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The smell of the dancefloor 'on trance'.


Started Topics :  2
Posts :  130
Posted : Dec 25, 2009 23:33
howabout 'non-smoking' area's away from the crowd...

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  200
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Posted : Dec 26, 2009 17:17
forgotten what the dancefloor looks like let alone smell. havent kicked up any dust in a long time           missing plug-in

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  41
Posted : Dec 26, 2009 18:06
Just dont shower for the remainder of the festival. You wont sense it when you smell like shit yourself
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Dec 28, 2009 19:54

On 2009-12-24 21:15, Dovla wrote:
sorry but this is really funny...I don't smoke, drink or take any kind of drugs and yet somehow I've managed to ignore all the tasteless comments and silly situations people put me in when they offer me if I can constantly turn down people when they offer me anything then surely you can do the same if you know that your throat can't handle tobacco...just ask the person next to you if the spliff has's like walking into mcdonalds and being offended because they have burgers with meat

Well I am not going to assume where you live, but people from the US, for the most part, roll joints with weed only, so normally if someone hands me a joint I can assume it has no tobacco.

At trance parties, however, there is a significant population of Europeans, and so the chance that it has tobacco in it is higher. I usually do ask if it has tobacco but sometimes I forget and get surprised.
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  267
Posts :  1766
Posted : Dec 28, 2009 20:38

On 2009-12-24 04:30, Cardinals Cartel wrote:

Djones ..

You have an very well instinct smell , Use it for your life , You can get lots of money for .
Industrys looking for qualitative and ability peoples like you .

Btw .. What you smell to smell it .. ?

Where do I find jobs?
Highly interested
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