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To all Ravers, For The Love Of Electro

IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  241
Posts :  2848
Posted : Dec 6, 2009 10:13

On 2009-12-04 07:54, Shiranui wrote:

On 2009-12-03 20:52, OpenSourceCode wrote:
I've never been to a "rave"

If you have been to a party at which people are taking drugs, that lasted all night and at which electronic music was played, then you have been to a "rave".

Whether people call it that or not, that is what they are!

well i was in the hospital on whole bunch of drugs and had electronica blasting on my ipod...and i was shaking profusely and would pee in my pajamas...thats a real rave           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  24
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Posted : Dec 6, 2009 13:05
for sure is possible to enjoy and be in trance from only music, for sure if the music is good and Trance but that's other topic again. as well is possible to enjoy a finest meal of seafoods accompanied with a glass of water in stead of glass white wine.
but there is the issue already, when do you know how responsibly to drink this glass of wine, and to make the connection with the food, is the same issue with drugs on party.
I think in stead of all drug free party, people in general need to be more educated about them and their use. when the party/event is something more meaningful than just having a good time, when there is some other reasons of connection, spirituality, therapy, ritual what ever and one realize all those things, the drugs are not any more related to it at all, it's just a tool like Internet for example, if you know how to search and use, can be nice, but if not you can get trapped in it. and btw. by drugs I don't mean only illegal ones but all kind of drugs, if some substances are legal like alcohol or tobacco does not mean they are not harmful.
          to use your head you have to go out of your mind

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  212
Posted : Dec 6, 2009 16:21

On 2009-12-06 13:05, Adigroovy wrote:
for sure is possible to enjoy and be in trance from only music, for sure if the music is good and Trance but that's other topic again. as well is possible to enjoy a finest meal of seafoods accompanied with a glass of water in stead of glass white wine.
but there is the issue already, when do you know how responsibly to drink this glass of wine, and to make the connection with the food, is the same issue with drugs on party.

I think in stead of all drug free party, people in general need to be more educated about them and their use. when the party/event is something more meaningful than just having a good time, when there is some other reasons of connection, spirituality, therapy, ritual what ever and one realize all those things, the drugs are not any more related to it at all, it's just a tool like Internet for example, if you know how to search and use, can be nice, but if not you can get trapped in it.

+1 Excellent post

Psychedelic use with awareness and responsiblity can be good =)
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