"The Giver" - a mix of Fusion, Soundtrip, Native American
Potere Infinito
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Nov 27, 2016 19:18:55
Hi guys!
There is the mix for you named "The Giver".
Genres: Native American, Ayahuasca, Soundtrip, Flute, Fusion
1. Salaskamarka – Tor Cheney Nahana 7:00
2. Tito La Rosa - The Cry of the World 3:25
3. Sayama - Centre of the Universe 9:35
4. Robbie Robertson- Peyote Healing 6:05
5. Lisa Lynne Franco & George Tortorelli-Windrise 6:10
6. The Spirit Level- Flowers for the Dead 5:00
7. Jose Campos & Tito La Rosa - Madre Ayahuasca 6:40
8. Michael Stearns - Monk With Bell, music from a movie „Baraka“ 2:35
9. David Darling- Dream Pearls Of Kathak 12:35
Nice listening!
  Music-mixes of ambient, ethnic fusion, piano: www.mixcloud.com/potereinfinito/ |