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Three Trance deeds you did today

IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  241
Posts :  2848
Posted : Sep 28, 2009 22:03:21
simply mention three trance or tranced out or trance related things you did today...yes masturbation, sex etc does count, but please thats only a bonus and you cannot have more than two bonuses mentioned, shitting farting excreting etc are not permissible as they relate to metabolism.
Let me start

1. How do i get out of this tranced out state
2. Listened to psytrance while sleeping showering and shiting
3. Posed this question to my imaginary friends

1. Masterbated
2. Took my Quietipin, Prozac and Geodon (yes thats actually the name of the pill i am on and yes its legal and yes legally i am a psycho--how fucking cool is that?)

your turn
3.           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  103
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Posted : Sep 28, 2009 22:26
1. Listened to Vishnudata after reading a'dams review. (highly recommended)
2. Skimmed through Moki's final post in the now locked Russian nazi topic.
3. Trying to get Ocelot on the 2nd stage at the halloween party.

1. Told my wife I love and miss her (we had a nice time last night)
2. Replied to this thread (yes its a bonus)

Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

Started Topics :  75
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Posted : Sep 28, 2009 23:08
1.) Worked on a track for roughly 10 hours today.
Solid Snake

Started Topics :  266
Posts :  4138
Posted : Sep 28, 2009 23:08
1. Realized Xolvexs was a legitimate psycho and therefor robbed him of all credibility and sense.

2. Tried reconstructing my metabolism to fit this thread, did'nt work.

3. Posted another post in the Moderator's "Bumpfantastic Bumpingthread'

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  60
Posts :  3709
Posted : Sep 29, 2009 00:11
A.Rosengren - great music on your myspace

Axis Mundi - Good job! hard work is the only way!

Xolvexs - Get well fast! hehe

rich - lovely!

psykomaniac - Its healthy that you want to fuck, and even if it is a man... be proud! now lets hope he feels the same way

Started Topics :  312
Posts :  8647
Posted : Sep 29, 2009 00:42
1. Listened to Hux Flux - Cryptic Crunch
2. Asked myself why nobody makes such good and crazy music anymore
3. Farted          Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  60
Posts :  3709
Posted : Sep 29, 2009 00:46

On 2009-09-29 00:42, Pavel wrote:
1. Listened to Hux Flux - Cryptic Crunch
2. Asked myself why nobody makes such good and crazy music anymore
3. Farted

That Album rules!
Be happy that nobody makes such music, otherwise they wouldnt be special..

Started Topics :  312
Posts :  8647
Posted : Sep 29, 2009 00:56

On 2009-09-29 00:46, Freeflow wrote:

On 2009-09-29 00:42, Pavel wrote:
1. Listened to Hux Flux - Cryptic Crunch
2. Asked myself why nobody makes such good and crazy music anymore
3. Farted

That Album rules!
Be happy that nobody makes such music, otherwise they wouldnt be special..

That is a very defeatist way of thinking. I want more of that. But unfortunately will not have it.           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  60
Posts :  3709
Posted : Sep 29, 2009 01:03

On 2009-09-29 00:56, Pavel wrote:

On 2009-09-29 00:46, Freeflow wrote:

On 2009-09-29 00:42, Pavel wrote:
1. Listened to Hux Flux - Cryptic Crunch
2. Asked myself why nobody makes such good and crazy music anymore
3. Farted

That Album rules!
Be happy that nobody makes such music, otherwise they wouldnt be special..

That is a very defeatist way of thinking. I want more of that. But unfortunately will not have it.

im sure you will get some music in that direction.. But it will never be the same and i think that is good, i shows that they succeeded with originality and creativity!

i know i would love to have a synth that they used alot.. Roland juno 106.. lovely synth
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  236
Posts :  6106
Posted : Sep 29, 2009 01:17
1) smoked a couple of spliffs
2) took train and bus while watching the beautiful late summer soon automn and listening to trancedout music on hp
3) smoked more sharash and listened to more music with a friend

bonus: read isratrance?

i donno about your mental state Xo so i shouldnt speak, just wanted to say that you should get off them pillz eventually

oh cpc is on!

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  35
Posts :  438
Posted : Sep 29, 2009 06:15
1. Played Furious for my co-workers for their first time in my car and their first time listening to trance

(their OH-SO-CLASSIC response: "I feel like we should be in a club right now....... on e!")

2. Almost got into a car accident on the way home because I was blasting and dancing to Parus in a work suit

3. Check isratrance as much as I could!


1. Posted to this thread
2. Thought about masterbating to Cosmo
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  200
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Posted : Sep 29, 2009 06:25
wondered what is it that's ruining psytrance these days

pondered is it because i have a low expectancy threshold

listening to bluetech (when you're unwell feels good)


nearly masturbated but then i realized im not well           missing plug-in
Inactive User

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Posted : Sep 29, 2009 06:37
1. smoka the pot
2. heered the musik
3. eeted a choclate

Inactive User

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Posted : Sep 29, 2009 09:00
1) the smoke thing b4 work
2) logged on Isra

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  56
Posts :  1223
Posted : Sep 29, 2009 10:09
1) Worked on my last track

2) Sent a documentary about the flu paranoia to all my friends

3) Listened to Aes Dana "Opalin" - shameless trying to copy some stuff!!!!!!!  
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