> The skull's bone is about half as thick as normal human bone.
> The bone weighs about half as much as normal human bone.
> The bone is substantially stronger than any known bone on planet Earth, with a mineral profile more like dental enamel than bone.
> The bone was radio carbon dated in 2003 to be 900 years old (+/- 40 years).
> The skull was reportedly found in an abandoned mine tunnel in the Copper Canyon region about 200 miles SW of Chihuahua, Mexico.
> The skull is morphologically unique, and does not match the physical profile of any known human deformity.
> The bone of the skull contains an as yet unidentified reddish residue that had never been seen before in bone (this is not desiccated bone marrow).
> The bone of the skull contains microscopic fibers that have never been seen before in the bone of any animal.
> Attempts to recover DNA from the skull easily produced its mitochondrial DNA, which proved its mother was fully human. However, no nuclear DNA could be recovered using human-only primers, which strongly indicates that the skull's father was something other than a typical human
"In the summer of 2003 the Starchild's DNA was sequenced and analyzed by Trace Genetics, a laboratory dedicated to the recovery of ancient DNA. (At 900 years of age, the Starchild DNA is considered "ancient.") Two types of DNA were sought, its mitochondrial DNA (which contains only the mother's DNA) and its nuclear DNA (the entire genomic package that comes from both parents). Its mitochondrial DNA was easy to recover and proved its mother was human. In six full attempts its nuclear DNA could not be recovered. This was an overwhelming indication that its father was something other than entirely human, but that was all that could be determined by that process. What was needed, but was unavailable at the time, was a test to recover the entire genome so the genetic heritage of both parents could be recovered and studied in detail."
"In the summer of 2006 a company called 454 Life Sciences (now a Roche Applied System company) announced it had developed entirely new technology that would allow the sequencing of an entire genome base-pair by base-pair, all three billion of them (in a typical human). This was exactly what was needed to establish the Starchild's genetic heritage, but the cost of analysis (multi-millions at that early point) put it well beyond the reach of the Starchild Project in 2006. However, everyone understood that improvements in the technology would drop the price over time, so the team accepted that testing could not be initiated until sometime in 2009 or 2010."
"Now testing with the 454 Life Science technology is set to begin some time in 2009. This testing will utilize the Genome Sequencer™ system, which is fully capable of recovering and sequencing the entire genome of the Starchild Skull. When this result is obtained, its genome can then be compared in every detail to other known genomes and the question of its humanity can conclusively be resolved."
Most recent update, from Lloyd Pye's official facebook page:
"The Starchild's nuclear DNA has been confirmed as existing and recoverable, so now we are pointing everything toward the recovery of its entire genome. History in the making!"
So it seems as though the nuclear DNA has not been recovered yet, but the maternal mitochondrial DNA has. So, there is no way they have determined whether this is a human or an alien or a hybrid of both, because the DNA in the nucleus of the osteocytes of the skull still have not been fully extracted and analyzed. Sounds like the information will be out soon, hopefully in the next year! Exciting times to be alive
Abrahm Spreading Psytrance and Love in the Midwest USA
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Posted : May 17, 2010 06:47
Just emailed Mr. Pye to get more info, got a pretty quick response from him:
From: Lloyd Pye [mailto:lloydpye@gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, May 16, 2010 10:13 PM
To: 'Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez'
Subject: RE: question
Good question! We had an investor lined up and ready to go, then two weeks ago he suffered a serious stroke and does not look like he will recover. We have to start from scratch tomorrow on our quest for a new investor.
As soon as we have the money from the investor, whoever they might be, we will sign contracts with the laboratory where the geneticist works. At that point their names can become public. However, as you must know if you're a medical student, nothing definitive can be determined until the Starchild's entire genome has been sequenced, and then it has to be compared against the genomes of humans, chimps, gorillas, and Neanderthals (to the extent the latter is possible).
Basically, we're talking well before the end of this year for the recovery of the genome, and by the middle of next year for the full analysis to compare all its points of concurrence and divergence with other genomes.
From: Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez [mailto:abrahm@mindoutpsyde.com]
Sent: Sunday, May 16, 2010 10:01 PM
To: lloyd@lloydpye.com Subject: question
Dear Mr. Pye,
When will the nuclear DNA results be available to the public?
Thank you,
Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez
M1 Medical Student
B.S. Biology / Neurobiology
Abrahm Spreading Psytrance and Love in the Midwest USA
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Posted : May 17, 2010 19:08
The Wikipedia states this:
DNA testing in 1999 at BOLD, a forensic DNA lab in Vancouver, British Columbia found standard X and Y chromosomes in two samples taken from the skull, "conclusive evidence that the child was not only human (and male), but both of his parents must have been human as well, for each must have contributed one of the human sex chromosomes".[1] Further DNA testing at Trace Genetics, which specializes in extracting DNA from ancient samples, in 2003 recovered mitochondrial DNA from both skulls. The child belongs to haplogroup C, while the adult female belongs to haplogroup A. Both haplotypes are characteristic Native American haplogroups, but the different haplogroup for each skull indicates that the adult female was not the child's mother. Trace Genetics was not able to recover useful lengths of nuclear DNA or Y-chromosomal DNA for further testing.[7]
What exactly is the Nuclear DNA?
Everyone in the world is doing something without me
Solid Snake
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Posted : May 17, 2010 19:43
I have solved it, when he spoke about the neck! Must be an ancestor to Tito Ortiz and Tyson Griffin!
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Posted : May 17, 2010 20:12
On 2010-05-17 19:43, A.Rosengren wrote:
I have solved it, when he spoke about the neck! Must be an ancestor to Tito Ortiz and Tyson Griffin!
LOLZ! Pre-Historic MMA, I love it!
Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 17, 2010 21:03
more important information from Lloyd Pye himself:
From: Lloyd Pye [mailto:lloydpye@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, May 17, 2010 8:57 AM
To: 'Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez'
Subject: RE: question
Those "findings" come from a man named Steven Novella and Wikipedia. Back in 1999, the year I got the skulls, there were six labs in the world that could recover ancient DNA (SC is 900 years old). None of the six would touch it. So we tried for a forensic lab that wasn't equipped properly and they screwed it up, insisting they had a very tiny bit of recovery (200 picograms when the minumum is normally 1000). That claimed recovery was indeed an X and a Y, but they had already contaminated two batches with worker DNA, and we were confident this was a contamination, too. However, they insisted it wasn't and they announced it as such, which Novella, a well-known skeptic, seized upon.
In 2003 we got a real recovery from a real ancient DNA lab (there were 24 of them in 2003). That lab showed conclusively that the nuclear DNA the first lab claimed they recovered could not possibly have been accurate because they could not recover it in six full attempts. It simply wasn't recoverable with the primer technology of 2003, so the first lab was wrong or lied or whatever. In any case, I eventually asked Novella and Wikipedia for a retraction and a correction, and both have refused, sticking with the original utterly wrong result because that's what they want to believe rather than the truth, which is clear and obvious to anyone who makes any effort to search for it.
You're getting into a field that is rotten at its core, my friend. I wish you well in it, but if you think for yourself, as you seem to do, watch your back at all times.....
From: Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez [mailto:abrahm@mindoutpsyde.com]
Sent: Monday, May 17, 2010 1:48 AM
To: 'Lloyd Pye'
Subject: RE: question
Hehe no problem ļ keep us posted on your mailing list, I eagerly await the complete DNA analysis.
Many people are skeptical after finding out that the mother is human, and some people dwell on the ¡¥findings¡¦ (I have not verified them yet), which claim that there was an X and Y chromosome found in the skull¡¦s DNA, which has led some skeptics to conclude that the dad must have also been human. I have not been able to verify the findings of the X and Y chromosomes, but I suspect that even if this is true, that such an alien-human hybrid could have both an X and a Y, while having other ¡¥alien¡¦ genes introduced into the human DNA.
Any thoughts on this? I bet you are busy, so we can end this exchange whenever, but I figured I would ask really quick.
Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez
M1 Medical Student
B.S. Biology / Neurobiology
Abrahm Spreading Psytrance and Love in the Midwest USA
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Posted : May 17, 2010 22:20
Nuclear DNA comes from the nucleus of a cell. So far, the only DNA they have been able to extract is the mitochondrial DNA from the mitochondria of the cell. Since we get our mitochondria and cytoplasm from our mother, the mitochondrial DNA reveals information about our mother, but it does not give us her exact DNA. In this case, the mitochondrial DNA of the starchild skull revealed that the mother is for sure a human.
Normally, Nuclear DNA is just as easy to extract as the mitochondrial DNA, but for some reason, this skull's nuclear DNA is not able to be extracted using the normal methods. This is very abnormal, as it is a very routine thing to extract DNA from the nucleus of old bone cells (osteocytes).
Hope that helps Pavel,
Abrahm Spreading Psytrance and Love in the Midwest USA
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Posted : May 18, 2010 05:31
More on Wikipedia's censorship and inaccurate information regarding the Starchild Skull:
Wikipedia has a small group of moderators that censor and edit information that they do not like.
Here, this is a quote directly taken from Lloyd Pye (the one who has permission from the skull's owners to do research on it), regarding the unfair and inaccurate editing and censorship of Wikipedia:
Lloyd Pye said: "For years I have been engaged in a running battle with the knuckleheads who "edit" Wikipedia. They flagrantly distort any "alternative" views of mainstream science, so you can imagine the hack jobs they've done to my bio and the Starchild skull. Now I have solid confirmation that very much is rotten in Wikipedia land. ...Check it out: http://www.thunderbolts.info/thunderblogs/davesmith_au.htm "
and I had my own recent run in with a small group of rude Wikipedia moderators censoring me and deleting information I was posting, even though I was adding accurate and important information to certain Wikipedia articles. You can read about my censorship experience here: http://www.checktheevidence.co.uk/cms/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=283&Itemid=60Abrahm Spreading Psytrance and Love in the Midwest USA
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Posted : May 18, 2010 11:18
wow that's some indepth research. very illuminating read. Thanks Abe.
and it's true about Wiki. The censorship and polarization of online information is getting worse by the day and that's why anything made public with a non-conforming agenda automatically looks fabricated from that vast distance.
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 18, 2010 12:20
No problem Varun! Thanks for reading and commenting
Abrahm Spreading Psytrance and Love in the Midwest USA
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Posted : May 18, 2010 14:42
keep it up pookzta, very interesting topics, you seem to care and that's awesome..
ignore every obstacle put by tired people who live against others. those are the cancer of humanity, selfishness is the main feature of the cancer cells byt he way, you can compare.
keep sharing brother, there are still people who care!!!
i'll post again something xolvesx posted before, and explains exactly the matter of SELFISHNESS.
you may think have what you need but if you don't care for others you are SICK
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 19, 2010 05:25
On 2010-05-18 14:42, JohnTaramas wrote:
ignore every obstacle put by tired people who live against others. those are the cancer of humanity, selfishness is the main feature of the cancer cells byt he way, you can compare.
keep sharing brother, there are still people who care!!!
Thanks very much John! I appreciate the kind words and the inspiring video. Although I am very familiar with most of the information in the video, it has been a very long time since I have thought about these things, and furthermore, it has been even longer since I viewed these simple facts in such a convenient way, with a well-spoken narrator, beautiful images, and some thought-provoking background tones, and more. Beautiful video, provided a great study break for me to get me motivated to continue hitting these books. I sent the video to my mother, brother, and girlfriend, because I feel like they would enjoy this just as much as I did. Thanks for this!
I also really liked your Cancer / Selfishness comparison which I quoted above. I have never thought about that, how cancer cells are literally selfish, rapidly dividing and consuming resources without any regard for the cells and environment around them. What an awesome way to describe cancer, as Selfish, for I have never thought about it like that.
Thank you for the awesome words John, I truly appreciate them.
Thank you for caring,
Abrahm Spreading Psytrance and Love in the Midwest USA