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the great deco debate, input - plz!


Started Topics :  9
Posts :  55
Posted : Nov 26, 2012 05:55:51
SoooOooOoo - I have noticed something about some of the mAssIve-scale psy-oriented festivals in other parts of the world.

No deco?

Why is this?

I am curious to what you all think, or know.

Yeah, UV spandex has aaaallllmost kinda been done. BUT, isn't not seeing anything at ALL a little... sad even?
Or maybe it is because a lot of psy is lately leaning toward a more minimal sound/vibe, so maybe that is influencing the art side of things?
Or maybe people are just being cheap/lazy? (lol kidding, don't kill me)

Personally - I hope in the USA we don't ever go that direction. Yeah, music #1 (duha). But art merged with all of it for the whole psychedelic experience is especially beautiful/amazing. Just mah two cents...

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  99
Posts :  786
Posted : Nov 27, 2012 03:57
OK so if I understand you correctly, you think that US festivals don't have enough decor?

Well, I won't lie, not many of our festivals can compare to the likes of BOOM or Ozora in terms of decor and production.

But I don't think we have a lack of decor either. OK, so maybe at some of the small monthlies there is a lack of some. And maybe in other parts of the country this is a problem. But just about every festival I've attended in northern and southern California has had a good effort put into decor. And if you're the krikett I think you are, then you have attended some of the same ones as me. Like I said, maybe it doesn't compare to the global festivals (with many thousands more people), but I see a lot more art put into psytrance culture here than most other larger parties.


Started Topics :  8
Posts :  384
Posted : Dec 2, 2012 22:52
Ya, not sure what you're referring to. I try to avoid massive scale stuff in general, but all the massive scale psy oriented festivals I've been to in other parts of the world have had tons of deco.

To be honest, I'm kind of tired of the same stretched cloth triangles over and over. It does look nice, but it gets too samey after a while (especially when known deco crews do many different events with their same style over and over). At least there is more variation in multi-colored and painted/printed material emerging.

Personally, I like the organic styled bamboo work I see coming out of Brasil and Bali and I'm still a sucker for old school string art the Russian kids are keeping alive. Really depends on size of event and location. Sometimes, I'd rather not see any deco and just appreciate the nature without the distractions. Some deco can be pretty tacky and trashy sometimes, especially if it's not maintained during the event.

Curious where you've seen no deco?

(props for trying to get some conversation going on the forum)
Trance Forum » » Forum  North America - the great deco debate, input - plz!
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