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The most psychedelic place on earth?

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 20, 2006 05:47

One of the trippiest animals in my opinion has to be the sloth...

Although I don't imagine the sloth really into psy trance, he is such a downer that even ambient is probably to upbeat. The guys spend so much time without moving that their body gets covered in green algea which helps them camuflage. But they do have such a trippy face..

But you know, when it comes to trippy animals, the most psychedelic I can think is probably the cuttelfish. It can change its skin color and pattern instantly:

Or the posison arrow frogs, shit I want to go to a party dressed like any of these highly deadly little guys:

But what is really amazing are all the animals that are bioluminescent (that produce light like fireflies) Well in the deep sea there are some absolutely FANTASTIC alien like animals that produce light in different colors:

Talk about being a trippy mutherfucker:

and some others:

And check out these bioluminicent mushrooms, now how fucking cool is that!!!!

And some other trippy animals that come to mind are:

The Pangolin:

The Platipus with its duck bill:

The chameleon (also changes skin color):

But I think the smaller animals get the more trippy and alien they seem. Like this mantis:

Anyhow, for a true psychedelic animal I would point out the Sonoran desert toad "Bufo Alvarius". Why? Because that is the famous hallucinogenic toad, the two glands he has next to his eyes contain a milky substance with significant amounts of DMT. Not surprising, these toads are collected by some people exactly for this purpose, poor little toads. Here is a picture of the toad:

I think there was a song in some Ceiba Records CD that had a sample that said something like "Lick the froggy" LOL
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 20, 2006 06:07
Cool stuff as usual, Aluxe! I remember the old frog-licking thingy!


On 2006-03-20 05:47, Aluxe wrote:

One of the trippiest animals in my opinion has to be the sloth...

Although I don't imagine the sloth really into psy trance, he is such a downer that even ambient is probably to upbeat. The guys spend so much time without moving that their body gets covered in green algea which helps them camuflage. But they do have such a trippy face..

Yeah, i found a picture of a bright green one... it looked really funny but i lost the link. I'm guessing those ones are more into punk!
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Cardinals Cartel
Black Machine

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Posted : Mar 20, 2006 20:36

The most 1 .. ?

My bed for sure .. !
psionic nomad
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Mar 20, 2006 20:50 bad !
Take A Break

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Posted : Mar 21, 2006 04:29
Yes, it's all about the nature; Can't wait to travel to Ibiza-

hundreds of people pack the beaches and chill to watch the sun set after a day of partying, to rejvenate. After the scene, the party starts all over again...
!Ce M@n
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 21, 2006 20:27
Not seen the whole world yet..           0x00000PSy
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 21, 2006 22:49

On 2006-03-21 20:27, Psytrips wrote:
Not seen the whole world yet..

me also           peace and respect
....isra the forum for losers and i think i am the big loser here,mind loser

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Posts :  79
Posted : Mar 25, 2006 03:21

On 2006-03-20 20:36, Cardinals Carttel wrote:

The most 1 .. ?

My bed for sure .. !

and thats that
there's no place mory psy then dreamy REM state
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 25, 2006 09:41
Have some magic mushrooms and hitchhike through a wildlife park           Discover.Vote.Share() -

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Posted : Mar 27, 2006 10:01
My studio!!!! LOL
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  25
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Posted : Mar 27, 2006 23:21

This is the desert in Mexico where you take a journey to find the peyote:

MAGICICAL place...

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Posts :  3
Posted : Mar 29, 2006 19:44
One of the weirdes places ive been was in the desert taking mescaline....

check the photo i took..
psychedelic hippy

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Posted : Mar 29, 2006 20:58
olympus mountain!
ancient and           trancefamilia crew.

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Posted : Mar 30, 2006 00:33
oi what about urban psychedelic architecture
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 30, 2006 05:54

On 2006-03-30 00:33, dbc wrote:
oi what about urban psychedelic architecture

Yeah... i think i remember seeing a documentary about this guy. Very strange!

Also Portmeirion in Wales. It was where the cult tv show 'The Prisoner' was filmed.

Another odd place created by an eccentric.

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