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To all Ravers, For The Love Of Electro


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Posts :  9
Posted : Dec 3, 2009 15:43:42
Dear Wonderful People Of The World,

I am conducting research for my masters thesis which involves the study of spirituality at raves, through electronic music and collective energies. The idea is to ultimately find out how many people would actually attend a DRUG FREE rave solely for the love of the music and the feeling of being connected to a greater vibe.
It would be great help to my study if you would just take 5 mins to fill out this short questionnaire and reply back to me at my email address with the answers. Your identity will not be disclosed, as this is a quantitative study, which means your name and information will remain confidential and irrelevant. But your contribution would be very very much appreciated.

1.Nationality and Age?

2.How old were you when you attended your first rave? Where?

3.Describe what you feel when you are at a rave?

4.What is your opinion about spirituality at raves? Are they spiritual? Why/why not?

5.Is electronic music enough to make one feel connected to the energy or are drugs a necessity? Why/why not?

6.What do you think of a DRUG FREE rave?

7.Would you ever attend a DRUG-FREE rave and be sober simply for the love of the music and the vibe? Why/why not?

Thank You so so soooooo much.
Somayeh a.k.a Maya

p.s. If you haven't been to a rave then please specify in the second question, however your opinion about the rest of the questions would still be valuable

p.p.s. For the people who have not experienced drugs, please don't feel offended by these questions.

This information is Confidential for the purpose of an academic study. I assure you your identity will not be revealed.
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  241
Posts :  2848
Posted : Dec 3, 2009 16:09
wow everyones doing a phd in rave studies...i mean in the end they all mean the same whats the reason behind this study over and over again? yes there is a relation and everybody loves to party even the gods.
          When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
Solid Snake

Started Topics :  266
Posts :  4138
Posted : Dec 3, 2009 16:35
It would be interesting to see the results later on if possible!


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Posts :  9
Posted : Dec 3, 2009 17:32
hahahha.... yes there are many people doing research about our beautiful world, only to make it better, human beings need to keep on evolving, thats why we have brains... if you know of anyone else who is doing a study on raves please let me know.... thanks a million.... oh and please do consider answering the questions if u like, it would help me a lot, what can i give in return? my gratitude and positive energies...
Solid Snake

Started Topics :  266
Posts :  4138
Posted : Dec 3, 2009 17:46

el presagio

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  312
Posted : Dec 3, 2009 18:00
I sent mine!
Hope i could be a help!

Good luck for you thesis mate! ;-)

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  9
Posted : Dec 3, 2009 18:33
Thank you so so much, I recieved it and it is a great help...
And i hope she can understand it someday, im sure its no fun to be there when you cant feel it...

Peace to U...

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Posts :  9
Posted : Dec 3, 2009 18:38
Hey thanks so much for the link.... As a researcher its great to know other people on the same wavelengths...

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Posts :  21
Posted : Dec 3, 2009 18:48

On 2009-12-03 16:09, Xolvexs wrote:
wow everyones doing a phd in rave studies...i mean in the end they all mean the same whats the reason behind this study over and over again? yes there is a relation and everybody loves to party even the gods.

the "theme" could be the same, but still you have many ways to aproach it. You can study many different aspects about psy scene: sex, violence, history, drugs, economy, music, not to mention the local differences, etc...

but is fun that sudenly some people start to make topics about research
el presagio

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  312
Posted : Dec 3, 2009 18:53

On 2009-12-03 18:33, somayehbardai wrote:
Thank you so so much, I recieved it and it is a great help...
And i hope she can understand it someday, im sure its no fun to be there when you cant feel it...

Peace to U...

Obvious she feel it. Wht i said had a more deeper meaning. It´s... dificult to her to understand the reason that moves me there but once she´s there of corse she have fun.

Anyway i say this because in my opinion i think it´s dificult for people that never had any relation with drugs normaly or in generaly have a lot of dificulty to understand the vibe and the expirience that we are expose in a trance partie/festival.

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Posts :  21
Posted : Dec 3, 2009 19:05

its nice to see more stuff about research in the scene. later i will try to answer the questions.

I study memory/history, and thinking to writte an article about deaths, banditism. maybe get in contact with people interested, maybe doing a collective article.

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  9
Posted : Dec 3, 2009 19:19
Yes research is good, i really think its good for us to start doing things and believing in things consciously...

Your topic is interesting... good luck with ur article, let me know if u need anything...

Boom Shankar

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Posts :  9
Posted : Dec 3, 2009 19:21
Yes I understand what ur saying about knowing the feeling cuz we have at had previous experience with the substances, which is why it is difficult for me too to think what i would feel if i hadnt.... i want to also know more about people who havent taken substances, and what they feel... maybe you could have her fill out my questionnaire too....

el presagio

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  312
Posted : Dec 3, 2009 19:29

On 2009-12-03 19:21, somayehbardai wrote:
Yes I understand what ur saying about knowing the feeling cuz we have at had previous experience with the substances, which is why it is difficult for me too to think what i would feel if i hadnt.... i want to also know more about people who havent taken substances, and what they feel... maybe you could have her fill out my questionnaire too....


Yeah i will ask her to do your questionnaire no problem. It´s very interesting because i ask myself the same questions now and than ;-)
Please let us know the result when you done with it.

Good luck ;-)

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  9
Posted : Dec 3, 2009 20:07
Thanks a lot,

I will definitely let you know, it will be an ongoing thing until next year, ill be spending some time in goa this month, so ill have more visual material...
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