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IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Feb 10, 2009 22:27
Login, give a listen to the posted examples.
Nitzhonot is a style been developed in Israel some time ago (~ 1998) ...uplifting trance..something to be described as cheesy full-on with lot of melodies;-)

Info about Holy Men

You can also read the interview with Holy Men

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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 10, 2009 22:29
speaking of holymen... i used to love this track (altho the melody is clearly a ripoff of sheyba's trance africa express)

holymen - tarzan

and about nitzhonot - think of really crappy kicks and cheesy pads/synths - probably most tracks were made in 30 minutes in impulse tracker (in israel atleast) a friend of mine used to make so many tracks like that

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Posted : Feb 10, 2009 22:33
it was a very cheese style with a lot of easy melodies and that reso kick ,my god... unfortunately it had success in Greece,it was called uplifting psychedelic trance,or israelotsifteteli,hehehe and a lot of artists appeared ,making this kind of tracks with the melody of their favorite team ,the smurfs was a stupid sub-genre that eventually died..i hope history will repeat itself ,with ''dark-psy''


ps,,,maybe DETOX can explain better what it was all about ,hehe
Faxi Nadu / Elmooht

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Posted : Feb 10, 2009 22:34
the kicks are NOT bad.... very psychedelic very powerfull, very goa. sure, they are full and spectrum eaters, but that is just the style.

holymen is tracker music? i have no info, but somehow i doubt it?
The Way Back
Faxi Nadu / Elmooht

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Posted : Feb 10, 2009 22:38

On 2009-02-10 22:29, goaren wrote:
speaking of holymen... i used to love this track (altho the melody is clearly a ripoff of sheyba's trance africa express)

holymen - tarzan

aren't these two tracks circa the same time? i doubt it is a ripoff, a bunch of these melodies sound the same cause they use similar scales/arps imo           
The Way Back
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 10, 2009 22:49
umm... no - tarzan came atleast a year or two after trance africa express (which we knew as the elephant song - so i guess he liked the elephant song asweel ) so maybe its not a ripoff but it sounds too much alike... and about the tracker i cant say for certain but i know what tracker tracks sound like and holymen/eyal barkan and the likes really sound like they did it in impulse tracker (nothing wrong with that im just saying hell some of erez eizen's first work was with impulse tracker and it sounded amazing )
Faxi Nadu / Elmooht

Started Topics :  282
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Posted : Feb 10, 2009 22:50
ya i know erez is tracker work, and indeed i also heard some folks play me music they made with impulse and i can admit i is possible. maybe you are right. anyone can she light on this?           
The Way Back

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Posted : Feb 10, 2009 22:51
well i did it with madtracker hahah 

Started Topics :  312
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Posted : Feb 11, 2009 00:10
My theory that there's a certain period of time after which every bad thing will be considered good was proven once again.
I predict that by 2012 Alien Project's last albums will be sold for almost 100$ on E-Bay
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Started Topics :  258
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Posted : Feb 11, 2009 01:30
Damn, I remember the Nitzhonot music days.

Check out VA - Pzatzot

Luminis, Iceman, Shiva Shidapu, Destination

more info here:

Faxi Nadu / Elmooht

Started Topics :  282
Posts :  3394
Posted : Feb 11, 2009 01:36
thanks for the link jeto, great info there.

i was kinda hoping people will post more vids here like in he classic and preclassic threads, bring on the youtube stuff folks           
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Nomolos(Zenon Rec.)
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 11, 2009 02:38
one one the best/worst nitzhonot tracks can be found on this post of mine (includes link to d/l)...



          "....or is it???"

Started Topics :  296
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Posted : Feb 11, 2009 03:31
Miranda is for sure not Nitzhonot.

This kind of music was created by Israelis and was continued by Greek artists so dont look outside these two countries for other artists.

This music was created by Holymen and Eyal Barkan (and the young artists at that time working with them like Goldenfinger,Kintaro,Luminus,Astrix and more) as an alternative and probably more easy listening choice to goa trance with more melodies,easier track structure and powerful kicks.

Back in those days legendary groups like Astral Projection,Power Source,Mystica and California Sunshine were the main inspiration source for this kind of music along with European legends like Transwave,Man With No Name and Hallucinogen and thats why many Nitzhonot melodies sound like remixed copies of famous goa trance anthems.Ofcourse the production quality was of very low levels in most cases and most melodies were either "borrowed" from goa and psy trance tracks (a famous melody created by Elysium used in an Eyal & Oren Barkan track) or taken from movie soundtracks (Last Universe by Holymen that is actually a Kintaro and Goldenfinger track) or even traditional israeli songs from local heroes like Zohar Argov for example (Holymen-Sicko Leako).Even cartoon shows were a source of inspiration for this kind of music (Esoteric Space-Dardashim which is actually the Smurfs show).

This music came to Greece and it became very popular mainly with the young ages and many groups got involved with it like Cyan,Starchildren,Cherouvim,Darma and more but their sound was more melodic with less oriental influences and more psychedelic touches i dare to say especially for Cyan.

This music died in Israel long long time ago and around 2002-2003 it heavily declined also in Greece and today very very few people are involved with it and something like 100-150 people gather in small parties when they take place in Athens which was the centre of this music in Greece.

Actually Nitzhonot is preety much dead in our days i guess since it is a music style that it completed its circle like other music styles like gabba for example in the Netherlands.

P.S Unlike many people believe Yahel was never part of the Nitzhonot era and he created just one track called Analog Star which he produced while in Athens for a gig and he did it in just a day.           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
Faxi Nadu / Elmooht

Started Topics :  282
Posts :  3394
Posted : Feb 11, 2009 04:19
great info, thanks detox!           
The Way Back

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Posts :  385
Posted : Feb 11, 2009 04:33
You would probably like the compilation Ptzatzot 3, it came out in 99 the year nitz peaked and has a lot of the big name nitzhonot artists like Iceman. Even oldschool Astrix.

If you want to view alot of great nitzhonot and oldschool uplifitng goa, this guy has a treasure trove of vids.

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