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There is no "Fuck you Israel"


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Posts :  72
Posted : May 5, 2011 01:34
I think that the words of Fruitopia are a good example for how the new skool anti-Semitism uses the Arab-Israeli conflict to lift her head.

And for all the non-israelies:
This week, we mark in Israel the Holocaust Memorial Day and Memorial Day for IDF killed and victims of terrorism, and we also celebrating our Independence Day.
This is probably why we are whining and bitching here as females during the period.
          "....Lama tashiti li.....?"
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 5, 2011 01:45
It's impossible to debate with people who automatic call other people anti-semetic. You can not defend yourself against such an accusation.

Watch the video. Please. Last world from me in this debate as I have learned nothing good comes from debating here. It's also against forum rules to become political - works for all members.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 5, 2011 01:45
I love israel           StarLab - Label DJ/Artist for Digital Om Productions

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Posted : May 5, 2011 02:00

On 2011-05-05 01:45, untilthereislight wrote:
I love israel

And Israel loves you baba.

fruitopia you should abendon this communitie. chello !!!
          "....Lama tashiti li.....?"

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Posts :  72
Posted : May 5, 2011 02:07

On 2011-05-05 01:45, Beat Agency wrote:
It's impossible to debate with people who automatic call other people anti-semetic. You can not defend yourself against such an accusation.

Watch the video. Please. Last world from me in this debate as I have learned nothing good comes from debating here. It's also against forum rules to become political - works for all members.

Well it is very hard to debate with people who make racist remarks about Jews and not to mention anti-Semitism

          "....Lama tashiti li.....?"
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  53
Posts :  1752
Posted : May 5, 2011 02:15

On 2011-05-05 02:07, freakOnTrip wrote:

On 2011-05-05 01:45, Beat Agency wrote:
It's impossible to debate with people who automatic call other people anti-semetic. You can not defend yourself against such an accusation.

Watch the video. Please. Last world from me in this debate as I have learned nothing good comes from debating here. It's also against forum rules to become political - works for all members.

Well it is very hard to debate with people who make racist remarks about Jews and not to mention anti-Semitism

Well you could just stop calling people anti-Semitic and debate without labeling people. I bet you would get a much more balanced debate this way with less anger from both sides. Again I urge you to watch the video I posted. You might learn something

And again i presume the forum mods are serious when they say politics are not allowed and that goes for all nationalities.


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Posts :  72
Posted : May 5, 2011 02:22
i am watching it right now and i would love to discuss with you about it later.           "....Lama tashiti li.....?"

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Posts :  72
Posted : May 5, 2011 02:48
I had to do a short break just to ask you whether you read "the Protocols of the Elders of Zion", mentioned at 0:27?
And to say that the problem that the African-American guy talking about (0:26) is unfortunately a problem that really is not related to Jews but to discrimination based on skin color, yet common in the U.S., again unfortunately.           "....Lama tashiti li.....?"

Started Topics :  313
Posts :  8648
Posted : May 5, 2011 09:17

On 2011-05-05 01:45, Beat Agency wrote:
It's impossible to debate with people who automatic call other people anti-semetic. You can not defend yourself against such an accusation.

Watch the video. Please. Last world from me in this debate as I have learned nothing good comes from debating here. It's also against forum rules to become political - works for all members.

I don't need to watch this video. People like Uri Avneri make my head hurt. Self hating old fart. He is as radical as the crazy settlers. He was a close friend of Arafat and you know what they say, tell me who are your friends and I will tell you who you are
          Everyone in the world is doing something without me

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Posted : May 5, 2011 10:11
anti-semite is an expression used far too often
critical? wow you must be an anti semite!!

while its obvious that fruitopia doesnt like israel there was nothing anti semitic about what she wrote (as far as i could see anyway)
and throwing in the good old anti semite argument is just childish

yes you have been persecuted.. we get it!
but so have so many others
get over it and move on
thx           Smile! Tomorrow will be worse :)
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 5, 2011 10:41
Fuck you Liechtenstein!
Fuck you Bhutan!
Fuck you Aruba! Give back Natalie Holloway already!

and especially...Fuck You Palau! So damn evil

Started Topics :  23
Posts :  743
Posted : May 5, 2011 10:50
Fuck all the nations on the earth, and any other instruments, creeds, philosophies, and constructs that divide our one family artificially.

Burn all the flags, and consign regional fiefdoms and governance to the dark ages.

One dancefloor upon which we all unite, under a common sky.

Peace and love to you all.


2,000,000+ views and counting.

Started Topics :  313
Posts :  8648
Posted : May 5, 2011 11:00
Fuck Micronesia and their evil ways           Everyone in the world is doing something without me

Started Topics :  313
Posts :  8648
Posted : May 5, 2011 11:02

On 2011-05-05 10:11, ploink wrote:
anti-semite is an expression used far too often
critical? wow you must be an anti semite!!

while its obvious that fruitopia doesnt like israel there was nothing anti semitic about what she wrote (as far as i could see anyway)
and throwing in the good old anti semite argument is just childish

yes you have been persecuted.. we get it!
but so have so many others
get over it and move on

She seem butthurt about something Israel related.           Everyone in the world is doing something without me

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Posts :  5
Posted : May 5, 2011 11:55

On 2011-05-05 01:06, Bodhisattva wrote:

People are protesting against Israel and its government but for some reason people forgot about terrorism !

???...Are you serious? The whole world is focus on terrorism, this is the new world war. Wake up bro.


Why people do not protesting against terrorism ? Do you know how cruel, hateful and merciless terrorists are ? I mean what more does it take for the world to understand ?

Once again, they do. But try to ask yourself where this hate come from instead of just making childish coments. I totally blame terrorists and their action, but it's important to understand the roots of hates...
You should try to look over the apparences.


They teach their children hate from a very early age.

Sad, but this kind of brainwash has been used in any ages and many countries...They need good stupid sheeps to make dirty wars, this is absolutely not specific to terrorists.


Just recently an Israeli family was slaughtered by terrorists. A whole family, including a 3 months old baby. And there is a huge number of cases like this, some with a higher number of victims of course ( women, men and children ). And it's going on for years now. Watch this video! Do you know what it's like to live in fear ?

No comments, in a conflict both sides live in fear and loose child. Those emotionnal arguments are too easy......What about youg palestinians who saw mum and dad burning by phosphore bomb?...They will tell u exactly the same and you go into the infinite spirale of hate and revenge.


Someone once said - " If the Arabs will put down their weapons, there will be no more war. If Israel will put down its weapons, there will be no more Israel."

Dude??? How can u..??...Most stupid sentence of the year. So sad to read a so big brainwashed bullshit. That's exactly this kind of mentality who makes war neverends.


I also wonder if people noticed who is usually responsible for terrorism ? And not just here, but all over the world.

Please try to answer your own question. War is a buisness, terorism is the new world war...Go into the details and you'll see that it is much more complex and dirty than a childish "good vs bad" concept.

Sorry to be rude, my intention is not to offend you here, but your post sounds like a low basic propaganda.

Love & Light for all...Fuck the war industry. If one day you guys decide to break the wall i'll be glad to come & help.

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