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This place has gotten awful.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 29, 2011 09:58
dude watta cry baby .

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Posted : Sep 29, 2011 10:01

On 2011-09-29 01:19, John Doe® wrote:
You guys take everything way too serious...

Specially Pavel!!!

          Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 29, 2011 11:40
it's heavy that no one contributing in this thread see his points. You guys should make a poll to convince yourself what is going really wrong here.
Cannot imagine that the avarage is blind at this here.
..yeah fuck that place was a bit full of feelings.. but all his essence of other statements is the truth and you all know it.
Why not trying to post pictures and endless timewaste word battles on other subforums than the production forum at least? Its really fun - .. I come here only to see such battles since there is almost no more interesting contributions on production forum at all imo.
Detox is right the thing is critics or destroying are two different things. And here is only a psytrance forum no business at all.

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 29, 2011 12:15
All true, TimeTraveller.
He does bring up important points, and I suspect everybody here knows that he is speaking the truth. I missed a couple of months, and when I came back I was greeted with the Jacynth Appreciation Thread. After a very long WTF moment I PM-ed Rich and he told me about a spell of ugliness the Forum went through and how Jac helped diffuse it. It's supposedly over, but maybe not really. Something does feel different, not like even half a year ago. Hell, I catch myself behaving like an asshole more and more! (well, I blame it on a certain has-been here; that character can bring the worst in any person )

But seriously, don't you think the Production Forum should be off limits to trolling?
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Sep 29, 2011 12:21

On 2011-09-28 20:31, OpenSourceCode wrote:
wow, mods and dh. thanks for helping me make my point.

any place where someone can call another person a faggot (multiple times), and not only not be banned but be actively encouraged and laughed along with is not a place i want to be a part of.

please close my account. I don't want to be inactive, i want to be DELETED FROM THIS SYSTEM.

you guys don't even realize how terrible you are. no wonder memebership is dwindling.

You appear too self centered and with no sense of humour. I mean if you don't find Robert Carlyle funny, that is your problem.
But seriously, pucker up and stop acting like a baby.
Would this place be any better if everyone who makes music, created a thread everytime someone said they didn't like their music?

If it makes you feel better, log out and never post again, but do it in a respectfull manner instead of posting all this shite you just did.
You think other people are wasting bandspace? What do you call this thread?

I don't know you and never heard of your music. this thread made listen to that live set you have on soundcloud.
So there is nothing I like about the music you like, so what?
You shouldn't care whether I (or anyone else) like it or not and you should definitely not start threads, whinging about it!

Peace out.  
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  80
Posts :  3207
Posted : Sep 29, 2011 16:51

On 2011-09-29 12:15, Maine Coon wrote:

But seriously, don't you think the Production Forum should be off limits to trolling?

Hi mate,
..I think trolling is healthy and creates often smiles on readers face but without really hurting anyone it's nice , can we agree on this one?
Peace & Trance
Cheers greetings from Hamburgs sun bombarding. Nice weahter here.Cheers


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Posted : Sep 29, 2011 17:09
it's impossible not to be cared about others people opinion on your music , good or bad...
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 29, 2011 17:13

On 2011-09-29 12:21, disco hooligans wrote:

On 2011-09-28 20:31, OpenSourceCode wrote:
wow, mods and dh. thanks for helping me make my point.

any place where someone can call another person a faggot (multiple times), and not only not be banned but be actively encouraged and laughed along with is not a place i want to be a part of.

please close my account. I don't want to be inactive, i want to be DELETED FROM THIS SYSTEM.

you guys don't even realize how terrible you are. no wonder memebership is dwindling.

You appear too self centered and with no sense of humour. I mean if you don't find Robert Carlyle funny, that is your problem.
But seriously, pucker up and stop acting like a baby.
Would this place be any better if everyone who makes music, created a thread everytime someone said they didn't like their music?

If it makes you feel better, log out and never post again, but do it in a respectfull manner instead of posting all this shite you just did.
You think other people are wasting bandspace? What do you call this thread?

I don't know you and never heard of your music. this thread made listen to that live set you have on soundcloud.
So there is nothing I like about the music you like, so what?
You shouldn't care whether I (or anyone else) like it or not and you should definitely not start threads, whinging about it!

Peace out.

I don't think he complained about people not liking his music, just getting responses from trolls when trying to do something productive.

I agree that it is sad and to everyone that says that's just how forums are, yes it is how SOME forums are, but it isn't how this one should be (certainly not in the production section).  - Midwest based psytrance group
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 29, 2011 17:16
I speak for myself, but I am sure others share this: I come here for fun and some interesting talk from time to time.

There is no need to take this seriously, as Nietzche says:

"We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once. And we should call every truth false which was not accompanied by at least one laugh."

That being said it has been quite some time since the last interesting discussion.

And to be honest BA just blows up every thread.           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
Cardinals Cartel
Black Machine

Started Topics :  191
Posts :  3097
Posted : Sep 30, 2011 02:40


On 2011-09-28 07:01:06, OpenSourceCode wrote:

*This place fucking sucks now*

childish community

and I recommend you all do the same.

Are you the 'Pied Piper of Hamelin' 2 .. ?
What you are trying to do by saying this ?
Why you want members who like and learn and read here interesting things will leave this place because of you ? This point i realy cant understand .

You acting like a girl .. Welcome to the real world when each one can say or write what he want ..

No one have nothing against you we are only trying to help (Help mean "bad" things somtimes - Mean bad for you to hear now at this moment but will help you later) , One is may be "Help" you by wrote you "Killa" But some will be happy to get some deep inside and see some more/Few things when they can show an pro side of thoughts , So nothing come bad , Theres experience in so i dont write what im write for nothing , I mean any word , Some can understand it as they want and take it to the funny side and those .. But some times i realy feel some one need a good "shake" (That will help him .. Not to me .. I know already what to do) So at this point i like to put/Bring in some intersting 'Words' Here and there , But not more .. And this is not somthing personal , Not at all , This only an 'Parallelism' To the way it look , (But this is about the music not the person who made it) And again .. Each one see everything different .. Thats for sure .

So clean your tears and start helping peoples here over this site , There is no point being 'Blue Name' - And i have read in some posts of you how much this 'Blue Name' is important for you , (And you say you here since 2006 And sure this site haz gave you somthing so now the time for you to give him back .. with your experience .. To others) .

You are not in the place now (With your 'Blue Name) being manipulative , Open this topic and trying to convince members leaving this site .. This is like to 'Spit the well (Isratrance) you have drink from' . This site need your knowledge (Smae with any other member who share somthing intersting/Important) .

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 30, 2011 02:43

Demoniac Insomniac

Started Topics :  85
Posts :  1281
Posted : Sep 30, 2011 02:47
+1 Cooper, this place has become full with people full with bad humour, intollerant behaviour, trolling etc... Few years back this forum was representation of the psy trance scene, and now is ruined because some idiot behaviour. And im surprised that some of this folks have a moderator account on the forum, which brings nothing else than trash talk.
Sad but true, if i was 14 years old again and come to this forum for the first time, and read all this crap, i would run away from here and never come back, and i would think that the psy trance scene is full with loosers and douchebags...
          VA - Spiritual Science out now!
Cardinals Cartel
Black Machine

Started Topics :  191
Posts :  3097
Posted : Sep 30, 2011 03:13


On 2011-09-30 02:47, demoniac wrote:

the psy trance scene is full with loosers and douchebags...

Demoniac .. Please tell me who the loosers ? , Maybe i dont understand your "hint" .

Seems you are more of those who like talking about otheres (You know .. This is an ' Chickens' Talk .. There is nothing realy important behind that coming out of this , You may know Demoniac that talking about others will never take you to anywhere . Try help those who realy need it from you beside asking with nonsense And i wrote the word 'Nonsense' Because this is realy nonsense , This is not to help ..

And sure we will be happy to hear some storys about you .. But stop "Tell" about otheres .. I think if the 'Otheres' want they will write it/Say it by themselfs .

Thank you ..


Started Topics :  296
Posts :  6194
Posted : Sep 30, 2011 03:45
Cardinals Cartel what you quoted is not what Demoniac said,the way you quoted his words is not what he wanted to say.

He said "if i was 14 years old again and come to this forum for the first time, and read all this crap, i would run away from here and never come back, and i would think that the psy trance scene is full with loosers and douchebags... " which is not what you quoted.

So please keep this civilised and dont take it into personal fighting with each other ok?           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
Cardinals Cartel
Black Machine

Started Topics :  191
Posts :  3097
Posted : Sep 30, 2011 04:14

You a good lawyer DETOX .. Maybe one day ill rent your services .

Cheers m8

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