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To all Ravers, For The Love Of Electro


Started Topics :  26
Posts :  660
Posted : Dec 3, 2009 20:52
I've never been to a "rave"

I don't like "electro"

and i'm wondering if you're a cop.           Quantum Frog / Anomalistic
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 4, 2009 06:54
Worth referencing:

IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Dec 4, 2009 07:50
I remember hearing that a while ago, Toronto had a 100% drug free rave-protest in the streets near city hall when the current mayor was pushing through bad legislation.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Dec 4, 2009 07:54

On 2009-12-03 20:52, OpenSourceCode wrote:
I've never been to a "rave"

If you have been to a party at which people are taking drugs, that lasted all night and at which electronic music was played, then you have been to a "rave".

Whether people call it that or not, that is what they are!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 4, 2009 10:49
just don't see the point of this studies, most of the people take drugs daily, cigarettes, alcohol, medication ....... why none makes the study about Clubs/disco/drugs use??? interesting ....
          to use your head you have to go out of your mind
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 4, 2009 13:43
There is quite a few studies on the use of drugs in clubs/ nightlife already. In the Netherlands they monitor clublife all year through.

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Posted : Dec 4, 2009 13:55
here in germany Rave is a place for lovers of Scooter and whistles and white glove haha
Never was there so far .We call it we're going on a Goa or sth like this.Goa Party ..even if it is psyco dark .The place for the state.
Rave sounds soo funny for us here ,but I know it's quite the word for it in many other countries.
I think I used this word here now for the first time in all this years in this post.

Electro is the worst chapter of techno music for me,like for retarded but well that is OMO.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 4, 2009 15:14
The definition of rave is needed somayehbardai . Can you be more specific please? Thanks!           0´s and 1´s
Inactive User

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Posted : Dec 4, 2009 16:09

On 2009-12-03 20:52, OpenSourceCode wrote:
I've never been to a "rave"

I don't like "electro"

and i'm wondering if you're a cop.

hey man dont get too freaky, i dont think he is.. cops dont use the words beautiful, brain, love, positive energies etc.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  168
Posts :  2984
Posted : Dec 4, 2009 17:22

On 2009-12-04 07:50, Shiranui wrote:
I remember hearing that a while ago, Toronto had a 100% drug free rave-protest in the streets near city hall when the current mayor was pushing through bad legislation.

Pfffft. That was back in 2001 and it was anything but "drug free"...

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  9
Posted : Dec 4, 2009 18:40
Well... where do i begin to answer all the lovely lovely replies...

firstly thanks, this discussion is really helping my study.

A bit of background on the study.

Its a masters thesis, I am an avid raver, mostly psy trance, Goa lover, heading there this year again... So i picked a topic that i was passionate about. now a few things, because im passionate about it its difficult for me to be objective about the study... i need opinions of people around the world to understand the rave culture from all angles.

A rave is such a positive place, so much love and joy and connectivity and togetherness, as opposed to a club where ur just connected to ur own group of friends, at a rave ur connected to a bigger energy.... but we face legal issues because of drugs, so if we love psy trance, and raves are spiritual then do we really need drugs.... or can we get high on the music and the energy? is what im trying to understand....

plus a drug free rave brings everyone together and keeps the cops away, maybe????

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  9
Posted : Dec 4, 2009 18:42
as far as alcohol and medication is concerned, like its said there have been studies on clubbing culture and alcohol abuse... in my opinion anything in excess is harmful, even drugs and alcohol or smoking.... the question is can we connect without them, why are we so dependent on substances to make us connect as humans? why cant we get rid of our inhibitions without them? or can we?
Horrordelic Records

Started Topics :  25
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Posted : Dec 6, 2009 05:58
100% drug free, that would be a definition thing..

what about drinks, cigs, coffee, pills etc etc etc??           3o~ kriz aka krize 3o~ ....Horrordelic Records....
- Think for yourself -

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  9
Posted : Dec 6, 2009 07:57
Maybe nothing... nothing that is harmful to the body on a physical level? no alcohol, cigs, pills... just music... and energy? Do u think it will work?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 6, 2009 08:28
why not? I think nothing even no music is more impossible.Experiments have shown that then you hear your thoughts and hallcinate ,people get seriously mad (when there is absolutely no music or accoustic noise)hehe With music it is ok you can freak out and enjoy the thaughts and hallucinations or not just dance.But it could be hard,I need to drink something ,and then tea is also a drug..wel thi sis all a bit heavy.
Drugs/flush are the oldest human real needs of existence.But the system is brainwashing a good control for them fuckers.
I think it has sth to do with policy world policy and not with health or sth like this.Such a bullshit that alcohol deads each year legal death and that peaceful gras so devilized to society.It could cure a lot of this fucking agressiveness out of the collective.
And now this damn long planed swine flue.It is a hard time actualy,I would love to go to shop and legaly buy a nice aromatic joint and or a tea ,completely freely and accepted ,that should be standard.
I love the long samadhi it is like medicine for soul,make the heart happy and spirit shine.
And I was once on a party and did not smoked anything- even on a powerful underground night acid psy party underground in forest..extra to test me out - and it works ..but it is a limited fun......... for me.
Id say mushroom for president and the world will have less of al trouble like wars,greed,hatred etc
Natural mystic is the gift from creator.It should be baned to ban this.The ones that shouldnt wont find it anyways.Peace 
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