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Tinnitus/ear damage?

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Posted : Nov 26, 2009 00:12:14

Sorry if this is not the right place to ask but i dont know where to put this topic.

After 15 years going to partys and more than 5 years making music a get this problem wich i know many musicians get it but in the age of 50+.
So i read this forum long time and i was thinking if anybody have any experience with this terible noise in the ears and if somebody know any madicine or magical trick that maybe can help???(except this on wiki

I talk with diferent doctors but the vitamins and medicines they give me didnt working so far now i am more paranoid if i can continue going to a pary and making music???
Also i always put my earplugs when i go to party but its not poissble to make music like this

Thanks in advance!

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 26, 2009 00:21
Once you lose it your hearing is gone FOREVER.

Your brain will adjust over time so it won't be as much of a problem but this does not mean your hearing has been restored.

I advise absolutely everyone involved in listening to loud music to go and get some custom-made earplugs. Not sure how things differ around the world by a local walk-in shop set me up with an audiologist to get tested before having the goo squeezed into my ears. I was really paranoid that I had already lost a lot of hearing by that point (a few years ago) but it turns out I was still within the normal range of hearing. Two weeks later I had comfortable custom-fitted earplugs for just under $200 and no more worries about my hearing. They're also great for when you want to get some real sleep at a festival!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 26, 2009 00:39
One good thing is to take a long rest from sounds, especially loud ones...

Rest a lot and eat good food!
Sunseeds, Spinach! Oatmeal!
Also a extra boost of vitamins.

But most important take a long 2 week rest from sounds... also practice chi gong and mentally focus on repairing your ears with the power of thought and your life force...

Dont be afraid, even if one goes deaf music is inside your head and i promise that you can enjoy it there, and its possible to enjoy bass music... bass freq pierce through the body and you feel the groove..

No worries... Go blind, go deaf but life is still there to enjoy!
Inactive User

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Posted : Nov 26, 2009 00:46
1. Don;t get super paranoid, this actually will make it worse as blood pressure and stress increase the level of noise you will hear with tinnitus.

2. You will learn to live with it, I have it on and off, sometimes so bad it makes me spew and pass out, but I just stay at home and rest until it goes away.

3. You are alive, as said above me, and no matter what this is most important.

at least you don;t have a sever disability that stops you functioning on abaisc level like being able to wip your ass or feed yourself! My fiancee has cerebral palsy and cannot carry a glass of water from the sink to her desk with out help!

Always be thankful for what you have, not what you have lost. It's hard but this will help you to cope and also help with healing.

Doctors do not know everything, look into alternative remedies, especially Chinese, Indian and middle Eastern... they have been doing their stuff for centuries, not like crappy modern medicine.

Life is a gift no matter what happens to you, enjoy what you have coz one day it will all be gone!
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Forest dreams
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 26, 2009 03:44
i think there's another thread about this.. iv read about this on this forum.. haha           Nothing is said that has not been said before.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Nov 26, 2009 07:05
think of yourself as Van Gogh--he cut of his own ear because he did not want hear other peoples comments and remarks..           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive

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Posted : Nov 26, 2009 07:19
I think it might have been Brian Eno who has severe tinnitus. They were able to isolate the frequency and came up with that same frequency with a 180 degree phase differential in an earphone or some kind of device, meaning they neutralized it that way. Much like noise cancellation headphones now, but closer to the ear...

Tinnitus does not go away, but apparently one can get used to it, meaning shut the ringing in the ears out, pretty much like most people shut traffic out. Herbs and medicine does not help, once the little hairs deep inside your ear fall out, that's it. and you often start losing the high frequencies, followed by lower ones.

From what I hear the knack is to shut this frequency out, much like you ignore the sounds that surround you when you are in a noisy place. In that regard, it is all in your mind...

Good luck to you.
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Posted : Nov 26, 2009 07:46
from Wiki... "famous" people who have tinnitus

Richard Attenborough [72]
Thomas Bangalter [73]
Ludwig van Beethoven[74]
Igor Balis[75]
Jeff Beck [76]
Bono [77]
Peter Brown[78]
Eric Clapton[76]
Louis-Ferdinand Celine[79]
Graham Cole[80]
John Densmore [81]
Al Di Meola[82]
Danny Elfman[83]
Till Fellner[84]
Paul Gilbert[85]
Gary Glitter [86]
Francisco de Goya[87]
Charlie Haden[88]
Ayumi Hamasaki[89]
James Hetfield[90]
Adolf Hitler[91]
Joan of Arc[87]
Garrison Keillor[92]
Myles Kennedy[93]
Steve Kilbey[94]
David Letterman[citation needed]
Huey Lewis[76]
Martin Luther[95]
Steve Martin[96]
Joseph Mawle [97]
Stephin Merritt [98]
Roger Miller (rock musician) [100]
Leonard Nimoy[102]
Andy Partridge[103]
Tim Powles[94]
Tony Randall [104]
Ronald Reagan [105]
Jimmy Savile[96]
Robert Schumann[87]
William Shatner[106]
Alan Shepard[87]
Bedøich Smetana[107]
Vivian Stanshall [108]
Jack Straw[109]
Barbra Streisand[96]
Peter Stringfellow[110]
Pete Townshend[87]
Neil Young[87]
Vincent van Gogh[111]
Paul Simon [101]
          I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
Inactive User

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Posted : Nov 26, 2009 07:47
So get over it and get on with life like they all do!           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 26, 2009 07:50
Yeah well if party organizers take some responsibility for the sound level at parties it would be much more healthy for everyone...

I can tell you with out no doubt that you can easily measure 135dBSPL at certain parties....
Also bad calibrated and calculated systems makes all the difference....

I got a mild tinnitus, i try to keep the levels down but its not easy sometimes...
One thing is that some systems dont deliver the amount of bass that is wanted so people compensate it with raise the volume... better to use more powerful speakers and phat subs, play a little lower but with more bite in the subs...

Just a thought
Toxic Anger Syndrome

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Posted : Nov 26, 2009 08:54
I have tinnitus to... got it about 5 years ago coz I always standed infront of the speakers at parites I also made music in my headphones on 100% volume wich did not make it better...

I always have a constant tone in my head.. pretty much like one of those you hear when you get your ears tested. Sometimes it changes to an more intense sound and I can't hear anything else.. but so far that goes away after a "few" seconds...

In the beginning I was very hard to ignore the sound but it got easier with time. If I "listen" to it I almost go crazy and don't know where to go or do.. I have big problems when I try to sleep coz of the noise.. but I usually have music or the tv on so I can focus on those sounds instead... (on the other hand I did this before I got tinnitus also since I have problems to relax when I sleep coz I always think to much)

...anyway... all I know you can do is to "accept" the way it is and don't stress your ears to much with loud music... I'm pretty sure it can get worse then it already is so be happy you haven't lost your hearing completely 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 26, 2009 09:10
I have too.There is no ilusion anymore.But only from time to time although that is enough for me to think paranoid when it is that empty sinewave of a higher octave - 4th or 5th I think hehe.
Long resting is good.Taking care of ears as well which means to try not to exaggerate line almost nonstop kick drum hammering in speakers etc.
Then yes the avarage scientist result is like once you have it in ear it will come back,but I think there is already a method to rescue sth and if not really I atleast hope it will be possible to sharpen this sense as well as we have today laser for eyes or other methods which were once only fantasy.
Don't worry you have presents from almighty two ears that absorp frequencies imagine how sad life would be for us when getting deaf .
Care for your ears and make often breaks even longer ones,one can make enough music prepertions in head thaughts paper or make sth else for refreshing the spirit.
TAS also I sleep since ages with music or sometimes TV cause of the same.Really for ages

Toxic Anger Syndrome

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Posted : Nov 26, 2009 09:19
Hmm... I seems like you can do some things to get rid of it.. or atleast to make it better...

I had to look this thing up coz I always heard "you can't do anything about it" ..but it seems like there's somethings you can do

I found a site with some information... altho it's on Swedish so most of you won't understand I post it here anyway for those who can: important thing I read there is that it's good to get in contact with an doctor that knows alot about tinnitus asap you get it.

it also seems like there's different reasons why you get tinnitus or how intense it is. For example.. if you're depressed it seems like it can get worse or even the reason why you have it if I understood it right?

To exercise shuld help some according to that site also...

...and you can try to take "St John's wort" or "Ginkgo biloba"

Guess I have to go and see a doctor for this =) Didn't knew there was help to get so thank you for getting me to read some about it!!

Toxic Anger Syndrome

Started Topics :  21
Posts :  268
Posted : Nov 26, 2009 09:24

On 2009-11-26 09:10, TimeTraveller wrote:

TAS also I sleep since ages with music or sometimes TV cause of the same.Really for ages

Hehe.. then I'm not the only one I read on that site that it was pretty common or recommended to put on the radio before you go to bed if you got this...

Inactive User

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Posted : Nov 26, 2009 09:25
there are some cd made especially for that purpose with filtered noises like pink noise etc that help the ear to relax especially while sleeping, noise is palliative for tinnitus
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