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Time and Space 2009 - wishlist


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Posted : Oct 11, 2009 07:26
hey! im not antisemit! i didnt write anything bad about jewish ppl, just said its a big party, sure the attitude of the mexican jews are not always the correct, but i dont have any problem with them, i have many jewish friends, sure jewish born in israel they are cool.

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Posted : Oct 11, 2009 20:02
You have just crossed the line here… Yeah you, the racist hiding behind your keyboard and screen that thinks you have the right to be pointing your fingers all around.

First of all and most importantly, despite the fact that I am not Jewish, you certainly owe a big apology to all my Jewish friends and all the Jewish community that has built this forum to support the music, scene and everyone involved in it, with the solely intention to make it grow and flourish & to connect and share.

Since your first post on this thread on January 25th, it has been complaining and complaining and complaining and complaining and complaining and complaining and complaining. What kind of attitude is that man? What’s your deal throwing your crap all around?

Funny that you consider yourself such a PSY guy and such a cool dude, that just happens to know sooooooooo damn much about what's correct and what's wrong, which is good music, which are good parties and which are not; while it’s actually sad to see someone so judgmental and opinionated that clearly has no clue about what it’s all about.

So let me spell it out for you bro:


Got it?

I believe reading in the past on this forum, someone from outside Mexico wrote: “The Mexican forum is like a soap opera”. And I believe he meant it out to people like you… I just wished you weren’t Mexican ‘cause you’re just another ‘those’ that not only make all the rest look bad, but also make our scene the disaster it has sometimes become.

And before you even think about answering, do me a favor and get an English course. It’s lame to hardly understand what you are attempting to write. ‘Cause let’s face it; you really don’t seem to have anything better to do, do you?

While you are at it, try having some self-respect too... and take your head out from up your butt; you are blocking the oxygen flow to your brain.

Get over it… Maia and Time and Space are about MUSIC.

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Posts :  74
Posted : Oct 11, 2009 21:48
mr lord...... from where i see this and as someone that maybe knows the scene in mexico city a little, only a little, for the artists that you want and like there is enough productions in DF (like ommix) or in toluca (biomechanix/chicken destroy).
but.... and its a big but, this is not about what you want until you make your party/festival and put from your pocket the money, until this day, its better that you dont talk shit about people that have a lot more experience and years with making the open airs in mexico, and that you dont even know, and like said arturo before me its about MUSIC and yes today the people like minimal tech, and in this festival you get a line up that you dont see in a lot of places with quality in the 2 areas.

or i dont know...
HALLUCINOGEN (4 years didnt play in mexico)
WRECKED MACHINES (5 years didnt play in mexico)
ZEN MECHANICS (from mikology 2006 didnt play in mexico)

this is 4 live acts from the cream of the cream of the psychedelic music, join them maia artists like david and manolo, and even in ommix party you dont have a full on line up like this.

and about the minimal-tech-prog is better that you pay the money and go to this festival, because it will be THE BEST PARTY that the mexican scene saw in a lot of time.

and if you still dont want.... 2 weeks before i the solar vision 3.
im sure you will have their a great time with all the kids and the chacales.

peace out and take the life easy man, not everything is black and bad.

arturo you know you done it again.... and again sorry for not being there

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Posted : Oct 12, 2009 05:24
i read sum very interesting post from l.bhairava but i think he feels frustrated as me for that pretentious party's.

we are free to write our point of view, that is not antisemitism, that maia dude becomes angry because he knows some percent of the words in bhairava post are true.

im sure maia guys now plays techno, ur free to do that but is dissapointing people change theire mind that easy just because a tendence.

very immature attitude "mr maia"
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 13, 2009 03:04
just plain ignorance, intolerance and genre nazism "oh yeah we are so pure blood because we only listen psytrance"

Thats inmature and totalitarian, period.

          "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 13, 2009 04:12

hallucinogen (simon posford) in ISRAEL


@ Time and Space 2009

ELECTROMTY.COM - All you need is MUSIC!
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Started Topics :  6
Posts :  271
Posted : Nov 9, 2009 03:37
The scene in Mexico this one in decline, the only thing to which these guys devote themselves there is to doing easy money with mediocre parties bringing the same everlasting artists, the truth is you make me sick, take it as you want, anticemit, idlly what you please, the truth is that ignorants are a ball of vividores, going on from fashion in fashion only to gain money and to socialize with the people equal or more empty than you.

if they wanted to do a good party would they bring to eat static, oood, amorphous androgynus and artists like that, but this would not be a profitable truth?, they bring to same everlasting, " artists " of progressive of the second hand, his minimal techno of fashion, it is necessary to warn them that many genres exist apart from the psycho and the minimal, the progressive one really like way out west, minimal really like four tet or vladislav delay, you are an ignorant greedy pig.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 10, 2009 23:42

On 2009-11-09 03:37, lord_bhairava wrote:
The scene in Mexico this one in decline, the only thing to which these guys devote themselves there is to doing easy money with mediocre parties bringing the same everlasting artists, the truth is you make me sick, take it as you want, anticemit, idlly what you please, the truth is that ignorants are a ball of vividores, going on from fashion in fashion only to gain money and to socialize with the people equal or more empty than you.

if they wanted to do a good party would they bring to eat static, oood, amorphous androgynus and artists like that, but this would not be a profitable truth?, they bring to same everlasting, " artists " of progressive of the second hand, his minimal techno of fashion, it is necessary to warn them that many genres exist apart from the psycho and the minimal, the progressive one really like way out west, minimal really like four tet or vladislav delay, you are an ignorant greedy pig.

well, you must see it from a relative perspective.

If you want the must avant gard music, maybe this is not your type of festivel but in comparision to many other parties in mexico (ommix, massive trance) this is by far better.

I agree with you that more diversification and more projects would be nice, but that doesnt imply all the other things you say about organizers being greedy, men making a party its hard work, and they make a living out of it. Its not like life is free.

yes its about the money, not because of being greedy, but because you need to pay for food, housing, transport etc. They are investing and they are free to choose what they want to play at their party.

Its called capitalism and sorry for you its the system you have to live in

See it the other way, you're being greedy trying to push your tastes into somebody else. You will like everybody to think like you do.

          "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
Maia Records
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 17, 2009 17:50
The wait is almost over!

Electromty Team

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Posted : Nov 18, 2009 07:40
arturo maia organic

 - All you need is MUSIC!

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Posted : Nov 20, 2009 06:44
Check & download the official program for the TIME AND SPACE FEST:

Artist schedules, map for how to get there, venue's layout & much more!


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Posted : Nov 21, 2009 04:45
Simon Posford 2

Perfect Stranger

Koen Groeneveld




IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 27, 2009 15:52
Have fun everybody!!!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posts :  1644
Posted : Nov 27, 2009 21:28
Time & Space Electronic Music Festival 28 Nov

Listo para vivir el renacimiento de la verdadera cultura electrónica en México TIME & SPACE MAÑANA!!!

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  65
Posts :  1707
Posted : Dec 2, 2009 09:35
CVongrats to Maia, excellent party, the best in years.

Shpongle set was just awesome and that cloud at the middle turn it in to a whole trip.

Hope you can keep vibes high again.           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
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