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The Glowing flame records appreciation thread.

IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  267
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Posted : Aug 5, 2009 18:24
Together with Zenon, my favourite 2 record labels.
Pure Perception Records
Pure Perception Records

Started Topics :  92
Posts :  183
Posted : Aug 5, 2009 19:32
awesome thread!
yes i agree that this label is the most psychedelic label in 2009. goa trance in 2009 <- good way to put it. Spiritual Trance at its finest!! Music with a meaning!!
ever since Agni Hotra Ive been addicted, happy to say I have all releases to date. Ive not had that sort of loyalty to any other label. I never even have to think if its going to be a good cd. I know it.....Gnosis;)
Marko my friend, you have great taste! and your a man on a mission. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for releasing the music and sound that got me into psytrance in the first place and for staying so pure and true and never following styles or fads!

cant wait for the 'Temple of One' comp and the Imaginary Sight album!

Much Love

peace and light

Psy - Progressive - Techno
"Only those that can see the Invisible can do the Impossible"

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  61
Posted : Aug 11, 2009 23:13

indeed, zenon records deserves one as well
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