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the party next to liquid's party

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  64
Posts :  282
Posted : Sep 18, 2004 19:04
so their i am at the sataf kikar looking for a contact man and i see a long haired gentleman who aproaches me, "which way to the liquid party my good man?" i asked full of enfusiasm.
he points out the directin disgruntled and says "your better off at my crews party which is that way".
knowign that he has only my interest at heart and is not at all thinking of the profits he might make i took his advice and went that way.
anyway 4:00 oclock i arive, the guy who was playing was at the end and after ten minutes came a guy with a yellow sweatshirt, he started out slow but quickly woke the place up, it was a bit dead in teh begining. by five the palce had about 130 people almost everyone dancing with really good vibes.
so this lsts until seven, he finished witha remix to the deltas- as i child i cold walk ont he cieling, wich was wonderfull. really energetic everyone was having fun.
and then...
and then came on a bald guy, wearign blue shanti banti stuff, and i say this without exagerating, he ruined it. he started off with this low energy night time music and then would give these amazing builds as if he was about to blow you away and then, back to low energy, again and again and again until you stop trustign the guy and realize your better off drinking beer near the fire. the crowd flooded out and i took a nap until 9 when i woke up to better music but the vibe was dead.

the location was great, this clearign in the sataf forest with the stars otu in full force minimal deco but pleasent atmosphere. unfortunatly the dance floor was pretty steep which was a bit of a bummer, espeacially considerign that 20 metres away their was the satla corner which was big and completely flat and could have been better.

he crowd espeacially early on was speacial, it felt like a lot of people were at thier first party, the age was younger than usual like 19 - 23 with sporadic rises. it was cool firast party with such a small amount of triping people ive been to. two thumbs up

thats about it for me, hail satan
tal           Work like you don't need the money.
Love like you've never been hurt.
Dance like nobody's watching.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  57
Posts :  1136
Posted : Sep 19, 2004 12:33
who played there ?
Infernal Terror -
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  79
Posts :  371
Posted : Sep 19, 2004 16:04
the party was "flowers" party,it was small
and good,about 200 ppl,all was good orginazed.
it was a plesure to play there,i started until 3:00 after me kaplan,huja-buy,guy and
keep it up!

Started Topics :  27
Posts :  492
Posted : Sep 19, 2004 17:48
I like this party

REally enjoied plaing there!

Good org good crowed good venue good sound (with annoying sound dude).

Trance Forum » » Forum  Party Promotions - the party next to liquid's party
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