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The never ending tale

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  84
Posts :  2082
Posted : Jun 19, 2012 05:39
said, hmm, what about changing the plans slightly ?

I looked at her trying to see what was going on.

She looked at me for a while, smiling, then her lips started to move again.

"We have a huge place here where we work with music, you see, that is the core of this facility. These "company " with the butterfly logo, has been around for thousands of years. "

It goes way back in history and their work has been carried on by thousands and thousands of people through the ages, it works as a pyramid, so only the top of the pyramid has full access to the agenda , purpose and reasons.

I myself only have limited access, but i can tell you a bit.

Lets walk in the meanwhile she said and she opened a door to a new tunnel.

" In a little village in the spanish mountains called Oleza a painter ones lived, his works was impressing the whole nation and people over seas. After time he got very rich and famous and started to travel around the world, showing his paintings, meeting new people, getting inspiriation etc.

One day on his journeys, he decided to live and sleep in a cave in the area that was known for inspiring poets,painters,musicians etc , so he went into the local cave that also were know for its magic looking atmosphere with all of its crystals etc.

One night when he just felt asleep at the side of his campfire he was awoken by the echoes of a flute, he followed the source from where he heard the sound and found a man sitting and playing . He spoke with the man that was very kind and friendly and told him that he was a eremite musician and that he was creating and playing music here.

This was the beginning of a very famous series of paintings that would change the course of the painter forever. Under the days he spent in the cave, the musician had been playing on his flute in a distance hearable for the painter.The founder of this company.

He was amazed by the music and said that he never had heard anything like it before, some times he said, he found the musician being in a trance like state playing on the flute being unreachable for contact.

However the visitation in the caves had some kind of paranormal effect on him, and he started to read a lot of books about spirituality, magic, religion, occultism, etc and their relationship to music.

After some years he started to write books about his experience in the cave and his thoughts about what he wanted to know and explore. He thought that music could be somekind of a opener or activator of otherwise unreachable planes / spheres etc.

His ideas got lots of response, mostly by people like him, and since they all got lots of influence in society and money, our founder, the painter, and a couple of others decided to start a company.

This is the company that is the reason why you are here.

A couple of time ago they started a project having studies on the relationship between paranormal experinces and music rhytms. After a while they got a couple of abductee people in their research but then strange things started to happen and they started to work with another company which i am unaware of.

The project went underground, but it seems to grown lots bigger though the years.

It seems to be somekind of mutual grounds though.

She looked a bit uncertain about how to continue as we were walking in the long corridor.

Since they started to work with the other company they have been working on some kind of implants, implants that is said to change our musical ability, our ability to hear rhytm and melodies etc.They are looking for certain kind of people for different kind of implants, i am not sure what they are doing but this other company seems to be working with advanced technology and has been involved in many other companies that has been working with space traveling and exploring space.

Then she stopped talking and looked at me, " lets get inside " she said and i could see that we were in the end of the tunnel and a door was infront of me.

I opened it and the first thing i could see was...
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  84
Posts :  2082
Posted : Jun 21, 2012 02:39
A lot of computers, there was much activity in the room, people were going everywhere, lots of wires and machines, synthesizers, big compressors, instruments, cables.

It was a high technology sci fi feeling with lots of electricity flowing through the room, the air was filled with the smell of newly opened sodas and some fruits i saw a bit here and there. It was actually a quite pleasant approach to the room.

I could see some flowers and plants also, they were big and looked exotic and colourful, and the room felt less sterile and more alive then much of the other environment that i had seen so far.

Everyone seemed very relaxed and focused on what they were doing.They seemed very effective though and did not take any notice of me or the woman that i was with.

"This place is much bigger then what you can see from here" the woman said

"There is a very nice Restaurant just behind that corner " she said, and pointed towards the end of where we were.

" But why not check out this place a little before we eat" she said and walked towards a person she seemed to know.

She started to speak with the person she just had been walking to ,after a short amount of time, maybe 30 seconds or less they both walked towards me.

"This is Holivan , one of the staff working here, he is at the moment working with devoloping a new synth that has wires which is connected to the player, the wires interacts with the player in a very special way and will let him or her create music in a new way "

Holivan went towards me, shaked my hand, introduced himself and immediately , with a big chunk of enthusiasm , started to speak about the synth .

"Zithra RDZ has really given me back the way to see the studio as a electronic laboratory , with these wires with the latest plasma rex electrones and G7 upgrades you will take your sound and your studio experience to a whole new level.

This will make you feel the sound in your body, not just your mind, but your whole body and emotions will interact with the noise through the synth "

" Sounds amazing " i said, looking at what looked like a mix of a synth and a star trek ship . "

"Hey, why dont you come back here after you have grabbed some food, then you can try the synth and give me some feedback on my latest modifications. It would be good for us both."

"Yeah , sure, would be really nice" i said

As we started to walk against the dinner place i could see some kind of...
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