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The never ending tale

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  84
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Posted : Mar 24, 2010 08:27:59
I thought that it would be fun for us here on the forum to write a never ending tale togheter and since this is the book section i think it`s perfect to write a "book" togheter in this area.One person writes a couple of sentances and then another person continues on the story.

Just mind your language and dont write inappropriate things and everything will be just fine.

The thought of this is that it will be like a story that continues on all the time. You just continue on the tale that the last person wrote,in whatever way you want it to be.Just dont get to far out or insult anyone or write something inappropriate.

So what will the story be about,well, that is up to you.You are the pen that writes the next page.

This is a first person story

"First-person narrative is a narrative mode where a story is narrated by only one character at a time, who explicitly refers to him- or herself using words and phrases involving "I" (referred to as the first-person singular) and/or "we" (the first-person plural).

I will begin

I just waked up and felt a bit tired but as i saw the sun outside the window i immediately felt more awake.I decided to start the day with a long walk.I wanted to get some breakfast before i went out so i decided to eat...

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Posted : Apr 7, 2010 02:55
Damn it ended preety fast i guess heh           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 7, 2010 03:55

On 2010-04-07 02:55, DETOX wrote:
Damn it ended preety fast i guess heh

Hopefully someone will write sometime so the story can get started : ) It has not been so much action yet but i am still waiting.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posts :  2082
Posted : Apr 7, 2010 04:03
I will continue a bit on the tale

I just waked up and felt a bit tired but as i saw the sun outside the window i immediately felt more awake.I decided to start the day with a long walk.I wanted to get some breakfast before i went out so i decided to eat...

Some apples and drink some juice and tea.I sat down at my kitchen table for a while,going through what the day should be like.I was free this day from any sort of obligations so i had no special schedule.I went to get some clothes before going out ,i grabbed a t-shirt and a couple of comfortable pants.Before going out i wanted to have some nice new music in my mp3 player,i decided to load up some...
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  84
Posts :  2082
Posted : Apr 7, 2010 04:09
Old Astral projection tracks in my mp3 player and put in some new cd`s that i yet not had been listening to.I grabbed my shoes and went out through my door and locked it. The first thing i saw when i went through the door was...
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  241
Posts :  2848
Posted : Apr 7, 2010 09:13
a big lizard crawling near my scooter. To my sanitized brain it appeared like a dinosaur and I lost all sense of comprehension. I drove my scooter a for half mile and suddenly a large trucked knocked me down. I could see my blood flowing down the road and it seemed like brand new river had just erupted. Now this river...
          When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  84
Posts :  2082
Posted : Apr 7, 2010 09:29
Must have been an imagination of my mind i thought as i saw that i did not bleed and was fine.Probably i had hit a large stone or something like that i thought and went back on the scooter.I drove a little bit more and stopped after a while to leave the scooter and to take a walk in a nice forest.

The forest was wonderful,it was summer and it was full of life and sound.It was warm and i felt good as i walked around.I decided to sit down a little and regain some power after walking for some time.Suddenly i heard somekind of sound that i did not recognise ,it sounded like...
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  241
Posts :  2848
Posted : Apr 7, 2010 17:00
like there was a waterfall nearby. I rubbed my head in disbelief , was this the bloody river that appeared earlier? As i was laying under the tree, banyan i think..a sage passes by and proclaims me Shiva and asks for my blessings..I shook my head to indicate negative, "No I am not shiva" . The sage was convinced that I was and in no time there was a crowd of about 25 locals who the sage convinced about me being the reincarnation of Shiva...A few days later           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  84
Posts :  2082
Posted : Apr 8, 2010 03:28
The locals and i had started to meet regularly at the spot were i first meet the sage.We were now about 50-100 people gathered at the top of a little hill. The sage and the locals that thought that i was shiva were now convinced that he and everything else was shiva,i told him that i am not more shiva than he or anyone else and that everyone is shiva.

After that we started to talk about our thoughts about life and the existence and it shoved that the reasons why the sage and the locals were so fast with gathering in the forest was because in that area the people had always had a very big interest in spirituality.

The first days after our first encounter we mostly talked about all sorts of things.And since the vibe just felt great when everyone was togheter,me,the sage,the locals and a few friends of them it felt natural to keep meeting.We decided to start meeting there regularly.

Today it was going to be music involved.We were going to start with listening to ambient music and meditate in a circle.We started quit late so due to the absence of the sun we had some candles lit.After a while we started to gather wood to make a big fire at the place.We made a circle and poured water around it so the fire would not spread.It had rained a bit earlier to so there was no problem.

When the fire was lit we had a couple of huge speakers placed quit near the fire.Then i had a couple of psytrance cd`s brought from home that i was going to put on.

After a while the music echoed out in the night and a pleasent vibe started to spread.Everyone danced very intensely and everything just felt right.

The hours passed on and suddenly the sun came back,now i did put on a goa cd and after that there was going to be meditation for those who wanted and the rest would get back home.

As i was dancing to some very hypnotic and pleasent goa tracks i suddenly saw the sage coming towards me like he wanted to tell me something.As he got just next to me he said...

IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  241
Posts :  2848
Posted : Apr 8, 2010 10:37
He said, "dear one, the local mafia wants your blessings and want to give you special cream made from a special plant, it has miraculous powers". I was a bit hesitant to meet them but there was no way to avoid them. They came with an entourage of cars, a black open top jeep, a 1987 Honda Accord, 2 Maruti 800s and were followed by cop car.
Now i was really scared, were the mafia going to kill me , was the sage a co-conspirator, were all the people I met trained actors? Paranoia struck me...before i could collapse , a tall bearded well built man in a black sleeves t-shirt and cargo pants stepped out and started walking towards me...i wanted to piss but somehow managed to hold back..The man came and sat next to me and said, "Bosco, I am Bosco...the king of Goa, i supply sound to people who make party and i supply bullets and guns to people who want to make make party nice, i get cop protection for you...police work for me, so dont worry"...I felt a good vibe flowing but it was not your typical good vibe, it was a strange one.
Soon his whole posse of 30 or so came out and surrounded me...the told the villagers to unfold their stuff they had to sell..10 of the villagers in no time had their tea stalls up and running, a few were selling beaded jewelery, hour or so later a bunch of hellish look fair skinned non-english speaking individuals arrived, they had their backpacks and they unfolded their gear and set up 3 shops selling t-shirts, backdrops and cds...i understood what was going on...i knew there was going to be a party..but so quick?...Bosco's men had replaced the earlier softer lighter speakers with towering infernos of speakers...there was no dj, there was no cd players...there were 15 portable mp3 players with pirated trance music...Bosco downed 4 bottles of beer in under 10mins...after that he flung them on the near by highway...and removed his Walter PPk and fired 3 shots in the air...and screamt on the microphone, "FUCKERS COME OUT WE READY FOR BIG BIG BOOM BOOM...we found SHIVA!" ...found shiva? i asked myself..was i going to be the sacrificial offering, was i the one who was going to be held responsible for the outcome of the party? was i the one going to jail?
..I felt the only way to rid myself of this paranoia was by getting smashed ...i started binging and doing all the possible naracotics the mafia had...within 2-3 hours i was out of control and was on the dancefloor doing the Natraja...the party lasted for 3 days straight...           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  84
Posts :  2082
Posted : Apr 8, 2010 13:21
And when the party was finished i felt very tired.I went to look for my scooter.After a couple of hours i found it.I started to drive towards home.

While driving home i thought back on the last couple of days.I had been establishing some sort of a spiritual group in a close forest were we had been starting to have parties and meditate and talk about the secrets of life etc. I was also chocked over meeting the Bosco guy and i hoped he would not come to our place in the forest more to disturb our great vibe.

When i was home i felt really tired,i knew that i was going to sleep for a while once i crashed.I drank lots of juice , made a omulette and ate some stuff i had forgot that i still had in my refrigerator.

After i had been eating i took a shower and after that i headed to the bed.As i layed down on the bed i almost instantly started to sleep.

The next day i woke up and felt quit refreshed.It had been lots of dancing the last days so i was thinking of just taking it easy.But before i got up from the bed i started to think about the dream i just had.In my dream i was in...


Started Topics :  129
Posts :  1555
Posted : Apr 10, 2010 01:35
in a puddle that was constituted of a sticky substance not unlike molasses yet with a synthetic quality. I try and try to get out struggling and struggling the substance stretches trickling out a sickening groan like frogs being pulled limb from limb. I am exhausted broken lost and without the energy to continue the struggle. It was in that very moment the moment when the struggling ceased that the puddle lost its grip and turned into a vaporized form of its previous constitution.
I am free and walking away down a path with tall oak trees on either side the wind is barely cold enough to notice. the sky is dark like a storm at dusk but all else is lit up as if the sun were smoldering in view. What now do i do where do i go with this knowledge the only way to break yourself free from the things that tether you is to stop fighting them. The wooded road is too long to tell where it heads but the climate makes the journey effortless. Then i wake up... I checked my feet for sticky residue... nope it was most certainly a dream. reassured I flip back over to go back to sleep... wait i didnt have a ceiling fan before did I? I look around only to find out I am not in my home...where am i?...
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  84
Posts :  2082
Posted : Apr 10, 2010 03:36
What is this place i thought as i was mesmerized by what i saw when i looked around.As i had waked up from my first dream i started to dream again.I was moving in an geometrical sphere,unlike everything i had seen before.

Everything there moved much faster and there seemed to be other rules for the objects and the materia in that environment.Everything moved and changed,not like it is here were things are like glued to the surfaced.It was other rules for how life operated there.

Suddenly a golden orb stood infront of me and created a tunnel which it pulled me into,it all happened very fast.Almost instantly as i was sucked down in the tunnel i was in an empty void with the orb infront of me,yet i was not falling i just was there.
It was similiar like sitting in a empty cinema watching a movie,it wanted to show me something.

I felt that i could speak with it through my mind. I asked what was happening? The orb told me without speaking that i had entered this place during my sleep and that this was another plane of existence,like another page of the same book.The orb told me that soon i was going to wake up as normal in me bed.But it wanted to speak with me for a while to tell me something.

I was amazed and chocked by what was happening but i had no time to reflect on what was going on.It all went so fast and i had no choice but focusing on the communication with the orb.

The orb started to show me different forms of itself,it started to constantly morph in front of me in all sorts of shapes,it morphed into people,animals,all kinds of material structures,creatures i never had seen before,different kinds of patterns and symbol like structures,it had all kinds of undescribable forms.Then it was transformed into an orb again and started to pull strings out from itself just like a tree grows branches.

Every string turned into something,both living and materia.It was growing.It showed me how everyone and everything i ever had seen was like the top of the string.I could see that sometimes some strings disappeared but new ones was coming all the time.Almost like a stormy water,some waves disappearing but new ones always coming.And every string were attached to each other and formed patterns and forms i never could describe.I could also see the string that was attached to me and was leading into the orb.

Then it started to show me a layer like structure,like a ladder and every step was a separate and unique world yet they were all part of the same ladder.The strings that formed objects and beings were attached to every step in the ladder and was interconnected.

Then the orb gave me a feeling that i recognised,it felt like love and peace.Totally beyond all kinds of fear and doubt.I felt connected to the orb ,and i felt like the orb was the source of this feeling.It then showed me how this feeling,emotion,vibe,energy,whatever it was,was like a glue that hold everything togheter,it was like the sun the makes things grow or the water that nourishes nature.Without it there would be nothing.

Now the tunnel that i went through started to emerge again and i went through it and went out at the same place that i did enter in.Now the orb was gone.And i was at that place again were all things were moving and changing.Suddenly another tunnel formed and i was instanly warped through it.

I landed in a middle of a environment that felt like something from another planet in the middle of something that i could not understand what it was.Suddenly i was pushed in again in the tunnel.I had been placed in the wrong place but it was not a problem i was told by a voice.And almost instantly i waked up in my bed.

I was in a chock.The first 10 minutes i just laid paralyzed,unable to move.Then i succeeded to get up from my bed.Suddenly my phone rang and i picked it up. The voice said...


Started Topics :  4
Posts :  142
Posted : Apr 12, 2010 08:56

So I went, but stopped short in my tracks. Where to go? A clock appeared next to me. I read the crooked hands. 7:00. But 7:00 what? Time for breakfast or dinner? Time to watch the sun rise? Or listen to the crickets begin to chirp.

One thing was clear. There wasn't a moment more to waste. So I gathered what was left of my shattered existence and walked outside. The sun hit me instantly, the rays warming my skin, still damp with the cool sweat provided by my furious dreaming. Definitely 7:00am. A calm washed over me. Breathe easy, my conciousness told me, and I did. Over and over for three successive breaths.

On the third exhale my calm turned to sudden anxiety. Scanning for the source, it didn't take long to come up with the answer. I had no idea where I was. More important though (my mind was now screaming at me), who was I?

Panic raced through me like lightning. The hair stood up on my arms. I felt like I wanted to run a marathon, but who would be the entrant? Would I be able to pay the entrance fee? Would my family, girlfriend, dog, cat, lizard, be able to attend? Would I win the race?

My thoughts were beginning to pile up, so in a hasty decision I went with them. I bolted ahead, imagining the crack of a starting pistol.

Yes, I'll run with it, I thought. Well, at least I know how to make puns...horrible horrible puns. Realizing this probably wouldn't give keen insight into my character or personal information, I threw off the poor attempt at humor and focused on finding another human to communicate with. Seeing none in the immediate vicinity, I scanned my surroundings. Sidewalk, trees, gigantic black spire looming in the distance...
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  84
Posts :  2082
Posted : Apr 12, 2010 10:20
Suddenly i saw someone i thought i did remember.As the person got closer to me i saw who it was,it was Lemantos ,he was a local friend of mine but we had not seen each other in a while.

"hey,Lemantos,what`s up?" i said when he got closer, still in chock of my dreams.

"hi there,what are you doing ?" he said.

I told him that i just had two dreams and felt like getting some fresh air.Then we talked a bit and he told me that he had heard about the forest party and our meditation in a circle.

He said that there was another party going on there later today and that he was going there. I said that i probably also would do that. We talked some more and then i headed to a store nearby to buy some breakfast.

The walk to the store did not take so long time and when i was inside the store i was going around looking for something nice to buy,but i could not find what i had planned to eat so i asked the girl working in the store if they had any...
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