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The Overused TB303

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 9, 2010 00:06
Those Green Nuns tracks absolutely rock!
One of my all time favourites too. 
Fu Hsi
Perfect Stranger

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Posted : Sep 9, 2010 00:28

On 2010-09-08 22:37, Nathan wrote:

On 2010-09-08 22:00, Fu Hsi wrote:

On 2010-09-08 21:56, Nathan wrote:
20 Years ago it was the beginning of the Electronic Scene. 20 years from now the TB will be popular only if the evolution stops.

I understand why people are so In love will 303 - it represents the quality days when there were so many good artists. Now the number of the bad artists is big -+40%. or as Yuli said Fast Food Music.


The reason you are speaking bullocks probably is because you never been tripping with properly distorted and delayed TB303 crying over your head.

I never used Chemicals: Just weed. Why? Tha'ts For another discussion. I don't love The TB303 sound on a clean mind. I doubt I would love it under the influence.
There are many sounds in Trance that makes me go Insane - 303 is not one of them. maybe It will sound naive - but the most powerful Drug I used so Far was FREq's music.

Nathan listen. First of all I want to make something sure - I am not patronizing and if I sound like I am it's just the way I express myself.

I met someone that I know yesterday. Someone that I knew for around a decade, and was a totally sober person, maybe a smoker... He was and still is part of our Trance scene. When I met him yesterday he was different. And according to his story @ Boom that just finished he first time ever had acid. Now it's funny because he was one of those ppl that would say - I don't need this, I am naturally high and all these chemicals are for loosers bla bla bla. The dude was holding his head saying "I don't believe I am in the center of this scene for a decade and this is what ppl talk about when they say that sounds under influence sound completely different...".. BTW the guy is not a kid and he touches 40..

That conversation is just to make a point - and the point is that this music sounds completely different when tripping. I stand correct that even in completely sober state of mind TB303 sounds amazing, and its not a secret that its qualities and disharmonies when tweaked are those that make it probably the most shiny gem from he arsenal of any Trance / Techno maker.

Saying that TB303 annoying and time to drop it, is almost as saying that Led Zeppelin's Jimmy Page is lousy guitarist and all their sound is garbage.

What annoys me personally in this topic, is that when someone speaks of something he has no idea of, as if he does, it's pretty ridiculous. Like being ignorant is cool, but coming out with this to public is pretty strange.. At least to my eyes

No offense here and I been here too long already Enjoy the discussion all 
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posted : Sep 9, 2010 00:39

On 2010-09-08 22:01, Fu Hsi wrote:

On 2010-09-08 21:27, Colin OOOD wrote:
That's what they said 20 years ago...


Was very short one on Boom but good seeing you... I was so sad to come only for couple of days, it was just too good there

Good to see you too man! Epic festival for sure, I loved the whole thing - we do tend to bump into each other in some pretty cool places hey. Just how lucky are we?!           Mastering - ::
OOOD 5th album 'You Think You Are' - :: ::
Contact for bookings/mastering -
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Sep 9, 2010 00:58

On 2010-09-09 00:28, Fu Hsi wrote:

On 2010-09-08 22:37, Nathan wrote:

On 2010-09-08 22:00, Fu Hsi wrote:

On 2010-09-08 21:56, Nathan wrote:
20 Years ago it was the beginning of the Electronic Scene. 20 years from now the TB will be popular only if the evolution stops.

I understand why people are so In love will 303 - it represents the quality days when there were so many good artists. Now the number of the bad artists is big -+40%. or as Yuli said Fast Food Music.


The reason you are speaking bullocks probably is because you never been tripping with properly distorted and delayed TB303 crying over your head.

I never used Chemicals: Just weed. Why? Tha'ts For another discussion. I don't love The TB303 sound on a clean mind. I doubt I would love it under the influence.
There are many sounds in Trance that makes me go Insane - 303 is not one of them. maybe It will sound naive - but the most powerful Drug I used so Far was FREq's music.

Nathan listen. First of all I want to make something sure - I am not patronizing and if I sound like I am it's just the way I express myself.

I met someone that I know yesterday. Someone that I knew for around a decade, and was a totally sober person, maybe a smoker... He was and still is part of our Trance scene. When I met him yesterday he was different. And according to his story @ Boom that just finished he first time ever had acid. Now it's funny because he was one of those ppl that would say - I don't need this, I am naturally high and all these chemicals are for loosers bla bla bla. The dude was holding his head saying "I don't believe I am in the center of this scene for a decade and this is what ppl talk about when they say that sounds under influence sound completely different...".. BTW the guy is not a kid and he touches 40..

That conversation is just to make a point - and the point is that this music sounds completely different when tripping. I stand correct that even in completely sober state of mind TB303 sounds amazing, and its not a secret that its qualities and disharmonies when tweaked are those that make it probably the most shiny gem from he arsenal of any Trance / Techno maker.

Saying that TB303 annoying and time to drop it, is almost as saying that Led Zeppelin's Jimmy Page is lousy guitarist and all their sound is garbage.

What annoys me personally in this topic, is that when someone speaks of something he has no idea of, as if he does, it's pretty ridiculous. Like being ignorant is cool, but coming out with this to public is pretty strange.. At least to my eyes

No offense here and I been here too long already Enjoy the discussion all

I have nothing aginst using drugs, I just have no drive for it. Maybe in the future I will.

First you said that you are not patronizing and than you used the word ignorant…come on…

Just because I am not an artist it doesn't makes me ignorant. I don’t like 303. for me it represents the past and not the modern Trance. As I Said goa an Acid were never my cup of tea - just Astral & MFG. You are acting like I said that I hate the kik and the bassline, with your led zeppelin example.

There are tracks witout 303 and they are are good. Its not like without 303 there is no Trance.

          -=The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life A Meaning=
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 9, 2010 01:43

There are tracks witout 303 and they are are good. Its not like without 303 there is no Trance.

no, but its one of trance's founding fathers - for me and im sure that for many many other trance lovers it is one of the most (if not the most) psychedelic instruments to be used in trance
Mike A

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Posted : Sep 9, 2010 09:50

There are tracks witout 303 and they are are good. Its not like without 303 there is no Trance.

There are blues songs without wah-wah effect on the guitar. No one even dares to say that blues should stop using wah-wah and move to different effects.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Sep 9, 2010 10:38
Still I think other tools should be used. Goa and acid days are over.It was basic, but now its not basic anymore. I just don't like its sound - just like i do not believe that god exists. That is just my taste and my "I Believe". ppl should evolve. Music should evolve. Again, new sound should be used and not over and over this boring sound of 303.
          -=The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life A Meaning=
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 9, 2010 10:51
well, then go ahead and make music that doesn't use 303s, or don't listen to music with 303s in it?

There is no real argument behind what you are saying, it is just your subjective opinion - and one that is at odds with a good portion of the population of this community I would say

Does music you listen to have a KBBB bassline? man, I just don't like its sound - just like I do not believe in flying spaghetti monsters. That is just my taste and ppl should evolve, you know?

Same thing with those kick drums man, people have been using kick drums for so long..its so boring.

Why can't people just use other new evolved tools???            If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Sep 9, 2010 11:05

On 2010-09-09 10:51, willsanquil wrote:
well, then go ahead and make music that doesn't use 303s, or don't listen to music with 303s in it?

There is no real argument behind what you are saying, it is just your subjective opinion - and one that is at odds with a good portion of the population of this community I would say

Does music you listen to have a KBBB bassline? man, I just don't like its sound - just like I do not believe in flying spaghetti monsters. That is just my taste and ppl should evolve, you know?

Same thing with those kick drums man, people have been using kick drums for so long..its so boring.

Why can't people just use other new evolved tools???

I opened this topic to know what people think and not for the argument. I respect people's opinions. I do not have problems with kicks or basslines. Once I had with that terrible kick that was used in Nitzhonot. the same old kick that infected used here:

No one uses this kind of kick anymore - and that is good.

          -=The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life A Meaning=
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 9, 2010 11:14
well...just looking back through the thread, I don't think any one at all agrees with you..that it sounds primitive or old and grey.

303 is just an instrument, albeit a much loved one, like many others. Some people use it well, some people do not. What else is there to say after 5 pages of 'ur crazy, 303 is awesome!', really?            If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Sep 9, 2010 11:50
Nothing else to say. I got what I need; to know what people think about 303 and why they love it. But its not completely true that no one agrees with me. Full_On got my point of view.           -=The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life A Meaning=
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 9, 2010 11:58
well nathan i guess that makes the piano overused in concerto's as its been used for a couple of hundreds of years doesn't it ?

same goes for *cough*electric guitars*cough* ?

sorry but the arguments you are making here are absolute nonsense, except for the one you are making about your own personal taste - which is not liking the 303 sound and thats perfectly understandable - but saying it overused and old and grey ?

maybe more like analog and warm and fuzzy is a more fitting description

what made trance a little boring and way too predictable is the sometimes too high precision of some of the instruments - leaving no room for imagination/making the track expectable and from another pov hitting "just the right frequency" - which is while sometimes good, for me it deprives trance of what makes it so great
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Sep 9, 2010 12:06
I'm tired of repeating myself. So I have nothing new to add.           -=The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life A Meaning=
Inactive User

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Posted : Sep 9, 2010 12:35
303 good , discussion pointless
Fu Hsi
Perfect Stranger

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Posted : Sep 9, 2010 15:15
Nathan, I ignorance is not a problem, some say it is a bliss. In your case the "ignorance" is that you never actually *listened* to Goa / Psy Trance music as it was designed for... I will give you example of an super expensive Jeep 4x4... It usually be a pain in the ass driving it thru town, as it's too big, parking is almost impossible, it spends way too much gasoline etc etc etc.. But if the owner doesn't like to go outdoors with it, and driving it out in the wild... He might come to a conclusion that his 500,000NIS worth car sucks...

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