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to all the party orgenisers VERY IMPORTANT!

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  15
Posts :  955
Posted : Aug 27, 2008 13:50:18
i think u all shuld consider
renting a ambulance with paramedic
just like u rent sound sistem and generator
its very important and mey save lives.
its not so expensive and very esy to make.
duasent meter if u make the party for 200 ppl
or for 2000.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 27, 2008 14:16
Well the man has a point
what happend two weeks ago could have
been avoided if there was an ambulance.
But steel peaple should look up for theme selfs
and there freinds!!!           Now say the magic words: Bleep Bleep Deep Deep Wham.....
acid abe
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 28, 2008 09:54
No need for a whole ambulance (only if it’s over 800 ppl) it’s not like their on the battle field (some will say they are) and they will suffer from trauma and blood lose, one Paramedic with some ampoules should be good enough.
No doubt though that it’s needed but one must keep in mind that this will cost more for the production and I am not sure that produces will be willing to take that extra cost when they are doing the small parties.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 28, 2008 18:04

No doubt though that it’s needed but one must keep in mind that this will cost more for the production and I am not sure that produces will be willing to take that extra cost when they are doing the small parties.

True true....
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 29, 2008 04:32
You have to weigh the number of people and the remoteness of the location. As long as you have a basic first aid kit, walkie-talkies, telephone service, and a couple people certified in CPR, maybe an AED defirbulator you should be okay. If your organizers are alert and responsive you wont need to rent an ambulance. Don't forget many hospitals also have helicopter ambulances if you need them. Also think about site-specific risks like having a lifeguard if you're doing a beach party or roping off hazardous areas like areas with cliffs or especially sharp objects.

You're a lot more likely to encounter people injuring themselves being stupid on drugs than people who OD. (especially watch out for people climbing trees and swimming at night) Also try to discourage people from driving out of a party and back by preemting their needs like selling cigarettes at the party. Usually people need a smoke most desperately when they shouldn't be driving. Also make sure you have plenty of water on hand.

Having the basics are important to the safety of the people partying and also to you because it's not worth risking a party ending over a minor injury that you can take care of.

Also a tip: if you do have people who are on a bad trip the best way to bring them back into a good mood is by giving them attention. Don't be confrontational with them, it can often push them in a worse direction.

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Posted : Aug 30, 2008 19:49

On 2008-08-28 09:54, acid abe wrote:

..No doubt though that it’s needed but one must keep in mind that this will cost more for the production and I am not sure that produces will be willing to take that extra cost when they are doing the small parties.

Abe, in the very moment a producer decides to make a party, AFAIK it totally doesnt matter if it is a 10000 ppl rave or 50 ppl party.. As long as it is held outdoors and far from any medical center to give help in case of need, the organizer MUST arrange professional medical care treatment for emergency - i.e AMBULANCE. If he doesn't have enough money for this, he shouldn't make the party. Those organizers, on who's event the kid died are the ones that responsible for his death as far as I am concerned, since if there was a paramedic handy, and an Ambulance to evacuate the guy to a hospital ASAP, then he was probably would be ok today.           A man with a "master plan" is often a woman
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 31, 2008 15:32
Many people need to understand that goin' to trance parties doesn't mean you have to go crazy and cross the limits of your body.

People gettin too drunk, too stoned, too everything...
You cannot point the finger only at the party organizers...
Yes, an ambulance would have been handy in many situations, but still, every one of us should know his limits about drugs & alchohol..

Don't get wasted.           I'm not as think as you stoned I am...
acid abe
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  23
Posts :  246
Posted : Sep 2, 2008 23:47

On 2008-08-30 19:49, Yuli wrote:

On 2008-08-28 09:54, acid abe wrote:

..No doubt though that it�s needed but one must keep in mind that this will cost more for the production and I am not sure that produces will be willing to take that extra cost when they are doing the small parties.

Abe, in the very moment a producer decides to make a party, AFAIK it totally doesnt matter if it is a 10000 ppl rave or 50 ppl party.. As long as it is held outdoors and far from any medical center to give help in case of need, the organizer MUST arrange professional medical care treatment for emergency - i.e AMBULANCE. If he doesn't have enough money for this, he shouldn't make the party. Those organizers, on who's event the kid died are the ones that responsible for his death as far as I am concerned, since if there was a paramedic handy, and an Ambulance to evacuate the guy to a hospital ASAP, then he was probably would be ok today.

Yes I agree with the above but let's be realistic, how many small party producers will choice not to make a party because they are not covered by an ambulance service?
I think None! Especially if no one is controlling and regulating.
Why make our expectations high when we know it will never happen?
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  15
Posts :  955
Posted : Sep 4, 2008 00:18

On 2008-09-02 23:47, acid abe wrote:

On 2008-08-30 19:49, Yuli wrote:

On 2008-08-28 09:54, acid abe wrote:

..No doubt though that it�s needed but one must keep in mind that this will cost more for the production and I am not sure that produces will be willing to take that extra cost when they are doing the small parties.

Abe, in the very moment a producer decides to make a party, AFAIK it totally doesnt matter if it is a 10000 ppl rave or 50 ppl party.. As long as it is held outdoors and far from any medical center to give help in case of need, the organizer MUST arrange professional medical care treatment for emergency - i.e AMBULANCE. If he doesn't have enough money for this, he shouldn't make the party. Those organizers, on who's event the kid died are the ones that responsible for his death as far as I am concerned, since if there was a paramedic handy, and an Ambulance to evacuate the guy to a hospital ASAP, then he was probably would be ok today.

Yes I agree with the above but let's be realistic, how many small party producers will choice not to make a party because they are not covered by an ambulance service?
I think None! Especially if no one is controlling and regulating.
Why make our expectations high when we know it will never happen?

my man if u look et my post i wrote that it is relitivly CHEEP to rent en ambulance or paramedic (between max 2000 nis for ambulance to 500-800 paramedic only)
that meens its no more then 20-30 tickets..

i think the problem is awerness rather then price..

its HUMAN LIFE we are tallking about..
and if it saves 1-2 life in a seasson then its very cheep to save this ppl..
so be realistic..
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  15
Posts :  955
Posted : Sep 4, 2008 00:20

On 2008-08-28 09:54, acid abe wrote:
No doubt though that it’s needed but one must keep in mind that this will cost more for the production and I am not sure that produces will be willing to take that extra cost when they are doing the small parties.

well i ment that it wont be "extra cost"
i ment it shuld be BASIC COST like:
sound 4000
paramedic 1500
generator 500
djs 3000
deco 1000
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

Started Topics :  158
Posts :  5306
Posted : Sep 5, 2008 02:54
yes agreed
around the world there is always medical tent the very least and usualy ambulance.
hell in the last festival ive been to (that was very remote) they had paramedics plus helicopter and used it to take guy that broke his leg to the hospital.

but it makes me think.. you talk to some peoples that take water from people in the middle of the desert in very hot day to profit some more , how much you think they care for the health of their crowd??

please promoters , we want to hear what you got to say
Trance Forum » » Forum  Israel - to all the party orgenisers VERY IMPORTANT!
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