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The smell of the dancefloor 'on trance'.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 23, 2009 13:19

On 2009-12-23 06:41, djanahata wrote:

+100           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 23, 2009 16:09
Just like in real society where it's illegal to smoke in public places (thank god for that) I would love to see the organizers make smoking areas so us non smokers dont have to be around all the unhealthy smoke.

Its all about resepect those who does not smoke cigarettes or splifs. No one would say you can not smoke. You just have to do it in specieal designed areas away from the crowd.

Seem more fair. 
Martian Arts

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Posted : Dec 23, 2009 16:39

On 2009-12-23 06:54, demoniac wrote:
to me it smells like beer most of the time

Me too. It kinda triggers my "goodtime" neurons. Its like I know I am having a good time when I smell the beer and dirt on a sunny morning.
And its good to toast with your mates and throw a few sips on the ground, toasting with mother earth.

Don't get me wrong though, I don't like hippies.  

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Posted : Dec 23, 2009 17:09

On 2009-12-23 16:09, Beat Agency wrote:
Just like in real society where it's illegal to smoke in public places (thank god for that) I would love to see the organizers make smoking areas so us non smokers dont have to be around all the unhealthy smoke.

Its all about resepect those who does not smoke cigarettes or splifs. No one would say you can not smoke. You just have to do it in specieal designed areas away from the crowd.

Seem more fair.

Surely you are talking about indoor parties, right?
          DJ pr0fane (Iboga Records) | Multiphase | |
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Dec 23, 2009 18:34           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive

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Posted : Dec 23, 2009 19:55
yeah I like nagchampa spliff all smoke in the sphere beer is also ok,i ,though I do not like the alcoholix really but I can drink like a dragon and feel not like rambo and like it sometimes too.

The toilet culture/neo hippy treating is not mine.This is really disgusting. big - apart of this the smell zones are mostly better than in other places to me - talkin'bout outdoor fests only.

A fest if outdoor or indoor without freely smoking my ganja would be one of the last ones for me,when it comes to just enjoying a Psy party.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Dec 23, 2009 20:37
Maybe not so on topic, but since you mentioned ganja

If you like to smoke weed mixed with tobacco, please enjoy it by yourself! Don't hand a spliff to an unsuspecting brother who may be a recovering tobacco addict.

I have not smoked tobacco in 2 or 3 years and my throat cannot tolerate nicotine in any form, so being handed a joint with the death plant in it is a very nasty surprise.

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Posted : Dec 23, 2009 20:56
hehe you dont know me man.I dont need no other ganja than mine .And I do not go and not need to go or anything with it to anybody ,quality is hard to be kept secret though..In such intution alot of hippies are truely good - from my expirience only.So be relaxed with your stuff whatever it is.
My biggest problem was always to keep me and mine secret.
I am always asked that it is sometimes even unpolite.So no need really.But thanks for advice.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Dec 23, 2009 22:21

On 2009-12-23 20:37, Shiranui wrote:
I have not smoked tobacco in 2 or 3 years and my throat cannot tolerate nicotine in any form, so being handed a joint with the death plant in it is a very nasty surprise.

You should get a joint from me, I'm like the Toast&Puff master.

Also, I quit cigarettes over one year ago, so *high-five*
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 24, 2009 00:11

On 2009-12-23 20:37, Shiranui wrote:
so being handed a joint with the death plant in it is a very nasty surprise.

Tobacco isnt a deathplant.. thats what the cigarette companies made from it..
Cardinals Cartel
Black Machine

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Posts :  3097
Posted : Dec 24, 2009 04:30

Djones ..

You have an very well instinct smell , Use it for your life , You can get lots of money for .
Industrys looking for qualitative and ability peoples like you .

Btw .. What you smell to smell it .. ?

Forest dreams
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 24, 2009 13:01
indoor parties suck for this reason, it gets all smoky, crowded and claustrophobic. you know the feeling you get when you are on a bit too much mdma and there are just too many people around you to let you breathe.. and the next moment you know that those rushes are gonna come crashing on your brain.. and you don't have enough space to let them flow out! - that is the feeling i get everytime i think of attending an indoor scene!

there is no distinct smell really, not that i remember of.. its always a smell thats mixed with perfume, sweat and alcohol.. and what can you say arent you adding to the smell yourself?

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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 24, 2009 21:15

On 2009-12-23 20:37, Shiranui wrote:
I have not smoked tobacco in 2 or 3 years and my throat cannot tolerate nicotine in any form, so being handed a joint with the death plant in it is a very nasty surprise.

sorry but this is really funny...I don't smoke, drink or take any kind of drugs and yet somehow I've managed to ignore all the tasteless comments and silly situations people put me in when they offer me if I can constantly turn down people when they offer me anything then surely you can do the same if you know that your throat can't handle tobacco...just ask the person next to you if the spliff has's like walking into mcdonalds and being offended because they have burgers with meat           DJ Dovla | Interchill Records, Flow Records
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 25, 2009 17:01

On 2009-12-24 21:15, Dovla wrote:
sorry but this is really funny...I don't smoke, drink or take any kind of drugs and yet somehow I've managed to ignore all the tasteless comments and silly situations people put me in when they offer me if I can constantly turn down people when they offer me anything then surely you can do the same if you know that your throat can't handle tobacco...just ask the person next to you if the spliff has's like walking into mcdonalds and being offended because they have burgers with meat

Or pickles.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  43
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Posted : Dec 25, 2009 22:04
Oh, God help you if I find pickles!           DJ Dovla | Interchill Records, Flow Records
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