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the most cheesy and comercial psytrance of all times

IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 20, 2010 01:35
More melodic, but not cheesy:

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 20, 2010 06:56

Just because it use a piano and it's melodic this doesn't mean it's cheesy.

This track is genial, and probably one of the best tracks ever made in electronic music. It has such complexity in just a simple melodic line with few notes. This is what real music is about. It's easy to create a complex tracks when you use a full orchestra but it's more hard to make a same complex tracks with just a piano and few notes played.
So guys, you better learn some music before calling a track cheesy or not !

come on man who are you kidding. That Robert Miles track is hella cheesy. It doesn't mean its bad, its actually really good quality cheese and I think it has great feelings and it was a great track to roll on E with. But its the type of track you almost didn't want to admit you liked because the style is so totally cliche in a slightly eurodance kind of way. But its a good track in the end...

And I don't know why but somehow I can imagine Detox coming to defend this song and calling it something like the pinnacle of civilization. Hehe.. Its a nice track nonetheless.
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 20, 2010 07:37
Was it a cliche in '94 or did it become a cliche as a result of everybody trying to mimic it?

Once again - why are we judging this track in the psy framework, if it's clearly much closer to European club trance? Within that genre, it’s an excellent track (IMHO).

I think Ibiza trance is good (whatever I've heard), for example: nice and warm and without excessive arm stretching. Tasteful music is tasteful, even if it’s a mainstream feel-good club hit. And cheesy music is cheesy, even if it’s underground or experimental.

As for psy trance, I think labeling anything that has a piano or a guitar (or any semblance of a melody) as cheese is just narrow-minded. And no, I don't wear pink shirts with green pants.

P.S. Don't know why, but I still recoil from cheesy psy trance much more than from cheesy mainstream music. I guess it's because schlagers are pretty much expected to be cheesy, so it's not a big shock when they are. With psy trance, cheese feels like a terrible crime: somebody took a beautiful poem and re-wrote it into a fortune cookie. Why?!..
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 20, 2010 07:50
^ remember back then being kind of a guilty pleasure for me. It always sounded kind of cheesy to me. And its not the piano but I think the over sentimental aspect of the piano which sounds kind of cliche
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 20, 2010 08:02
Yeah, I understand (and even - very reluctantly - agree ). But it's still different between club dance and psychedelic music. It's like you may find it cute when a 3-year-old wears a pink dress and carries a Barbie. But you'd be a bit concerned if you saw a 20-year-old like this.

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Posted : Jul 20, 2010 09:27
This isn't the most cheesy and commercial psytrance of all times but its still cheesy

Inactive User

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Posted : Jul 20, 2010 09:56

On 2010-07-19 13:01, eole wrote:
undoubtedly this one :

Why the fuck would you put a eurotrance track in a topic specifically asking for psy trance?

When Robert Mile's was releasing this stuff there was only trance... whether it was on Platypus or Trancemaster or whatever it was one of the best pure trance styles at the time.

It shouldn't be in this topic!


On 2010-07-19 16:13, eole wrote:
[troll mode]
[/troll mode]

(well, i don't really think it's the more cheesy and commercial psy music ever produced... but it's not really my cup of tea)

Can you give us an example of what you think is quality non-cheese? I mean, you seem to be saying that any track that has good progression and melody is cheesey?

I personally love the sound of the hang drum, and think Shpongle did an amazing job weaving a pattern of psychedelic sounds and rhythms around it.

I'd like to see you make a track half as good & original as either of these mate

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Inactive User

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Posted : Jul 20, 2010 10:00
Actually it's considered House & Downtempo... so def. does not belong in this topic

And in 1996 it def. blew my mind with joy that album!

I still listen to it until this day, and last year at a psy gig I dropped "Children (Dream Version)" mixed in with a MWNN track and actually received applause at a club at 2am.

Neve heard applause for a track being dropped by a dj before... so it's still popular IMHO.           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
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Posted : Jul 20, 2010 10:03 also the theme behind it explains the melody & mood quite well:

"Miles has stated two motives for the writing of "Children". One was as a response to photographs of child war victims his father had brought home from a humanitarian mission in the former Yugoslavia;[1] the other, inspired by his career as a DJ, was to create a track to end DJ sets, intended to calm rave attendants prior to their driving home as a means to reduce car accident de"           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 20, 2010 10:41

On 2010-07-19 22:56, shahar wrote:
I danced to Children in underground parties in Israel and in full moon parties in Ko Phangan in 94 - people were laughing, crying and screaming at the same time. In almost every party. Nobody was talking about psytrance then, nobody was talking about Goatrance- it was just full moon parties, acid parties or just parties. In many ways it was the first of its kind, and also the best. Cheesy? Maybe. But the best.

(in parallel, same can be said for Toxic.)

I know exactly what you mean as i had the same experience(s) but the music playing had nothing to do with this:

I love the "simple", "innocent" music of the past which i cannot relate with the above!  
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 20, 2010 10:42

On 2010-07-20 09:27, thinkingsound wrote:
This isn't the most cheesy and commercial psytrance of all times but its still cheesy


Dont agree with your definition of "cheesy"...  

Started Topics :  7
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Posted : Jul 20, 2010 10:59
the ocelot track isn't cheesy for me...
a possible hit but not cheesy.

well, as we ever known before this thread creation, this kind of 'classification' is just about personnal taste.
          A noise annoys an oyster but a noisy noise annoys an oyster most.

Started Topics :  150
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Posted : Jul 20, 2010 12:14
That is one beautiful track from Ocelot, what do you mean it's cheesy?
Here, I give you cheesy !

Ouch! Beats even Skazi, and that is a hard thing to do...

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Nomad Moon
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 20, 2010 12:56
People tend to forget this is an original song , some of the tracks we're calling cheesy in this thread are remixes of other songs made solely ,in my view ,for commercial purposes , anda as venon said :

Quote: also the theme behind it explains the melody & mood quite well:

"Miles has stated two motives for the writing of "Children". One was as a response to photographs of child war victims his father had brought home from a humanitarian mission in the former Yugoslavia;[1] the other, inspired by his career as a DJ, was to create a track to end DJ sets, intended to calm rave attendants prior to their driving home as a means to reduce car accident de"

I imagine that those intensions are much braver ,then what the other so called cheesy tracks are intented to be, pure commecial stuff.
Back in the 90's there was as i remember from friends discussing , and i only started to listen to electronics in 2000,a general concern with the after party travels , something i dont see happening anymore
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jul 21, 2010 01:36
Well talking non Psytrance, this surely is a competitor for most cheesy track.

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