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There is no "Fuck you Israel"


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Posted : May 4, 2011 17:56

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Posted : May 4, 2011 17:58

On 2011-05-04 15:57, mk47 wrote:
no way , everyone farts , even hot chicks , they shit too

can anybody that doesn't like what i say, support his opinion (if there is any..) a little more?? anybody who can express one or two more words and say something specific maybe??

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Posts :  72
Posted : May 4, 2011 18:01
If we have been dealing in ancient Greek culture then you must know that according to Socrates: "A wise man knows that he does not know". I'm not sure you're smart as Socrates (perhaps similar to Socrates in the barrel).
I am sure that your books will not be studied two thousand four hundred years from now, so why the hell you think you know what's good and what is not good for the world?           "....Lama tashiti li.....?"

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Posted : May 4, 2011 18:11

On 2011-05-04 17:29, disco hooligans wrote:
This whole ethnicity issue is completely retarded. It does not help make any of us, a better person.

Peace out.

it's not a matter of anyone getting better right now, and yes there is lots of stupidity around..

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Posts :  418
Posted : May 4, 2011 18:12

On 2011-05-04 18:01, freakOnTrip wrote:
If we have been dealing in ancient Greek culture then you must know that according to Socrates: "A wise man knows that he does not know". I'm not sure you're smart as Socrates (perhaps similar to Socrates in the barrel).
I am sure that your books will not be studied two thousand four hundred years from now, so why the hell you think you know what's good and what is not good for the world?

my books no, my music maybe. don't you worry freak, i just spend some of my free time here, much less lately, and it happens to see what i find right or wrong and express it. you don't have to write books or music or be as smart as socrates to kno what's good for the world.

you just have to care.

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Posts :  72
Posted : May 4, 2011 18:13
Not sure I understand what exactly your arguments, but if you trying to imply that Israel has economic profit as a result of the Arab Israeli conflict ..... so all I can say is I'm glad you do not fart.

You do not suffer from upper abdominal pain?           "....Lama tashiti li.....?"
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 4, 2011 18:21

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 4, 2011 18:22
Seems to me if one is going to participate in a forum called IsraTrance, from Israel, one would be cool with Israeli people. To come on the forum and pick on Israelis is called trolling, I think.
If you have a problem with an individual, take it offline, or have a moderator mediate your issue.


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Posts :  72
Posted : May 4, 2011 18:25

On 2011-05-03 17:40, fruitopia wrote:

(i bet you can't fuck more than 30 seconds with this little 'finger' there..)

In a foolish comment,you cracked the Israeli and Jewish secret:
It doesn't matter the size of the boat.... it's the motion in the ocean ! ! !           "....Lama tashiti li.....?"
Martian Arts

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Posted : May 4, 2011 18:36
I don't go along with what the Israeli government is doing, but I am sure not everyone in Israel goes along with their government's actions either.
If that kind of standard would ever become a legit way of judging people, than I wouldn't want to know what the world thinks of Greeks.
Blatantly blaming all the people of a certain ethnicity for their government's actions, is plain wrong, but I am open for a counter argument.

Peace out.

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Posts :  72
Posted : May 4, 2011 18:49
She is also probably uses a USB flash disk, ICQ, dripping irrigation,happy lady and cherry tomatoes.
My guess: She even loves Skazi.

I want dedicate you a track:
Xerox and Freeman- Human race
Didn't found him on YouTube but you can hear it here (the last one)
          "....Lama tashiti li.....?"

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  418
Posted : May 4, 2011 19:01

On 2011-05-04 18:13, freakOnTrip wrote:
Not sure I understand what exactly your arguments, but if you trying to imply that Israel has economic profit as a result of the Arab Israeli conflict ..... so all I can say is I'm glad you do not fart.

You do not suffer from upper abdominal pain?

no no, i don't speak about this. what i said is that when someone gets many privilleges like financial aid, jobs and much more if born jew, from a country with steady economy from weapon industry and many other altruistic business around the world, he tends to think only for what happens under his skin (food, fuck, money etc.) not bothering for everything outside his skin (the whole world). i can get more into details but i don't think it's nesesary.. i hope you have a taste of what was the argument.

ps. wrong guess, i'm fine and healthy


Started Topics :  313
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Posted : May 4, 2011 20:00
As Disco Hooligan noted you should learn to seperate between the leaders of the country (whom believe me I despise as much as you despise yours) to the inhabitants. Now, we do have a huge amount of lowlives and assholes. We got the Jewish Arsim, we got the Arab Arsim. We got the left wing idiots that would sell their moms for some stupid imaginary peace agreement. We got a bunch of morons and they might be even the majority (hey the majority chosen the idiot that run this country at the moment).
Now for the fact that nobody loves us is really nothing new. It's nothing new for Israelis that are being the most hated nation in the world (even more hated than the North Korea FFS). It's nothing new for Jews to be hated by Germans, Polish, Russians, Greeks or whatever. No news there. But it's a two way street because the Turks hate you too. The Macedonians or FYROMians whatever you wanna call them hate you. The EU hates you cause you always beg for their money etc...
Hating people is nothing new and Jews didn't invent it. People hated each other back in the caves. Also, me being an asshole to you or my Palestinian neighbours or even the nice guys that live next to me and drill walls in 8AM in Saturday, has nothing to do with me being a Jew or an Israeli. It's just happens because I am a fucking human. As you are.
Get with the program or join the fucking Taliban           Everyone in the world is doing something without me

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Posted : May 4, 2011 20:05

On 2011-05-04 19:01, fruitopia wrote:

On 2011-05-04 18:13, freakOnTrip wrote:
Not sure I understand what exactly your arguments, but if you trying to imply that Israel has economic profit as a result of the Arab Israeli conflict ..... so all I can say is I'm glad you do not fart.

You do not suffer from upper abdominal pain?

no no, i don't speak about this. what i said is that when someone gets many privilleges like financial aid, jobs and much more if born jew, from a country with steady economy from weapon industry and many other altruistic business around the world, he tends to think only for what happens under his skin (food, fuck, money etc.) not bothering for everything outside his skin (the whole world). i can get more into details but i don't think it's nesesary.. i hope you have a taste of what was the argument.

ps. wrong guess, i'm fine and healthy

Well now you really turn me on.
Do you have any idea what the average income in Israel? How much money cost to buy a three-room apartment? How much does an academic year of study cost? how much we pay for a liter of fuel?
If you like I'll be glad to tell you, if not then you should know that Israelis do not pluck money from trees. I'm busting my ass at two and a half jobs - more than fifty hours a week,including preparations, and you ?

Geopolitical reasons often affect the economy in a particular country. Due to the fact that Israel is a small country did not develop Low tech industry, but is blessed with one of the most successful high-tech industrys in the world. The same goes for the weapons industry, because of the situation we had to excel in this field.

Now only remains for me to ask why you think I'm not aware of what is happening around me?
Maybe we will have a trivia quiz, on general knowledge, between you and me?
Are you aware how many israelis volunteers for N.G.O's around the world ?
Last Friday, trance party was held in Jerusalem, where all proceeds were transferred through the Embassy of Japan to victims of the recent earthquakes. did you knew that ?

And just because you mentioned the J word, I will ask you whether you know how many percent are Jews from the world's population?

          "....Lama tashiti li.....?"
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  50
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Posted : May 4, 2011 20:17
hey you got Skazi...... fuck you           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
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