This place has gotten awful.
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Posted : Sep 28, 2011 07:01:06
Hi. My name is Cooper.
I've been a member of the isratrance forum since 2006.
Isra taught me a lot about how to make the music I love. I read every single page of the basslines thread, and now i can make a pretty mean psybass.
I got one of my first collaborative projects here.
I've inquired about and gotten gigs through the mail system.
This year, i finally got a blue name, one of my long-term goals (well, as far as psytrance goes)
But i gotta be honest.
*This place fucking sucks now.*
It's literally the most intolerant, closed-minded childish community this side of 4chan. And I like 4chan, because it's SUPPOSED to be retarded. Isra....I had thought better of you.
look at this bullshit.
For me personally, this was the last straw.
I quit.
I've asked the mods to make me inactive, and I recommend you all do the same.
This website is dead and has been for a while.
I'll see you all on Facebook & Triplag
  Quantum Frog / Anomalistic |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 28, 2011 07:17
wow come on dude..dont get upset...
those dudes u are talkin bout are the WORSE troll from this forum...
one of them was the reason i even stoped to post my new tracks in soundcloud and workshop... not worth...
but there are a lot of people who are still helpin in the production section
just ignore them bro...
the "evil intentions" win the day the "good intentions" give up ....
i agree with sux mostly the same people always destroyin topics there in the production section ... but it s no reason to take them serious...
isratrance s very cool
only those superior QI trolls sux... |
Inactive User
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Posted : Sep 28, 2011 09:25
It's quiet simple, if you cannot handle trolls online then don't go online.
I never understood internet bullying, there is something called an "logout" and "off" button that is quiet useful in such situations.
I like the childish stuff on this forum, mostly now in offtopic and this section, it's a great way to be someone else.
If you can't handle the fire get out of the saucepan
The only way you become inactive from what I understand is by not logging on for two weeks straight.
  I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy! |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 28, 2011 09:26
if u get deleted ( as known as baned ) u get inactive user as well... so prob u can ask mods to delete u aswell..
and i think what anoyed him the most s not the troll play stuffs that runs around lot of parts from isratrance...but the production section which s a place to share production knownledgtes sometimes get topics destroyed by "high intelectual people"... |
Inactive User
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Posted : Sep 28, 2011 10:01
Ahhh fair enough, yeah can see why it'd get annoying then.
  I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy! |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 28, 2011 14:21
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 28, 2011 14:35
i think it's a trend that the older progressive tempo crowd makes fun of anything connected to faster harder more indistinct music, not just few people on the forum.
don't take it personally Coopa Troopa
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 28, 2011 15:13
taking the internet serious is fun. psytrance forums are important and such.
if you take anything other than the tech forums here seriously, you need a nos balloon
  Doof Local |
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 28, 2011 16:06
It is a tech forum he was talking about.
I agree: there is a place and time for trolling, especially in topics that have been beaten to death ("How dark must dark be before we call it dark and are we allowed to play it above 145.76 BPM?"). But doing it in a tech forum is just stupid and no-fun mean. |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 28, 2011 16:16
I bet the most users left this forum because of this silly war about fast is not good enough than slow ..
As much as I respect lots of the guys that don't accept really darktrance I find this jokes that almost develop into a war pretty selfdestructive unproductive with no real point at all. It splits all.
Psypeople should respect eachother.
Saying that I didnt have this thread about high tech as any reason for writing my comment here.
I think both of you guys are cool spirits.
Give peace a chance
(I like each sort of music btw there are great tunes in all ranges of bpm imo.) |
Martian Arts
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Posted : Sep 28, 2011 16:19
The situation on the production forum is not as bad as some people make it out to be.
Yes there are the same ol' "how do I do something really basic" threads, but that's people that are n00bs (like everyone has been at some point) and just wanna talk about all things techy, in a basic level.
Just people getting their knickers twisted for no serious reason if you ask me.
Stop acting like big some people don't like the music you make, so what?
If you can't take the heat, stay outta the kitchen and all that jazz...
Peace out. |
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Posted : Sep 28, 2011 16:32
I'll see what i can do to help ya Coop.
Sucks, that you have been pushed to leave. This kid knows his shit.
  WARNING: The Reality Master General has determined that Mr. Vomit may significantly alter your reality. Usage of the knowledge provided by Mr. Vomit may be perceived as dangerous and subversive by those in authority. |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 28, 2011 16:34
suck it up. |
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Posted : Sep 28, 2011 17:47
  Everyone in the world is doing something without me |
Fat Data
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Posted : Sep 28, 2011 18:49
On 2011-09-28 16:32, cinderVOMIT wrote:
I'll see what i can do to help ya Coop.
Sucks, that you have been pushed to leave. This kid knows his shit.
Oooooh come on! What's all the drama about? Noone pushed anyone to leave and if you want my opinion if someone don't like it in here he can simply log out and remove isratrance from his bookmarks, plain and simple.
Why open a thread and act like a kid the other kids don't play with at the park?
If Cooper you do care for this forum then stay and try to make a change. Else just do what many once frequent users did in the past, logout and stop posting - maybe pay a visit once in a while just for old times' sake.
  Peace, Love, Death metal |