer a quasi-religious experience at life.

I was brought to trance because I was one of those ghbīs wandering off... Of course u donīt hv to be trancer to be a ghb, and of course there is the possibility of some trancers who arenīt (if thereīs such a thing as a bad human being, I donīt think so, there r mislead, misjudged and misplaced human beings in my humble opnion).

Music and fun are essencial parts of the TRANCE EXPERIENCE, but they do not make the whole of it... Thereīs more, much more... pp usually start off like that, with only music and fun to grasp... Our goal, as shamans, is to awake the other side with glances and smiles... not words. So Iīll shut up now...

Welcome to the awakening... or not...

as one
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  375
Posts :  5032
Posted : Sep 24, 2003 22:14

On 2003-09-24 20:47, Drope wrote:



nice combination.           Believe your soul !

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  278
Posted : Sep 24, 2003 22:33

Nice editing, u almost made it look real. Yet it still looks plurish to me... since I asked in a so polite manner and all

And Iīll ask politely again, plz edit ur post, itīs an off topic personal attack. I donīt think anyone comes around here to see that kind of stuff.

nothing else to add...

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  278
Posted : Sep 24, 2003 22:34
sorry, double post...
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  375
Posts :  5032
Posted : Sep 24, 2003 22:51
i think if u wish that somebody will leave by your exclusive deciding becoze this person "just want another party" so you probably will want also that everybody else that is not fit your personal and subjective perspective of view will leave the party also, then u will decide....
when u decide that you are the person that say to others what to do and when to eat (and what party go) u became very far from "trance expirience as life target" that i know a bit, believe me.
i wont edit it but dont take it as personal attack, it was just a example to "plur basic in subjective mistakes".
          Believe your soul !
Trance Forum ŧ ŧ Forum  Trance - too many porn stars not enough shamans
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