Time and Space 18 March 2006 Mexico City
Ankur / Virgin Suicide
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Posted : Mar 21, 2006 03:22
On 2006-03-21 02:54, david-tek wrote:
if you been in any party in mexico that people have respect on it i woud like to know wich party
hey man i played in hermosillo, sonora and the ppl are realy respectfull peacefull and got deco....
its a amazing scene there u should not speak for hole mexico if u dont know about
  Freqs of Nature Festival 2012
Lost Theory Label DJ |
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Posted : Mar 21, 2006 03:24
im speaking about mexico city bro ,
i play lots of cities in mexico belive me
soo i didnt try to say nothing about other citys
chill out bro
Ankur / Virgin Suicide
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Posted : Mar 21, 2006 03:32
On 2006-03-21 03:24, david-tek wrote:
im speaking about mexico city bro ,
i play lots of cities in mexico belive me
soo i didnt try to say nothing about other citys
chill out bro
killa wasnt also in bad intention
thats why i put a boom on the end of my text and not a fuck u
  Freqs of Nature Festival 2012
Lost Theory Label DJ |
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Posted : Mar 21, 2006 04:38
Ok D tek say whatever about the bathrooms, and about the garbage, how many garbage cans there was?
What about the lame chill area and non deco at all...
Ok you had a nice stage really bad placed with non sense of beauty a horrible bad painted butterfly and the beautiful alebrije in the ground with no intention...
What i say is that Maia always likes to speak about how great you are, i respect all the hard work since Sound Sorcery, but face it Maia parties are never going to be like SS ones.
Another thing was watching all this terrible promoters that ppl in Mexico know they are thiefs dancing on the stage, so wich side are you on?
Remeber the Return to the Source party? like 5 years ago, same location? I think in this party there was every attention to detail and was made with love, you could feel it, and it worth to pay the ticket, there was real respect by the promoters and the ppl, but i feel almost raped after paying for your party, no love at all only greed, and what is the escence of this scene, not love???? You could feel you were only caring about money.
So |
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Posted : Mar 21, 2006 04:56
cool chillumination, you can say all what u want about production because its your personal opinion and i respect that, maybe you right with all , i arrive late and i didnt see like the chill out and also i didnt see if there was trash cans. About decoration also dont know man
Hope some people from Maia who work on the production can asware all this to you soon, i was not part of the production as you must know
Man imaguine that all the signals to get to the party the people stole them i take 2 hours to find the party.
i think people dont have respect of the psy trance scene in mexico CITY,
All the parties in that time when Return to the source was was a beautifull time its bad that is not like this anymore man its soo sad
The scene now its lots much bigger than 5 years ago i think to return to the source was maximun like 2,000 people and i stay until the end and also was tooons of garbage man sad to say also.
So i wish like you, that past times came back again man all this magical parties,
take care man |
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Posted : Mar 21, 2006 05:12
On 2006-03-15 09:14, kArO wrote:
I might go I'm super excited about Logic Bomb!! Unlimited changed my life.
I checked the weather and it's supposed to be gorgeous. Any local testimonials on what the climate has been like near the party location??
Hey Karo! I think Unlimited changed my life also! Especially FUTURE UNCERTAIN...
How did Logic Bomb play this time?
  See you on the Trancefloor!! |
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Posted : Mar 21, 2006 05:50
i also wish the old days come back...
anyway as you say this is my personal opinion.
Good luck in all you do you are good musician that always show that mexicam products are quality. |
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Posted : Mar 21, 2006 06:03
thaanks man and hope we all can work to recover the old good days man |
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Posted : Mar 21, 2006 06:06
chillumination, was there any DJ or Live Act that u enjoyed at the party? There's got to be something good in the whole experience, man. How about Hujaboy, Lish, Logic, D-Tek, Dimitri Nakov, Tron, Ski-Fi...
C'mon, help me chill out 'cause I am going to see Logic Bomb tonight and it's 10pm and I am still at the office and the nerves are killing me!
  See you on the Trancefloor!! |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Mar 21, 2006 21:33
it was a night to remember !!!! i enjoy every single act live(logic bomb) without and expection but i think there were things that maia could of worked out like some more trash cans, restrooms( i mean there was like 20 restrooms for i dont know how mahy people) and the sound, the sound i understand no one is perfect.
and its gonna be hard to fix our psy scene but we can do it all together.
EndLess LooPs
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Posted : Mar 21, 2006 22:09
amazing line up!!! maia productions are one of the best, maybe just some security ppl taking care of the caves but everything was great! congratulations to the maia family.
  -Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the MUSIC- |
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Posted : Mar 23, 2006 05:04
On 2006-03-20 19:54, chillumination wrote:
Maia should be embarrased of what they did, this party was soooooo bad, the beautiful caves that once were altars now they were the bathrooms, no garbage cans, no decorations, the chill out was a joke, 0% quality of production, this party was very bad.....
Well well well what can i say?
In all the party i only see one trash can, the chill out was only about 2 hours, no decoration.
And the more important thing for me!, where was Ski Fi!! i really look forward to see them live!
The party didn't finish @ 7:00pm
I really expected more for this party
  ::: Dance when you're broken up, Dance when you're perfectly free, Dance in your Blood ::: |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Mar 23, 2006 07:42
On 2006-03-23 05:04, KuKulKan wrote:
On 2006-03-20 19:54, chillumination wrote:
Maia should be embarrased of what they did, this party was soooooo bad, the beautiful caves that once were altars now they were the bathrooms, no garbage cans, no decorations, the chill out was a joke, 0% quality of production, this party was very bad.....
Well well well what can i say?
In all the party i only see one trash can, the chill out was only about 2 hours, no decoration.
And the more important thing for me!, where was Ski Fi!! i really look forward to see them live!
The party didn't finish @ 7:00pm
I really expected more for this party
ur right it didnt finish at 7, it finished like around 5:30 and i didnt even know there was a chill out area.....
you were wrong about the trash cans, there was three trash cans...... |
kin beat
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Mar 23, 2006 08:35
I lost the sense of time @ Acolman, Mexico. Im gonna say that everything turned out not to be, what I had expected but still it was fun.
I decided to enjoy this adventure since I left GDL on friday night and I DID.
@ Janue ,man believe I did danced a little for you while el bueno, el malo y el feo were on stage, get me your mail and I'll get you some pics.
I want to know who were the 2 guys on stage at about 12-1am the ones that played a sample with the spanish girl saying "si le puedes subir un poquito mas ala musica porfavor" they fuckin' rule I liked them a lot ,also before ecliptic's set, was it protoculture the one on stage?? I slept most of the night as I was really tired cuz' of the long asss trip 7hrs on a bus + quite a few hours lost in the avenues and streets of Mexico DF, a rent a car company that doesn't give you maps or any clue of how to get anywhere + getting at Acolman+ find no signs at all = blaming myself for not reason, once we got there, I just thought well I can't have aything I want, why not to enjoy what I got here and now?. woke up at the sunrise and the party started for me...
Logic Bomb were amazing!!
el bueno, el malo y el feo were Superb!!!!
Wizzy Noise, surprising!!!
Ecliptic, as always never dissapointed!!!!
David -Tek, your set was killa to the bone!! were you mad when you did the track selection? what a bass in there!!! what a way to get back home not knowing what time it was......
@ Karo, thanx for the dried fruit bars and your vibe, nice having you over. |
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Posted : Mar 24, 2006 08:24
hahahaha thanks kin Beat
so as i see from 12 to 1 was protoculture, then ecliptic, tranan, lish and me
so i think the spanish sample was from ecliptic , i think soo
thanks again bro |