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The Rave, the Party's without control (on Mexican TV Monopoly Televisa)


Started Topics :  46
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Posted : Jul 13, 2011 09:23:07
so U wanted something cool to Discuss?? this came out Yesterday on TV(it's in spanish)...

i don't watch TV but a friend just showed it to me and i couldn't waste a second to show this around here...

so,what u think about this?? Truth?? False??
is there a way to change the negative opinion from the Society???

          DJ of Sourcecode
A&R from Horns and Hoofs Entertainment
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 13, 2011 22:36
Well they show nothing but the truth, of course through the Televisa vision but the truth never the less.

This is a very conflictive issue... i believe everything would be less alarming if there weren't minors involved.

Maybe this will be forgotten next week or maybe this is the beginning of society eyes being more on these issues... you know with all the recent war on drugs and security problems in this country.

Anyway, who the fuck writes *DRUGS* on the facebook event page for a electronic music party, like if that was even necessary.

Many people in this country feel so proud or funny or whatever the fuck they feel because of their drug use... in the middle of all this antiwar thing I believe we all would benefit if they had some discression when it comes to this maters.

The guy interviewed also states that people who go to "raves" are higher socio-economic individuals... this is a major lie since most of the attendees at psytrance parties in mexico are from low social status, yes there are others but is not majority these days...

Until we hear some words from federal govmnt on this subject I wouldn't be too worried it will be just an other of which modern housewives can chat at coffee among with all the bullshit Televisa provides.

Started Topics :  46
Posts :  696
Posted : Jul 14, 2011 00:33
people it's making a Storm inside a Glass of water...           DJ of Sourcecode
A&R from Horns and Hoofs Entertainment
kin beat
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 15, 2011 02:34
No one needs to discuss anything.
This is plain and simple issue, youngsters who want to party and get high rather than experience something with their minds and the connection that is created between the people you´re surrounded by and the music that´s been played.

The trance community went down in México long time ago probably ever since the money laundering business found an open door for themselves in here. And the not educated fall off to their addictions.

If you snort coke or roll mdma you become part of the problem, from the narcs and the mafias that rule that environment so you´re a problem to our society too.

This is however not the first time a mass media channel has a video footage of how fucked up those parties are, they don´t even need to pay a camera guy or a reporter, they also know how to use the search @

This is not a psychedelic trance issue, the people I used to party since late nineties I see them frequently and we all move on with our lives not from the music we like.

What I see on that video is rather a bunch of e-tards that love fool on and get their ass off of drugs and sadly got recorded for the news and that´s a security and health issue and should be addressed by the government and work on fixing that problem of lack of education and non existence work opportunities due to the lack of education. See now, is a cycle. 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 15, 2011 20:24

On 2011-07-13 22:36, aciduss wrote:

The guy interviewed also states that people who go to "raves" are higher socio-economic individuals... this is a major lie since most of the attendees at psytrance parties in mexico are from low social status, yes there are others but is not majority these days...

You seriously have to consider what is lower class in this country, the great majority of attendants are lower middle class. Lower class is considered those who hasnt anything to spend on beyond food, clothes and home. Also, it used to be that way and there are still parties which the majority is high class.

What I find strange is that he claims there as far as 70 each weekend LOL

Also Doriga must remeber he already made this in 2002.

jajaja y algunos de esos videos que ponen no son en mexico.
          "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Jul 15, 2011 21:22
Is it just me or Raja Ram in the first video?

Anyways, all of you guys raised valid points, and the retarded organizers who advertise drug use in their parties are definitely bringing a terrible reputation to the scene.

On top of that, if these commercial parties are run by crime related orgs I really don't see a way out for this big pop scene.

Let's go back to the small gatherings, they were always the best anyways.
Respect!           .
...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell...
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 21, 2011 18:06
You seriously have to consider what is lower class in this country, the great majority of attendants are lower middle class. Lower class is considered those who hasnt anything to spend on beyond food, clothes and home. Also, it used to be that way and there are still parties which the majority is high class.

Ok, mid low class. Many of those prefer to get high on thinner than buy a beer believe me.

I'm up for the small gatherings idea.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 27, 2011 06:07
hey guys i havent been to a psyparty maybe since 2005. thinking of going to midnight sun, how u expect that party to be anyway ( in these terms) 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 29, 2011 20:06
If you want a more relaxed party consider Ometeotl festival in november.

Midnight sun is gonna be nice for sure, but it will be BIG with out anything else than music. Garbage everywhere, and the usual crowd.

Ometeotl includes other activities, good food, 0 garbage, smaller and more firendly.

          "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 1, 2011 17:12
I went to ometeotl on tepoztlan last year , and it was a blast,(cheers to dende) altough it was more ambient/Chill oriented, which is what kept the party with good vibes.
Here in Mexico (i know not everywhere) the crowd that likes fullon music are the people that generally spoils it for the rest of us. (i like fullon, and prog trance, but stopped going to the parties because mainly for this reason.
I will defenitily check out the ometeotl this year!! thanx for reminder 
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  65
Posts :  1707
Posted : Sep 6, 2011 20:48
why Midnight sun was a disaster:

(i didn't go but my friends said it was one of the worst parties ever)           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
Return Of Disco Dancer
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Posted : Oct 16, 2011 09:31

On 2011-07-15 21:22, full_on wrote:
Is it just me or Raja Ram in the first video?

Anyways, all of you guys raised valid points, and the retarded organizers who advertise drug use in their parties are definitely bringing a terrible reputation to the scene.

On top of that, if these commercial parties are run by crime related orgs I really don't see a way out for this big pop scene.

Let's go back to the small gatherings, they were always the best anyways.

It is Raja Ram
Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - The Rave, the Party's without control (on Mexican TV Monopoly Televisa)
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