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The situation in Cambodia

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  100
Posts :  1123
Posted : Oct 20, 2012 03:10:30
Dear All,

this is a coomunication and something like a final emmergency call to save a once beautiful region of the world which is a polluted wasteland where there are unspeakable things still going on as I am writing. There is atrocious industrial, chemical warfare going on as well as sexual explotation and murdcer of the worst kind, a crime against nature and a big scam for exploiting some humn
an beings and we dont really know who these people are anyway. This is what the world has come to, and nobody seems to care. I have been cleaning up this remess again and again and uncovering the unspeakable. This is also about freedom of mind and choice. This is also about occupational health and safety and poor conditions for the tourists who come here. This is not a safe environment and it has been disgraceful what I had to witness because I have been here for about 14-15 months and this place is still not changing fast enough.

To sum up, these are the problems that the city of Siem Reap is facing:

- Exploitation of human beings (economic, sexual and otherwise - see Sala Bai)
- NGO scams for self enrichment on the expense of all who care.
-Appaling living conditions and hidden parallel communities wehich I have uncovered.
-It is also about the genocide on minority groups, especially the Tonle sap community.
-This is about the scam that Vietnam = Man Tiev (TV) and Cam-bodia have been for a long log time. It is about Imperialist and local hatred of minority populations.
-It is about Paedophilia in both ways, sexual exploitation and adoption mania.
-It is also about satanic ritual of the worst kind and a intended crime to defile nature.
-It is also about appaling conditions for tourists to live in because npnody wants to have safe standards.
-This is something like the Rom we never wanted to see again.This has also been something killing games in the worst kind of way
-This is also about the return of a natural buzz being the return of the smallest of living creatures that have returnrd but people do not really seem to want. This also concerns crimes against the animal kingdom such as crocodiles, snakes and other endangered species.
-It is about hate crimes agains Jan-Niklas Hoffmann, being myself, but that not even that important
-People are absolutely bonkers.

I said this city would never fall and meat it and I will stay here un til we gfet some support in this matter. Nobody has cared and thats all there is to say. I kindly ask for some international support in this matter.

Inactive User
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Posts :  7
Posted : Dec 18, 2012 09:39
Nice Sharing..
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