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The never ending tale

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 20, 2011 17:06
oh , a "reality check" i thought for myself as i looked at the cold and newly opened soda bottle in my hand , the text "reality check" was in flouro blue and looked really cool.

Then i took a zip from it , it was extremely good, and my mouth was chocked by how fresh and well tasting the sparkling liquid was.

the entity smiled at me and said

"nectar from paradise " , i drink these alot.

Do you want something to eat ? he then said

"Sure , that would be nice " i said

Then he started to make some kind of yoga like movements with his body ,and it went faster and faster and faster,until it all went into a speed that i never have seen before.

Suddenly some kind of objects started to emerge in the room, it looked like they were created from nothing, the morphing fractal like materia started to get bigger and bigger.

After a while, there was lots of food at a nicely looking table,there was all sorts of food , liquid, desserts, etc.

I felt like eating some...
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  241
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Posted : Mar 4, 2011 19:28
when i touched the cake it turned into a mushroom and i said "woow!" and ate the mushroom...then my body compeletly dissolved i took a sip of soda i was sucked inside the bottle i became so soon i fell in the bottle dropped on the floor and broke into thousand pieces ....the thundering sound was amazing it was just like the beat from a trance track when i fell from the high into the glass pieces i started dancing
it was fun           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive

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Posted : Mar 5, 2011 13:59
And luckily it was just a dream. I awoke of it in a flash, and to my luck saw a regular cake that has not been submitted to the typical hippie-cliché of turning it into a mushroom for excitement. I really am just hungry. So confiding myself that this is the reality of waking life, one among many, but the one we spend most our time believing is the only real one, I ate the cake and felt somewhat satisfied, despite its sweetness, though it filled the empty void in my tummy.

Walking outside I couldn't help but feeling something weird had indeed happened... What was that alien up to? And had I been affected by a real mushroom in a dreamy world? Why was everything suddenly so significant on this usually grey side of the reality barrier?
As I pondered these questions few, I stumbled upon...
          "... the fundamental striving of every man should be to create for himself an inner freedom towards life and to prepare for himself a happy old age." - Gurdjieff
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 6, 2011 14:53
I stumbled upon a sadhu who was in deep meditation. I observed him closely. He called me by my name and told me everything i had been thinking of. I got freaked out ... how could this man know what im thinking.
Then i ran from that place and came across....
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  241
Posts :  2848
Posted : Mar 10, 2011 16:29
a big fat man. i said "hello" after a long pause he looks at me and rips of a loud fart, i can still hear the echoes. Surprisingly the smell of this fart was the most beautiful smell i have ever smelt. It was so aromatic and healing. As i walked closer to him the smell got better and and better. I asked him was the smell because of his which he replied "....           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  84
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Posted : Mar 16, 2011 01:06
Take a seat ,and here take this,then he handed me a cup of nicely smelling chai tea. "It´s homemade " he said ,we grow the ingredients right here in the mountain, and at the same moment he started to walk away from were we where, after taking a few steps i saw that he was putting in a cd in some sort of a cd player.

This will create a nice vibe he said,and i could hear some sweet ambient music being played. "you like it ? " he said, yes ,sure , it sounds nice i said.

Lets talk a walk,there is much i want to show you.Why not take a walk to a cave that we have right around here.

It is a cave were we have placed huge speakers,lots of laser lights ,strobs and nice deco,there we dance to fresh and good psytrance and goa and also we enjoy chilling to some ambient music or soundscapes. Lets go there and you will see for yourself.

Then i said...
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  241
Posts :  2848
Posted : Apr 5, 2011 09:16
"fat baba i love you, do u have a daughter i want to be the bearer of your descendants"
i also requested him if he could impregnate my wife i wanted fat baba's genes in my blood fat baba said " you see that scooter ?...I cant ride it, why dont you go for a spin and crash into an on coming truck make sure your head is crushed under the tyres and fuckin die" ..i was amazed to hear such harsh words from fat baba..but i i took the scooter and went towards the oncoming truck..fat baba was now smiling as soon as the truck came, i pulled to the side, pulled down my pants and told the fat baba to kiss my ass and ran away with his scooter           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  84
Posts :  2082
Posted : Apr 27, 2011 08:28
I drived around with my scooter a while, suddenly i saw a really hot girl wanting a lift at the side of the road,sticking out her thump.I stopped and said, hello there, want a ride? She smiled and jumped on the back of the scooter.I asked were she wanted to go,wherever you wanna go she said.Hmm,strange i thought,but she looked really good and seemed normal so lets try it i thought,i can always take a pause soon and talk some with her to see that she is fine. Then i turned the volume on my mini speakers on the scooter to the max , gave here a helmet and pushed the speed limiter to the full,it did go quite fast, we were listening to some fast stuff and i felt like a pro sports car driver.

After a while i stopped at a store to buy some food and take a paus.When i looked back at this former beutiful girl she started to morph, and looked like a hologram.She looked like a fake human, like a clone with machine parts inside.Cyborg style. Then suddenly on her back i saw a little gnome like figure,reminded me of a very small human but with alien attributes.

"just playing some tricks with you" the gnome like thing said, i often do the "beutiful girl" trick to get a ride , he,she or what it was said."Well,got things to do,thanks for the ride ,to show my gratiude towards you i will give you a gift, i will make your scooter three times bigger so you can drive faster and look cooler"

"I will make the scooter bigger when you are in the store so when you get back it will be really huge"

Without really having a good reply to what the gnome said i just said "thanks" and tried to look happy and thankful.When i got into the store i decided to buy some...
Solid Snake

Started Topics :  266
Posts :  4139
Posted : May 2, 2011 01:28
fresh AAA batteries for my dildo who's been declining remarkably in efficiency lately As I rolled in to the supermarket unknowingly having my Rick Astley supermegamix booming in the walkman I ran into my dear old friend "the loveable fat baba which daughter I supposedly should concieve unloveably ugly children with" who was also there to re-stock his arsenal in the self-friction department.

Little did I know there was a....
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  241
Posts :  2848
Posted : May 12, 2011 16:11
It was dark cold night he was all by himself. His friends had abandoned him. The music was loud and crystal clear, the bass was pumping, and the treble sent shivers down his spine. He was twirling and turning on the dance floor everyone was watching his every move wondering when he would do his next spin. He was consumed by the environment and was flying through time. Soon he began to jump like a lunatic and later he was stomping like a soldier.
The sun was rising at the horizon he was in high state of awakened alertness. A slight touch to his body sent electric waves that made everyone present go crazy. He was at the center of the party his mood elevated, energy drinks running through his body and cocktail of amphetamines, vitamins and hallucinogens were hitting his nerve cells. Suddenly at 9am when the siren went off he stood at attention gave a salute and started marching. Our man was on he was full on. The heat was getting too hot to handle the swimsuits were coming on. The dancefloor had become a battle ground. Everyone was trying to hold their ground. Our man stood there in command in his military pants and tie dye t-shirt.
At noon he stopped for the first time since the time he started and had sip of cold water. After which he ran to the beach took a dive and came back running to the dance floor drenched in salty water. The people around now knew it was going to be mayhem. This man was on a mission, what was his mission? Curiosity drove the dancers wild, the djs kept signaling him to come to the backstage but he ignored. They sent a messenger to him a friend of a friend; he calmed and spoke and said,”after this track.”
          When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  84
Posts :  2082
Posted : Aug 10, 2011 07:11
We need to head to a nearby forest , its important. Why i asked ,then he said, because you forgot your scooter there and you need it to be able to drive home, then i said...
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  84
Posts :  2082
Posted : Aug 12, 2011 15:18
Okey, and we both went to the forest, walking in the foggy atmosphere that now was starting to be filled with beams from the sun which just started to appear.

The time span was somewhere around the shift between day and night and i could hear some birds beginning their singing.I suddenly heard some tree branches being broken just next to me and i instantly looked at the place from where the sound was coming from.

Although it still was a bit dark i could see the shape of a bird, it looked like a owl, spreading its wings ,getting ready to roam the skies.

"Wonderful , not every day you see a owl i thought for myself "

I was no bird expert , but i knew how some species looked like and i knew that owls are not especially common to stumple upon. It was not a big thing but i still felt a bit surprised.

The person who i was walking with then said

"Now we are just a couple of minutes away from your scooter, you surely placed it in a safe place, do you got a treasure stored in it or what ? "

I then maked a short laugh and said " Yes , its full of gold , you can get a coin or two for being such a great guide "

The person responded with a laugh and then it seemed we were at the place were i had put my scooter, although i did not myself remember where it was.

I took up a key from my pocket and started the scooter, thanks for the guide i said, maybe we meet again.

"Where is my gold coins" he then said

"I will send it in a letter" i said, as i in the same moment made a smile and turned the keys inside the scooter.

The scooter made its familiar buzzing start noise, a noise i heard almost daily for a couple of years.

I started to drive on the small deserted forest path which just were a couple of meters away from the bush were i had placed my scooter under.

Now the line between day and night were clearly broken , it was morning, and the forest started to be filled by sounds from different animals and insects.

As i were driving alongst the small road i was thinking about what i was going to do when i got back home , i was a bit tired, so zapping a bit at my TV in my sofa or reading a bit in my new book felt like a good idea.

After a couple of minutes of driving i felt more like just getting a powernap or get some quality relaxing , just laying down in my bed , when getting back home.

As i was thinking about different alternatives about what to do when getting home i saw somekind of a store which i did not recognise , although i had been driving this road before .

"Maybe its a newly opened store" i thought .

I felt a impulse to stop my scooter and check what it was, i was a bit hungry and i assumed that they selled some kind of nutrition so my subconscious might have triggered that reaction to.

I lowered the pressure on the gas pedal with my right foot and drove towards what seemed like a parking lot , there were no other cars or vehicles and the whole place felt a bit desolate. It was also very silent, i could hear no bird singing or insects humming around which i had been doing just a couple of meters ago.

I parked my scooter , took out the key , and went towards the entrance at the place which looked like a store.

When i was just outside the store i also saw that there was no windows , "hmm" strange i thought and took a grip on the door knob,but i could not open it, the door was locked.

Now i was a bit curious, maybe the store was just being opened and perhaps they were renovating it or something i thought.

Since no one seemed to be there i thought that i might as well take a look at the backside of the store to see what kind of place it was.

The store, or whatever it was, were placed in the corner of the road so one could not really see what was behind it, but it seemed like it was somekind of garden there. I decided that i should walk towards it.

After perhaps 10 meters i saw some kind of satellite at the back yard. When getting closer i saw more of them, there was at least ten of them and one of them were really huge, perhaps 10 meter tall, but the trees around the place made it impossible to see them when being at the road.

I could also see alot of tubes spread all over the garden , some with liquid in them with different colours, and some empty and dry, and some were broken and some intact.

There were also alot of wires and electricity adapters spread all around.

I walked close to the center of the garden, towards the biggest satellite, now i could also see more devices, which i did not recognise, they seemed very advanced though due to the obvious complex looking of them. They were not looking like some junkyard parts more like some high technology loboratory stuff.

Now i could also see somekind of a passage in the ground , like an entrance , in the right corner.Like a door being placed flat at the ground, and it was a door knob on it. As i walked towards it i heard some sounds behind me. It sounded like footsteps.

The sound was getting closer and closer and suddenly i could see a person coming at my direction when looking back, perhaps 10-15 meter away from me.

After a short numbers of seconds, which felt like minutes , i could see a middle aged , well dressed and ordinary looking man standing in front of me.

He said...

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Posted : Aug 13, 2011 08:50
..."I sincerely hope you weren't thinking of opening that door."

He stood silently for a moment, looking at me. Interested, almost expectantly, yet detached from the situation.

I didn't want to just stand there and stare, looking dumb, but I did.
After a few seconds, i caught myself and said...
"Maybe I was. Maybe I wasn't."

As the man slowly took a couple steps toward me, he grinned.
"Smart ass eh? Well, smartypants, you're free to open the door if you want. No skin off my back. Off your face, rather."

What was this, a warning..? What was beneath the door.. and wtf were all these satellite dishes? They were all pointed in various directions, no two were faced the same. The complete oddness of this situation began to strike me.

I looked back toward the door. Now my imagination was doing strange things with it.. Were those growls?

I all of a sudden just wanted to be back home and relaxing. How did I keep getting myself into these things?

"Who are you??" I asked.

"I think it is you who should be answering that," he stated, matter-of-factly.

Without luster in my voice, I told him my name. His eyes widened for a split second, then he said, "It is your destiny alone which has brought you here. To humans, who spend most of their lives in self-induced clouds, destiny's hands feel cold and foreign. You have been experiencing things that you would call strange. The awake-state and the dream-state are not easy to distinguish. I am part of your destiny, but only a small one. You will not always see me, but I shall be with you from now on. I will be here to remind you of that which is of the most importance, when the way is dark.."

Suddenly, his body disappeared, and only where his eyes had been a moment before did I see anything. A soft yellow glow lingered, then faded slowly, and I felt as if his eyes still stared at me.

For a moment there was silence, just me and the satellite dishes, and the trees. It was weird, but for one moment there was a peace.

The next moment I felt the strongest hunger I've felt in my life, deep inside.. And at the same moment I knew that the only way to cure this hunger was to open that door which I had been going for..
The spirit, man, fairy, whatever it had been.. Had warned me.. But I felt so strong, so HUNGRY for that doorknob in my hand.. If i could just open it.. for just one second, to see what was inside..

I moved a foot or two closer to the door...
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  241
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Posted : Oct 13, 2011 15:40
the closer i moved to the door the further it seemed to get, every step i took foward the door inched couple spaces further..either i had lost all sense of space or my mind was doing things took me 3hrs to get to the door knob finally when i got to it and opened was a bathroom and a ladies one...i stepped in and saw some of the most beautiful women compeletely naked and i was harder than the redwood..i touched one of them and just like that they all vanished in thin air and i fell and fainted...only to be woken up by a big fat bouncer           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  84
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Posted : Oct 21, 2011 02:18
And he said, welcome to the " hybrid room " , as we usually call it, although its more like a facility then a room. We activated a gas that created hallucinations when you where getting close to the room. We have carried you a long way since we took you inside the door.

I looked around and i could see that i was in a small room without any form of decoration, just a plain steel like environment.It looked very clean and sterile. The bouncer started speaking again.

Since no one will believe what this is i might as well tell you. This planet is like a zoo, or more like a laboratory zoo , there are beings coming from another planets or "places" then yours who use this one as a workstation. What mainly is going one is that when some woman are pregnant these beings alter their offspring with inserting different lifeforms of their own inside the pregnant woman. Then the fetus grows togheter with the alien fetus, creating like a symbios, neither human , neither alien, but a mix between them. This is usually how the interdimensional E.T`s work.

Sometimes they just put in sperm from a hybrid. This is unoticed by the woman and she thinks she gets pregnant by her man , boyfriend , etc. There are many different ways of creating hybrids, and not all hybrids have the same origin which means that there are many different kind of E.T`s , aliens at work.

These beings then keep track of these children as they grow up as everyone else in ordinary homes, although they are always a bit different. If these hybrid shows some special qualities that interest the beings they will further interact with them, inserting them with more biological parts with alien origin.Devoloping them according to the purpose that they have with them.

If they not show some qualities they will mostly just keep track of them or study them, or just collect their reproductive parts for further breeding.

They operate in another level, not attainable in the normal state, the sleep state is when this most often occurs, and during this period they are as most active.

The bouncer then looked at me and said, look at yourself, how you behave against other lifeforms, how you have created different kinds of dogs,hybrids,mixing them as toys.Look at your zoo`s , your laboratory`s. Did you think you were the only one to behave like that ? This whole place is like a playground for interdimensional beings going in and out through your "world" as they please.They use humans as instruments, like you use a glove or a car. The hybrids are a bit different though, that is whats so exiting with them.

The bouncer then said to me, lets take a walk , i got some things that i am going to show you. Without saying anything i followed him as he opened the door. The first thing that i did see when i got outside the room was...
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