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The 'What did you dream last night?' Thread

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 17, 2009 16:46
yesterday i had a dream with cosmo. i mean a normal philosophical dream. then i died.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Oct 19, 2009 17:05
last night i had dream in which i had a hard-on and in the morning my dream came true           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
Inactive User

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Posted : Oct 19, 2009 21:51

On 2009-10-17 16:46, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
yesterday i had a dream with cosmo. .... then i died.

did he smash your head on the mixer ?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 25, 2009 11:12
I dreamt that I wrote my final exams at the uni lol but so pity had to wake up & have to paint my old flat now and it is so cold outthere.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 25, 2009 17:42

On 2009-10-19 21:51, mk47 wrote:

On 2009-10-17 16:46, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
yesterday i had a dream with cosmo. .... then i died.

did he smash your head on the mixer ?

no, but there was a woman that insisted very much that i should clean a bed that she had made dirty before me. it was very strange.

and ome days after that i dreamed a dream about ocelot. i seem to dream about all of hem one afte the other since i dont see them any more at partys, only in t he internet. with ocelot we had a great ride in a caravan. a very friendly one. we saw so many places and talked a lot about life.
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

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Posted : Oct 26, 2009 01:23

On 2009-10-19 17:05, Xolvexs wrote:
last night i had dream in which i had a hard-on and in the morning my dream came true

I had the same dream last night, except instead of a hard-on in my dream, I was being held down and penetrated by a butternut squash, and now my ass is bleeding and I can't remember what my name is.

BTW, any of you guys want to come over for dinner tonight? We're having a harvest season potluck and I'm making squash stew.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Oct 26, 2009 12:06
i am sleep typijng this
sooon i will be taking my afternoon siesta
i am dreaming about being on an island in a hammock next to a usually crazy ocean but today its just lazy..i have just ordered my beer..oh they taking to long to serve it...finally its here, now i am drinking it, took one sip, and now i am taking the third sip...and at a distance is a beach party i can hear the music..and see the people...i have asked for my slave oops sorry i think i mixed up the word because of my past life as a Roman royalty...the slave is no longer a slave hes called a waiter or butler or simply put he/she works for me and i throw my loose change i am in a good mood so instead of rotten meat i will throw vegan burger and soya milk bring me my ipod go shoo its begun to rain and i am clapping my hands and the manager and bell captain have come to lift my beach throne and are taking me to my room...a 2500 square foot beach villa with gold plated microwave oven and titanium golf kit...and yes she is waiting to give me a massage and then her friend she is waiting to bathe me in soy milk..and my dog is eating the vegan burger...and i am not sure if i am awake or this a dream or is this for real...i dont know...           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

Started Topics :  75
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Posted : Oct 26, 2009 21:27
Hey xolvexs can you send me your avatar pic in a large hi-res format? I need something new to dream about tonight.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Oct 26, 2009 21:44
right click view image
then right click save image
and vollaaa no email only femail           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 28, 2009 22:41
and again i continue with very strange dreams. i had a dream about a very big room full of people from isratrance. all possible ppl that i have seen here.

there was a piano and i wanted to play. i wated to play so much. but i wanted to put it on mute, so that no one can hear it, only through the ear phones. then cosmo came. was kind of angry why i wanna play on mute. then he turned the ear phones off. i put the inside again. and i played.

hans cousto came and was also kind of angry. it was because he thought that i have a programming mistake in the last java script that i made wfor a customer with some online java formules. i was so sure the formula was right. it was working better than his.

strange, i seem to dream so much recently. and even the demons stopped.

i seem to dream too much.

i guess i just really really need to head off to india finally . dream less, walk more, move more. see ganga. climb above.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
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Posted : Oct 28, 2009 22:42
not sure xolvex but the last avatar was much nicer. if it was you. it was pretty sexy. i dream about this image every time a dream about a man. it was nice:)))). this one above is for kids. but isratrance is for kids anyway.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Oct 29, 2009 09:09
dont worry moki its a passing phase soon the toelicker will be back...i am just looking for some fresh feet           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Dec 27, 2010 12:00

Sienna Miller, I think I love you (and your girlfriends) Sorry Cosmosis

I will try to reminisce the dream before all the details go away. A long dream, very nice actually. The dream starts (from where I can recall and make any sense that is ..) with this long park thing with waterslides and grass, people sunbathing and chilling. I take some kind of ride back and forth and this is early in the dream so a lot here I can't recall well enough to write with some kind of sense. Anyway, on this path thing I encounter some friends, first of all I see a dreadlocked friend of mine many times on this strange ride, and I think to myself that he is alone every time I see him. Before this I'm at a house with some Indian people owning a shop or the house I’m staying at. They are always smiling being friendly, just nice vibes. Some dude I have no idea who is calls me on the cell and wants to hire me to build something like I was a carpenter. I don't know how but accept the offer since a friend of mine had recommended me and I didn’t want to let this friend down. I politely ask the person on the phone (who sort of sound strange ...) to send me a mail with what it is he wishes me to build for him. Before I know it I'm on this path thing which I initiated my dream sequence story with. On this ride which I run and slide back and forth (it's fun) I at the end realize a bunch of my friends are sitting on the end of its path, my best friend is there as well, and I realize none of them have called me to ask if I would have liked to join. I'm happy to see them, so I join.

As I sit there and conversant about nothing and everything a dog runs up to us and is sniffing and eager to say hello. And close behind comes these three suspicious looking fellows in leather west’s (sort of gay like YMCA, which makes us laugh).My best mate sais their police officers on a stakeout, looking for hashish (hence the sniffing dog, which was really cool. We would play and run with the dog). The gay police people never approached us but the dog of course came back to us many times sniffing for traces of narcotics. It never really marked us because we would project such a good energy that the dog only ,,smiled" and played. The dog goes away and my friend grabs his bag and pulls out bunches of clip bags of morocco hash. He hands out portions to most people and I get like two grams, or so he said but when looking at the bag I see that I'm holding one that must be at least 10 grams and another that’s more similar to 2 grams. I tell him this and he becomes baffled and takes the 10'er and walks away. After this I decide I want to take the waterslide again (love waterslides), but when I come back to where we were sitting all the people has gone and I realize I brought some Nepalese scarf with me and in a split-second of panic I think I've lost it, I haven't, it was there on the bench . I go to it to fold it so that I can use it as a face scarf of kind. My mate comes back again and helps me with the folding because there is wind now.

We walk to the seaport where there's this really nice old boat, it looks like a boat with a small house on it, awesome boat. Without reason I have the key for this boat and I immediately think it's given to me by another good friend who has not been present in my dream , only by thought because of the boat key (He was the one who had recommended me to this person who called and wanted me to do some carpenter work). We enter the boat and take a look around, man, it's a very nice boat. Not too fancy or anything, just really cozy and charming - a perfect boat that I would easily use as a home if I would have owned it. Looking around I see this huge aquarium with all sorts of fishes and sea creatures (like an octopus among others). What baffles me is that the front glass has this crack in it, not just a crack but a physical piece of the glass is missing, broken off, like a V shaped piece that is gone. Of course I'm amazed of how the water still can be inside the container and not poor out (Obiously I’m not 100% lucid and don’t fully realize it’s because I’m in a dream ..) so I decide to take my fingers inside the water, all cool until all of the sudden it starts to leak. I of course freak-out because with the water running out the fishes might sufficate!!

I pick up the phone and call my friend who had given me the key. I panic on him (slightly), asking whose boat it is, how I can fix the aquarium. My friend doesn't give a sound and in my mind I get so pissed off on him that I hit him in the head with the phone which I'm calling him with. My other friend is there somewhere on the boat but isn't a part of the dream anymore. I go back to the aquarium sadden by the lack of water and the fact that many of the fishes which I can’t see any more might be dead. By my surprise I see on the top that an octopus is hiding in a jar filled with water, and then I see that the tank is filled with jars that has water enough to keep all the fishes alive, which really makes me happy. I go out on the port (before I leave the boat I see that there is an empty champagne bottle in one of the rooms and the ashtray has joint leftovers and a couple of rolls of spliff-paper) where an elderly guy who looks like he works at the port walks along, I ask him who owns the boat and when the owner will return (and I explain about the aquarium). The guy speaks something but nothing of help. - Now my dream vision changes perspective from me on the port to another boat with three beautiful girls. For some reason I know the boat belongs to them or one of them and I wait. When they arrive I politely welcome them and introduce myself. I ask whose boat it is, that it's a very nice boat. It's my boat explains this beautiful blond, her name is Sienna Miller, or at least I know that’s her since I had seen her in the newspaper the day before (in real life). I join her inside the boat and explains in shame that I have managed to empty her aquarium for water and that it was already a huge V shaped crack in it, a piece of glass missing. When doing so I see that the water/aquarium has filled itself up and all the fishes and sea animals are swimming nicely in the water.

From this moment on everything becomes very relaxed and I get silently stoked about being with three such beautiful ladies and especially that Sienna is one of them. I say good night and go to (mysteriously enough) my own boat which is ported just by the side of their boat. Here I lay and rest looking at my wall which is filled with records and smoking equipment. I want to smoke a joint but for some reason because in case she comes over for a chat I don't want to be wasted because my communication skills when wasted on the THC isn't always so good and I feel embarrassed by it. Before I know it it's morning or something, or maybe it's still night or maybe night and day never mattered. Anyway, what’s so cool is that this fucking amazing psytrance music roll out of her boat, its dark yet not dark as in forest or psycore, just dark as in, well, maybe some Cosmosis tunes from the Goa day just with a phatter production and heftier bass-roll. Before I know it her boat starts and you know how the engine of those wooden boats sound, right? Like a DarkPsy BassLine. Cool shit is that the boat engine works together with the tune she's playing in her boat, and the boat floats away and I feel sad, I didn't get to talk more with them.

To my surprise the boat only takes a spin around the port corner and as if Sienna could sense my disappointment of them sailing away she steps out and shouts towards me if I want to join them. And they all undress to the bikini and jumps in the water. I quickly get up on my feet and start to walk towards their bathing area but realize I have no bathing shorts, only pants. Oh fuck it I think and take a flip-spin/salto into the water. The water here is shallow so I end up taking the salto landing perfectly as I would be sitting in a stressless chair. Beside me is one of her girlfriends, the freakier looking one with piercings and tattoos. I ask her if she was the one playing the PsyTrance track earlier. She replies no and points towards Sienna (who is stunning btw). Then I start to wrestle with her other friend who is darker in skin and also very beautiful. We hit it off nicely flirting with each other and then I wake up .. feeling love and happiness.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Dec 27, 2010 16:14
*Did I think, dream and write Cosmosis? Oh well, apparently I meant Slinky Wizard
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 30, 2010 02:51
wow, last night was seriously intense.

traveled to other planets. never down that before. it felt extremely real though. woke me feeling gravity pulling me.           
Trance Forum » » Forum  Spirituality - The 'What did you dream last night?' Thread
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