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Tinnitus/ear damage?


Started Topics :  4
Posts :  61
Posted : Nov 27, 2009 22:00
Getting custom molded earplugs is definitely a good idea, and worth the price - but for those who just don't have the cash, these are a really nice alternative:

they are re-usable earplugs that do a pretty good job of maintaining the fidelity of the sound, just making it quieter. and they are cheap - $10-12 US.

In addition to DJing and producing music, I run a sound company, and I've decided to make it part of my standard operating cost to bring several dozen pairs of cheap disposable foam earplugs to every show. I try to run my sound at a level that wont cause damage, but many promoters and artists who I work for simply cannot grasp the fact that louder =/= better.
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