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the mods on this forum suck !! big time !!

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 6, 2014 06:41:59
i been a member in this forum for more than 10 years now!! i used to love it,, all the best artists n awesome people used to come here n share all sorts of knowledge,, all members used to be so loving and caring. all mods so helpfull. i got so much help n knowledge and general information about the psy worl from all accross the planet. but now this forum sucks dicks whole day long,, the mods r fuking egoistic bitches,, they are promoting reatrded bullshit talks n conversations,,, by encouring it... mods have " motherfuckers" in their signature,,, n then they tell everyone dont use abusive language,,, some mods r deleting posts, just because they dont like the member,,,, some mods like shahar and a3k were awesome,,,i bet they sstill r,,, but i dont see them,,, all good members r gone !!!! all of them !! the reason they r gone is because of all this mutherfucking bullshit that some of these fukin cunts,, whose ego makes them think they r superior in their crappy heads,,yea keep suckiing each other dicks n feel superior,, but in real truth,, u guys r nothing!!! but shit!!! total n complete,, and if u think i'm talking bullshit,,,,, why r all the users goingg ??!!?!?!!! why ??? because of this bullshit , thats why !!! so carry on with giving ur selves blowjobs to pump up urr stupid ego's,, that i'm a mod on a forum, with 15 ppl. why didnt the good mods take care of this??? why did they continue to let this happen?? yea this is the last post by me,, only doing this cause i dont want any single part of me connected to this bullshit aanymore,,,, i'm sorry i used hars language,,, but this is the only way i will remove myself from this shit! in good old jacqsynth's words .

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 6, 2014 07:40
Dude. Chill. No one used forums like this anymore because they use facebook, soundcloud, mixcloud, bandcamp etc. there's more direct advertising, marketing & general interaction on those social media platforms than this forum. Because no one important enough hangs out here there's no need to moderate it properly or update it. It's a web site just waiting to did, and other than the music making area ppl just kick the corpse around a bit. Psynews is better for sure now it definitely facebook is the place to be IMO!           Cuntus Maximus.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 7, 2014 11:01
Well, of course social platforms got more and more dominant, but still I can say that I disliked the behaviour of some mods as well as members too. So, it is deffenitly both facts.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 7, 2014 12:08
Ha , the guy has a point . If this stuff was posted even 3 years back it would have been deleted by full on in 5 minutes. It has been one day and nobody gives a shit.           missing plug-in
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 7, 2014 18:59
i sent msg's to a3k about 30 days ago, telling himm about all this,, and asked to be removed from the forum,,,, then when nothing happened,, i sent msg to shahar.... tellin him to remove me , if they cannot handel their stupid mods,,, and also told him,, f it makesit easier,, i'll give them an excuse,,, by using abusive langauge , so they have an excuse to remove me. i tried, n tried... only then when they did nothing... i took this drastic step.every member in this forum knows , i used to be very polite n shit, trying to help in which eever way possible, i have messages from mods talking bullshit n all sorts of crappy excuses why they delete posts,,, total nonsense,,, i also have screen shots of mu posts, which were only meant to help the community,,,but some fukin egoistic mods,specialy from the indian section,,, who simply deleted my post, cause their ego couldnt take it, that some guy could think of things to help out the community,, and they could not think of those idea's themselves,,,so they simply deleted it, ,,it had taken me 3 hours to write an amazing post which would have helped the whole communty,,, and motherfucker , deleted it,,, killed my 3 hours of hardwork in 2 seconds. n there r a few more like this !!!!! i have prooof of it alll, messages from mods, with the my orignal posts/messages etc... so yea,,, fuck these bitches.


Started Topics :  313
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Posted : Jun 7, 2014 21:36
          Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 8, 2014 04:55
Minus... Don't log in for a month & it shits your account down automatically.           Cuntus Maximus.

Started Topics :  91
Posts :  1153
Posted : Jun 8, 2014 13:32
put isra on your blackmail list.
do not come back to log in. problem solved.

and i would recommend to chill out or step back from the drugs you do.

yes the place is a bit messy, but its what you make of if that counts still. 
"I've always been a believer in musical repetition to draw in the listener and make the music hypnotic. Another thing I believe in is repetition." Alan Parsons
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  103
Posts :  1614
Posted : Jun 8, 2014 13:47
hey klippel,, i want my specific post removed from the workshop section,,, the first post in that section,,,, i put in a whole lot of positive energy into the workshop section,,, and now i dont want any of my positive energy to do anything with it,, i will not share my energy with fucktards who r mean n have no respect... once that post is deleted,, i'm going to leave forever. thats it.. i ddont want any of my positive energy connected with forum. and once that post is deleted,, then i'm gone,,, anf for ur fucking kind information, idont do drugs,, so dont judge me just because u like to kiss ass of these fukin mods. no one can tell me i didnt try my best to help,,, i tried my best.. and all the messages i have sent to shahar n a3k, was just to remove that post,,, and then i'm gone. thats all.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 8, 2014 13:48
. thats it .
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 9, 2014 07:08
What are you on about minus? Indian section has been devoid of any discussions or new ideas for years now.

If you want out just stop logging in.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  103
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Posted : Jun 9, 2014 08:55
let me show everyone what this yidam guy is really all about. i'll give u guys a few examples..... judge for yourself what is really going on here,, if this guy is not personally taking out his rage on me ,cause he thinks he some "boss" and no one else should have an opinion, and if anyone else comes up with a better suggestion ,that he could not think of,,then his frustrations come out , full blown bitch.

first,,,, he had asked me few years ago to compile a va for his label ,,,, when i started to contact artists ,, and they started to respond to me ,,,, he started to send them messages that i'm not compiling any va for his cunty label!! bascaally fuckin up my name , and trying to show me as a lier... here is messages he sent here on isratrance, read them , n judge urself..

my response to his msg
"and i had started to contact artists for the va because u had told me too contact the artists for the va,, i wasnt doing it because i felt like it!


On 2011-06-11 16:19:51, Yidam wrote:
yep, we can definitely look at just a one off thing. how about we call it "trayati" it means liberation, it's one of the root words of tantra.

we can definitely start a thread to scout for new talent also, lets get like 4-5 of the regulars on board and we'll take it from there. with known artists on board it gives incentive to the upcoming ones to share their best work.

so get cracking homie, lets do this. we can look at getting the EP done simultaneously. for your EP I would like to do the artwork (if you permit me to )... for the V/A will be looking for a painter who does work that's trippy enough to do the music justice.

^ he is asking me to "get cracking" to start contacting artists to compile the va!

so i got cracking.

then when this happened i was supposed to release an ep on this guys label,, which i gave some excuse n refused to do it,, also refused to send in promo dj set mixes which he was asking for,,, all the time being totally nice, n very polite n humble.


then i had wrriten a long an real helpfull post in the indian section , which i thought would help
remove the dogma of the public perception that psytrance is connected with drugs,, and how we can change public opinion about it,, and maybe also make legal to have parties in india,without the "drug" dogma attatched to the whole psy scene.
and this shithead yidam , deleted the topic giving some stupid reason which u can read down,,and then he later apologized for deleting it ,without reading it !!!!!
yidam;s msg " my mistake since i deleted it in a hurry. should have typed a personalized message explaining why it was done instead of via the PM i later sent u. "

so i had sent a msg to a3k the israteam dood, who is the best n most understanding..

to a3k " hey bro, i had posted a topic in the indian section about the reccommendations of"" .. basically there was a party bust in india some days back, and it came all over the news and all,, they eventually left everyone,, so because of this,, i had posted the reccomendations of this commission, which states that youth should not be criminalized because of this.

now Yidam deleted my post, calling it political? how is this political?? i thought this was to really help the indian psy heads, the reccomendations are give by a global commision made up of former primeministers of various countries and UN officials, i want to understand how the hell this guy called it political, and deleted it?!! let me forward u his mail...
"i have deleted this post. if you're planning to mobilize a movement find a platform that's not already subjugated to a cliche , such as raves in india, isratrance in the pov of the indian media. find a platform that is strong, find one where you don't have to talk from behind an avtaar, where half the other members have "lets fly on acid" as their signatures.

if it means so much, start from the base and build up. this is not the place for a political rally, this is a music forum, it will always be that way.

good effort, wrong place.
he thinks i am doing this for some personal gain or something,, instead it was meant to help,,, and it took me like 3 hours to write this post, and this guy deletes it,just because he didnt like it?? i want to know why cant i post on this subject? why does he call it political?

and here is 1 latest 1 , read this post ,, go 1 page before n read what i had written ,, and then read his reply.... did any mod;s do anything to stop all this retarded bullshit talk from nonstop continuing? ozmikes or who ever else started to do the same , becaause everyone thought that its ok to talk like this..!!!.. many users started to talk in same disrespectfull manner,,,,,, atleast i tried to stop it !!! i think i did manage to stop it... what did the mods do??? nothing !!! they just allowed it to continue!!,,,, and when i used harsh, language to the ozmike or whoever (because they understand only this harsh laguage),,,, this bitch yidam took out all his frustration,, and hatred on me!!! because he wants to show he's "boss" ,, and me like a dumbass humbly apologized,,, , n when he saw that he somehow dominated me,,, then he was all " oh dood its ok now, " read the posts n see for urself,,,, i aint taking any more bullshit from yidam , or any one else for that matter,,,, u can suck my dick motherfucker,,, eat shit, n fuck a pig or whatever u do in ur time... so yea fuck offf.

all this time i was very polite n soft spoken , never showed my anger,, just took all his bullshit,,, but bitch dont take my kindness for my weakness.

and about the indian section ,,,,, the indian section was the biggest joke in the whole isratrance community,,,, it wAS FILLED WITH ALL SORTS OF WEIRDO'S TALKING BULLLSHIT, N DRUG TALK, N PARTY BUSTS,, N THE FUKIN COPS WERE MONITORING ISRA BECAUSE OF ALL THOSE SHITHEADS,,srry caps....the whole world used to think all indians r that dumb, n that stupid, because of all those retards,,,, the whole indian psy community was looked upon as a fukin joke,,, butit took someone to clean up the indian section,,,,, it is dead because there is no one who has anything constructive or positive topics to write n make,,, if you guys r not retarded, and do have some positive inputs,, then do it!!! write topics,,, do it.. what r u waiting for??

over n out

if shahar or a3k have read my personal messages i have sent them,, n pls delete the post i have asked to be deleted,, i'm out of here,,, simple. thx,, n i'm srry to any other members whose peace of mind is disturbed cause of me, i truly am .
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 9, 2014 11:02
Wow dude, had no idea you were holding onto so much angst personally directed towards me, that too for so many years. Should have said something earlier instead of letting this rot your brain, given you've completely misconstrued the situation. Anyway at least now I know your issues are personal and nothing to do with this forum. As for your language, you don't sound like a very peaceful person contributing positively to the scene you seem to be part of. Just because you write a few tracks doesn't give you any right for this kind of behaviour. Now go on and cuss all you want, promise you that the only person it will affect is yourself.

Started Topics :  296
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Posted : Jun 9, 2014 11:32
Ten years ago when someone said "this is the last post by me" he really meant it.............
          Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 9, 2014 14:12

I think his brain had finally cracked. This place can do it to yuh!

          Cuntus Maximus.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - the mods on this forum suck !! big time !!

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