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The Overused TB303

corta mocas

Started Topics :  2
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Posted : Sep 5, 2010 04:31
Virus is boring.
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 5, 2010 05:40

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 5, 2010 18:37
that thing sounds amazing. i don't think i would consider it "overused" any time soon. is the violin or trumpet an overused sound? 
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Sep 5, 2010 20:13

On 2010-09-05 18:37, vector_0 wrote:
that thing sounds amazing. i don't think i would consider it "overused" any time soon. is the violin or trumpet an overused sound?

In Electronic Music there Is an Infinite Number Of sounds to use.           -=The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life A Meaning=
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posts :  1752
Posted : Sep 5, 2010 20:14

On 2010-09-05 20:13, Nathan wrote:

On 2010-09-05 18:37, vector_0 wrote:
that thing sounds amazing. i don't think i would consider it "overused" any time soon. is the violin or trumpet an overused sound?

In Electronic Music there Is an Infinite Number Of sounds to use.

And many are way overused and does not compare to what the 303 can produce when used in a creative way

corta mocas

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  145
Posted : Sep 5, 2010 20:43

On 2010-09-05 05:40, Beat Agency wrote:

the Dub version is probably one of the best songs ever.....i remember back in 94 this was
the cosmic mayhem,when this music came.Thanks for posting.
corta mocas

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  145
Posted : Sep 5, 2010 20:49

i think this track needs no words.

and most of you that like dark trance will run totally scared

Mike A

Started Topics :  185
Posts :  3954
Posted : Sep 5, 2010 22:09

On 2010-09-04 16:59:50, Nathan wrote:

It was gr8 in the old goa Days. Its Original meaning was to be a bassline. But now it sounds so primitive, old and gray. There are some gr8 tracks with TB 303 ( like few Ace Ventura's Tracks) that I'm don't mind the usage of TB303, But In most tracks its boring and overused.

What do you Think about the TB303?

It was gr8 in the old rocknroll Days. Its Original meaning was to be a rythm section. But now it sounds so primitive, old and gray. There are some gr8 tracks with electric guitars ( like few Beatles Tracks) that I'm don't mind the usage of the electri guitar, But In most tracks its boring and overused.

What do you Think about the electric guitar?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 5, 2010 22:15
omg yngwie is guitar god! 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 5, 2010 22:17

On 2010-09-05 05:40, Beat Agency wrote:

this track is one of the best ever!
and hardfloor are the grandwizards of 303.
saying a 303 is crap is like denouncing electronic music. a 303 is a fundamental building block of electronic music together with the 909.
it's like being f.e. a christian and saying that you don't dig jesus
          "no one ever sweats on a plug-in" -moby
corta mocas

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  145
Posted : Sep 5, 2010 22:18
Mike A, what do you think about Ozric Tentacles,Frank Zappa or Steve Hillage???????Yngwie is vanity only, compared to the previous ones
corta mocas

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  145
Posted : Sep 5, 2010 22:21
I think this topic should be named "the overused virus or the overused postfordishentheogenical effects"
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 5, 2010 22:22
hmm Yngwie is the first one that used classical in rock.. on a higher level tempo...
Mahavishnu John Mclaughlin is really guru towards the other popular guitarists.. 

Started Topics :  312
Posts :  8647
Posted : Sep 5, 2010 23:24
When speaking about modern guitarists, there's only one that can be called god of the guitar:

          Everyone in the world is doing something without me
Mike A

Started Topics :  185
Posts :  3954
Posted : Sep 6, 2010 00:13
Anyway my point was that the guitar is an integral part of rock, so the 303 is an integral part of psychedelic trance.
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