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The PsyCountry Game!

Wonderland Keeper

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  30
Posted : Oct 13, 2004 15:30
PsyCountry: I would add our growling scene
- Norway
- Russia
- Switzerland
- India
- Malta
- Portugal
- Turkey
- Sweden
- Israel
- Japan
- Germany
- Denmark
- New Zealand
- South Africa
- Spain           ::: Let's all find our way to realize the greatness of the universe...
IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  279
Posts :  5475
Posted : Oct 13, 2004 16:16
- Norway
- Russia
- Switzerland
- India
- Malta
- Portugal
- Turkey
- Sweden
- Israel
- Japan
- Germany
- Denmark
- New Zealand
- South Africa
- Spain
- Brazil

Respect!           .
...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell...
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  234
Posts :  3803
Posted : Oct 13, 2004 16:35
- Norway
- Russia
- Switzerland
- India
- Malta
- Portugal
- Turkey
- Sweden
- Israel
- Japan
- Germany
- Denmark
- New Zealand
- South Africa
- Spain
- Brazil
- Palestine

respect indeed i've got another goodie in my sleeve
          "The dinosaurs became extinct because they didn't have a space program."
- Larry Niven
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  562
Posted : Oct 13, 2004 16:42
- Norway
- Russia
- Switzerland
- India
- Malta
- Portugal
- Turkey
- Sweden
- Israel
- Japan
- Germany
- Denmark
- New Zealand
- South Africa
- Spain
- Brazil
- Palestine
- UK           Turn On, Tune In, Trance Out!!!

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  143
Posted : Oct 13, 2004 17:13
- Norway
- Russia
- Switzerland
- India
- Malta
- Portugal
- Turkey
- Sweden
- Israel
- Japan
- Germany
- Denmark
- New Zealand
- South Africa
- Spain
- Brazil
- Palestine
- UK
- Belgium           
It took me 20 minutes to come up with this signature.

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  168
Posts :  2984
Posted : Oct 13, 2004 17:15
- Norway
- Russia
- Switzerland
- India
- Malta
- Portugal
- Turkey
- Sweden
- Israel
- Japan
- Germany
- Denmark
- New Zealand
- South Africa
- Spain
- Brazil
- Palestine
- UK
- Belgium
- Canada

(...ain't this tough!)

Started Topics :  71
Posts :  2219
Posted : Oct 13, 2004 18:15
- Norway
- Russia
- Switzerland
- India
- Malta
- Portugal
- Turkey
- Sweden
- Israel
- Japan
- Germany
- Denmark
- New Zealand
- South Africa
- Spain
- Brazil
- Palestine
- UK
- Belgium
- Canada
- US           An Eagle may soar, but Weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

Started Topics :  0
Posts :  27
Posted : Oct 13, 2004 18:35
- Norway
- Russia
- Switzerland
- India
- Malta
- Portugal
- Turkey
- Sweden
- Israel
- Japan
- Germany
- Denmark
- New Zealand
- South Africa
- Spain
- Brazil
- Palestine
- UK
- Belgium
- Canada
- US
- Argentina


Started Topics :  312
Posts :  8647
Posted : Oct 13, 2004 19:10
I'm sorry, but there is no Palestine...
So if there's Palestine than i'd add Lapland

- Norway
- Russia
- Switzerland
- India
- Malta
- Portugal
- Turkey
- Sweden
- Israel
- Japan
- Germany
- Denmark
- New Zealand
- South Africa
- Spain
- Brazil
- Palestine
- UK
- Belgium
- Canada
- US
- Argentina
- Lapland           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  14
Posts :  215
Posted : Oct 13, 2004 19:30
- Norway
- Russia
- Switzerland
- India
- Malta
- Portugal
- Turkey
- Sweden
- Israel
- Japan
- Germany
- Denmark
- New Zealand
- South Africa
- Spain
- Brazil
- UK
- Belgium
- Canada
- US
- Argentina
- France
          The future. What future ? There won't be a future unless you ... dance ...
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  236
Posts :  6106
Posted : Oct 13, 2004 19:34

I think Lapland also means Finland wavelab.
If that is the case, could the next person add Finland where Lapland was supposed to be?


IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  234
Posts :  3803
Posted : Oct 13, 2004 20:01
Lappi which translates as Lapland is one of the 5 provinces of Finland. It's capital is Rovaniemi. Saying that there is no state of Palestine sounds about as right to me as saying that there is no state of Macedonia.

Oh by the way check out UN Resolution 43/177

I'd say it's a state           "The dinosaurs became extinct because they didn't have a space program."
- Larry Niven
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  236
Posts :  6106
Posted : Oct 13, 2004 20:19
well the rules where only countrys with psy artists. So can the next intelligent person change the faults? As i cant post untill tomorrow

And thanks for the helpful information Traveller

Let the game countinue
dj nadav
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  21
Posts :  316
Posted : Oct 13, 2004 20:23
- Russia
- Switzerland
- India
- Malta
- Portugal
- Turkey
- Sweden
- Israel
- Japan
- Germany
- Denmark
- New Zealand
- South Africa
- Spain
- Brazil
- UK
- Belgium
- Canada
- US
- Argentina
- France
- Finland
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  71
Posts :  1381
Posted : Oct 13, 2004 20:56
- Russia
- Switzerland
- India
- Malta
- Portugal
- Turkey
- Sweden
- Israel
- Japan
- Germany
- Denmark
- New Zealand
- South Africa
- Spain
- Brazil
- UK
- Belgium
- Canada
- US
- Argentina
- France
- Finland
- Austria
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