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The right kind of breakdown/buildup

IsraTrance Full Member
Started Topics :  116
Posts :  1219
Posted : Nov 25, 2010 10:43:27
I'm a newcomer to the electronic music scene, but I also seek out and listen to lots of older music, and it seems like the breakdown/buildup formula just gets more and more... formulaic as time goes on

I listen to older music, especially trance from about 95-98 and I hear some buildups that are really well-made and totally bring me to that peak that I enjoy so much

Anyone remember this track? I was 10 when it came out :x

Of all the trance tracks I've listened to this track has, in my opinion, the best example of a well-done buildup.

It breaks down into atmosphere, but only for a moment before the synth line takes over, and shortly after a breakbeat comes in. Then layer after layer gets added until finally BOOM back to the kick. It's classic without being tired... I don't know what it is I just love it.

The outro is perfect for mixing out as well, the change of mood from happy to slightly darker/uncertain makes it perfect for transitioning into a darker track. On Jerry Bonham's "Interpretations" he mixes from the above track into this one:

and it's perfectly seamless, as if the two tracks were made for each other.

Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - The right kind of breakdown/buildup
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