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The Overused TB303

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Sep 9, 2010 16:56

On 2010-09-09 15:15, Fu Hsi wrote:
Nathan, I ignorance is not a problem, some say it is a bliss. In your case the "ignorance" is that you never actually *listened* to Goa / Psy Trance music as it was designed for... I will give you example of an super expensive Jeep 4x4... It usually be a pain in the ass driving it thru town, as it's too big, parking is almost impossible, it spends way too much gasoline etc etc etc.. But if the owner doesn't like to go outdoors with it, and driving it out in the wild... He might come to a conclusion that his 500,000NIS worth car sucks...

In The end, I still think its all about taste and personal feelings which works on you, but has no effect on me. I'm too young for this shit . TB 303 was the main reason why i didn't love Goa when I first heard it. only when the Psy Trance appeared, and the usage of 303 was not so dominant, I feel in love with this music.

          -=The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life A Meaning=

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Posted : Sep 9, 2010 17:04
I kind of agree the sound doesn't have the wow factor that it did for me 14 years ago just like someone randomly hitting power chords on a distorted electric guitar was the coolest thing i ever heard in my life when i was 7 but now i want to hear someone who can actually play...
but something like...

that can NEVER get old..Haven't heard that in so long, forgot how much Doof fucking owns.

Fu Hsi
Perfect Stranger

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Posted : Sep 9, 2010 20:45

On 2010-09-09 17:04, braininavat wrote:
I kind of agree the sound doesn't have the wow factor that it did for me 14 years ago just like someone randomly hitting power chords on a distorted electric guitar was the coolest thing i ever heard in my life when i was 7 but now i want to hear someone who can actually play...
but something like...

that can NEVER get old..Haven't heard that in so long, forgot how much Doof fucking owns.

That was one of the biggest mind bombs at the time, Doof was one of those artists that his TeeeBeee riffs just ripped it 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 10, 2010 00:17

On 2010-09-09 16:56, Nathan wrote:

On 2010-09-09 15:15, Fu Hsi wrote:
Nathan, I ignorance is not a problem, some say it is a bliss. In your case the "ignorance" is that you never actually *listened* to Goa / Psy Trance music as it was designed for... I will give you example of an super expensive Jeep 4x4... It usually be a pain in the ass driving it thru town, as it's too big, parking is almost impossible, it spends way too much gasoline etc etc etc.. But if the owner doesn't like to go outdoors with it, and driving it out in the wild... He might come to a conclusion that his 500,000NIS worth car sucks...

In The end, I still think its all about taste and personal feelings which works on you, but has no effect on me. I'm too young for this shit . TB 303 was the main reason why i didn't love Goa when I first heard it. only when the Psy Trance appeared, and the usage of 303 was not so dominant, I feel in love with this music.

I think he's trying to say that you owe it to yourself to do acid .....and maybe listen to a cosmosis track at some point in those 8 hours 
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Sep 10, 2010 04:08
When I come to That stage in my life i will listen To Loud, Psysex and sub6.           -=The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life A Meaning=
Fu Hsi
Perfect Stranger

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Posted : Sep 10, 2010 11:53

On 2010-09-10 04:08, Nathan wrote:
When I come to That stage in my life i will listen To Loud, Psysex and sub6.

Hehehe Nathan but why are you so stuck... Listen to the bands you mentioned and ALSO to Cosmosis ( you have 8 hours remember?... ) And more over Psysex abused that Teee Beee even more than Billy, so you might get addicted, be careful 
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Sep 10, 2010 12:19

On 2010-09-10 11:53, Fu Hsi wrote:

On 2010-09-10 04:08, Nathan wrote:
When I come to That stage in my life i will listen To Loud, Psysex and sub6.

Hehehe Nathan but why are you so stuck... Listen to the bands you mentioned and ALSO to Cosmosis ( you have 8 hours remember?... ) And more over Psysex abused that Teee Beee even more than Billy, so you might get addicted, be careful

Yes I know about psysex and TB - But their style is so unique so I don't mind the TB.

So TB or Not TB that is the question...The future will tell.           -=The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life A Meaning=
Martian Arts

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Posted : Sep 10, 2010 15:17
Anyone selling a x0xb0x?
This thread is making me wanna put more 303 style acid lines in tunes.

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Posted : Sep 10, 2010 15:36
The 303 is having a Renaissance in mainstream as well:

          Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Sep 10, 2010 16:32

Its funny when the super mainstream artists use elements from the electronic music like this song which sound Like Minimal Techno:

          -=The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life A Meaning=

Started Topics :  312
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Posted : Sep 10, 2010 18:54
Sorry to disappoint you, but super mainstream are using "elements from electronic music" since the Pink Floyd or even Beatles.           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Sep 10, 2010 20:01
well Daaaa

I said it in a wrong way - very typical electronic elements like TB and those crispy techno sounds..
          -=The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life A Meaning=
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 10, 2010 22:04
Roland should construct an update of the legendary tb303 or release a new edition or sth ..on ebay the tb's are so expensive damn. 

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  233
Posted : Sep 10, 2010 23:11

That was one of the biggest mind bombs at the time, Doof was one of those artists that his TeeeBeee riffs just ripped it

Doof is just a musical genius...That is what I ment in my post above..I like 303 if a real musician is at the command...Not a wanna be tweaking the cutoff knob for e-tards..
Check out Vedra..voice, guitar, violin, flute...such an incredible haunting melody.. 
Jesus Raves
Jesus Raves / Kanibal Raves

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Posted : Sep 12, 2010 13:06

Is guitar overfused in metal? xD 

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