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The subjective perception of reality

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  84
Posts :  2082
Posted : Apr 22, 2010 09:32:13
When we see something what we see is not what it is, it is what we think it is.When we perceive something we perceive it subjectively and therefore it is not what it is, it is what we imagine it to be.It is what we have been taught to think that it is.

If you for example would create some kind of situation and place a human,a bird,a mosquito,and a elephant there they would all view it totally different.The same goes if you put different humans in the same situation but it would not differ as much as when comparing the perception of different kinds of lifeforms.

Why would the view of the human be more real then the view of a elephant a bird or a mosquito ? The answer is that it is not more real.It is just another view,another angle,another species made perception.

We humans have the same kind of minds and we have the same kind of mental filters that tell us what we see when we open our eyes .Since we all share this we share the same perception of reality with each other just like other species share their reality with each other.

Think of a ant den or a bee nest,they have their reality that they share with each other,and that is all that they know.Then think off us humans,we only communicate with other humans that perceive the reality likewise and therefore that is the only angle of existence we know.

As we grow up the first things we are being learnt is what everything is,"this is called ..." "this is a..." .We are being programed to share the same reality just like a ant is programed to share the same reality as the other ants.

Since we all have the same biological construction our minds works the same and decodes in similiar ways and therefore we share our perceptions of reality with each other and those around us view reality in the same way.

It`s like different frequencies and everyone who is on the same frequencie thinks and views things the same.But that is just what it is,different angles of viewing reality,different layers of something we know as consciousness.

Think of a couple of coloured lenses ,or shades in different colours.Then when you put them on they will all change the way that you view what you see.That is the same principle here,we only know reality through one kind of lense,just like a ant or a bee only know their reality through the one that they are using.

Then we also have the cultural and timebound lense but that is not as big as the species lense,but nevertheless it changes the way we think.Just think off how differently people in different timelines and cultures have been thinking ( are thinking )about reality and existence.Different lenses,different views.

However,we are trapped in a computer like decoder called brain which tells us what we see is.All we know is what others that uses the same lense have told us,and since we also have that lense we can only see what that lense allows us to see.Just like a spider or a bat only see what the lense they are using allows them to see.

Since our birth we have started to copy other people,since we dont know what we are we think that what we are what we have copied.Often we copy people from the same area ( that is why everyone often looks and behaves the same on most areas).

The same way as we copy others in behaving and dressing etc we also copies in thinking.We copy the lense which they view reality. We are being bombarded at home with our television,on the internet,everywhere, with the views of the lense that we ourself uses when we view reality.

Sometimes one can have questions ,like, what is behind the form,who am i besides what my programed mind tells me ,what is life,what is up there(when one is looking up to the stars at night)and what is all of this at all.

There are many people who think different things about that and many people who have thought different things about that through out the history.And they all have the same species lense that limits and forms the understanding.

It might be so that we will never understand the true reality and the root of existence with our logic mind.Since our mind has limitations there is limitations in what we are capable to understand through our logic thinking.

A cat can never understand physics and a rat can never build a computer.Why ? Because their minds has limitations,the same way it is with us.We have limitations in what we are capable of understanding.

Perhaps the understanding of reality and existence is to be understood through another way then how we usually understands things.If you dig for a treasure and the shovel dont work,then one should switch shovel.

It is here that that this musical culture plays a role.It is here that yoga and meditation can be useful.Because instead of searching on the surface and outside ourselfes it is making us search within ourselfes.Because it is like another shovel,digging for the same treasure as science is digging for.And what is that.It is the answer to,what is this thing called life that we constantly are living in and ourselfes are a part of.

Since we are a part of the thing that we cant understand what it is with logic thinking we ourselfes bear whatever we wants to call it.And if it is inside us then why should we not be able to explore it inside ourselfes.

I will explain my view of reality.Since i have been writing about the subjective perception of reality i will shortly write of what i think is the objective reality.

Everything is connected with each other,every thing has a relationship towards another thing.Look at your body,you have cells,lungs,ears,eyes etc.They are all separate , yet they are all parts of you.You dont see your thumb or foot as a individual existence but you see it as a ingredient in the soup that makes you.

With the same principle i view life.We are all like cells and that bigger body is what we know as life or existence.All different lifeforms,everything,is like cells of what we call life.

So i believe that we are all like eyes and mouths of a single consciousness that people often call god.The word life works just as fine.I dont think we can understand this fully since our mind computer cant grasp it ,especially since it views everything separate and thinks of a me and you,beginning and end etc.

But i do think that we can understand it in another way,more emotionally in lack of other words.Almost like tuning in to a vibe or energy,a feeling of connection with all living being and life itself.

Whatever you believe how can you explain why there is something,why is there life and why is not everything "black" and nothing? Since there is not a endless nothing there is something.And that something i believe always has existed and i believe that ,that something is me and you and everything else.

I think nothing can die,only transform.Just like a wave does not die when the wave falls down,it just emerges with the water and continues since its a singular fluid.

"From dust you were made and to dust you will return"

I believe that we (everything) are one consciousness experiencing itself through a subjective perception.Our reality is a subjective species reality just as all other realities are for other species.The true reailty goes beyond what our mental system can grasp.The nearest the true reality one can come is to understand/feel the singularity as much as possible.

We are trapped in a robot like flesh machine,controlled by a mental computer (brain) who tells us what to think and at the same time we are constantly feed with information and directions of how to think and live.

Still, from time to time we refer to something as "the inner voice" or our "soul" .Something that feels like the core of ones existence,like ones "heart" as some would say.Like the real me beneath all these identity masks and programed thinking and behavior.

That i believe is who we are.That is when we remember our essence and true being.What we think we are is not who we are.Yet we cannot truly understand and embrace our true being since we are trapped in a body with a computer like mind system and have a ego which we identifies with.Yet,we can remember who we are and understand who we are to some degree.

My conclusion is that we are living in a subjective illusion and that the real reality is that we are infinite consciousness.

Even though i call all of this a subjective illusion i dont think that nothing matters. When having the so called "self realization" one feels a deep connection with all forms of life and wants all life to be good,and i believe that, that emotion/vibe is good to spread.
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  241
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Posted : Apr 23, 2010 14:43
when i have a child of mine or stolen i will tell him to call me God, poor kid will otherwise go around the world seeking the answer to the question "where is god".           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
Mobius Shrivatsa

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  24
Posted : Apr 23, 2010 16:50
Its good to "be", i personally enjoy it physical forms of life (the only ones proven to exists as of yet) are special because of their manifested nature, flesh and bone, i think we are super lucky to have consciousness rooted into a body creating "I", we must be speacial, or is it a phase of existance, a cycle, maybe a prize, or mistake?? The reality around us is created from our needs as biological beings to a certain degree of corruption (greed and ego are our challengers, the result of evolution/survival/adaptation or vise versa!).

Your world is your to create, but can we tune in into a a higher plain? Maybe to some extent, but our bodies and minds have functional limits. We can hint and guess, feed the spirit and its need for freedom!

´till then enjoy your body, dont worry tooo much have faith and spread good ones!

each one teach one!           Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, kill nothing but time!
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  84
Posts :  2082
Posted : Apr 26, 2010 21:57


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Posts :  14
Posted : Sep 1, 2010 09:50
Good to see subjective reality but what about the other 3 types of reality that site within the same space of one persons mind?
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  84
Posts :  2082
Posted : Sep 13, 2010 07:24
Well,my point here was that everything that is viewed in a certain way and experienced as real in a certain way is created by who is looking and in what way the one that is looking is looking.

How can something be or exist if not someone or something is experiencing it?

So, the experience is created by the one having the experience.

Therefore it seems,on a deeper level, that they are the same thing,the experience and the one having the experience.

Since if you take away the one having the experience how can there be something,an experience at all.Without the watcher there is nothing.Because what it is ,is what the watcher interpet it as.

Then, what is there at all,why is there something having an experiencing at all?Why is something there,being an i.For that there is no logical answer,no word who can explain.More than that is what many call god,life existence.The root.Which oneself and everything else is a part of,on the deepest level is.

What something is ,is always different depending on who it is that watches,it can get close for different individuals but it is never the same.It can also be very different.Just look at how different all different species of animals,insects,fishes,birds etc understands reality.

What we see when we look and what we hear when we listen is how we interpret it,that`s all,now since we all are the same species we interpret the reality quite much in the same way but of course there are still many different views,and then if we go back in time the way of looking at things was completely in other ways.Then if you compare the reality for different species it gets much more diversified.Although there is some basic ways of understanding that we all share and have got since we have the same bodies,dna structure etc.

Place a snail , a cat, a human, a bird,a bee and a elephant in the same place and they will all be in the same situation but they will view it in different ways.

My point with this and what my earlier text here was,is about, is that what we are experiencing is what we think that we are experiencing.Since everyone has almost the same lense to look through we view it all in a very similar way,like,this is this and that is that etc,for us it is natural,since we got the same lense.If you compare the overall human experience of life towards other species experience of reality you will see a big difference.

One of the most fascinating thing with this is, who is looking at the most inner core,who is having the experience of an i,who am i that notices that i am?.

Who am i that think of myself as an i in every person in every animal etc.

Who am i that experience life in all different forms and angles,situations and ways?

Who am i that is having the subjective experience of reality?

What i really am and what you really are cant be explained in a way that gives satisfaction ,there is no
word or formula which can give an answer which will give me or you a feeling of satisfaction ,a complete understanding of what you really are.

If someone told you that you are 3432++§§_-_771 (since this was the newest scientific formula for what life is) or that this is what the universe is,bla bla bla,it is all true ,our experiments and calculations prove it.Would that give you the feeling of,aha,now i got it,now i know,now i really know who i am and what life is?

Probably not,that is one of the things,no one can ever put a word or words that will give you total satisfaction.A word is just a pointer,it is pointing towards something.

How can the understanding of what i really am and what the nature of reality really is be explained by something pointing at something?

Anyway,as always,there is never a final "this is how it is " explanation, a complete formula,a final understanding of the existence of the "i" experience going on all around us,the root of life,the core of the universe,the heart of the body called space.But there is alot of pointers out there,lots of words,pointing towards different directions.

That is why i personally like music so much,it can point at things in another way.It can guide you to places that words cant.

Anyhow,my basic point with this text from the beginning was that what we experience is created by the one having the experience.So in other words, the experience is created by the one having the experience.On the deepest level i think one could say that they are the same thing,because they could not exist without each other.No one looking,nothing to be seen,someone looking ,something to seen,and what is being seen is up to the one looking.

Supa Tu Zill
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  86
Posted : Sep 14, 2010 13:56
so now we are at the point where eko yourselfs tries to find aWaY from the consept of illusion ZzZzZzZz ahah music, women, magicians <->

Long time soul really sees the diffrence between start and.

sometimes when life is really sick, u totally blow your cover, and ask mercy from your essence, that is when the pressence is a button. u should try to carry your weight all the time, so as in your 'closest" neighbours, should not carry your situationsit. from my to all the time loving friends <3 ...
Trance Forum » » Forum  Spirituality - The subjective perception of reality
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