THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what's REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream -- uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Nov 26, 2012 18:40
Well I just watched 10 minutes so far it is very similar to zeitgeist and some other doc's with the same premise:
"The world sucks, but wait WE have the solution and if we implement it EVERYONE is going to be happy and humankind will progress."
The first thing they also say is that there is people that is going to criticize them qualifying them as utopist comunist or whatever and that these people is pretty much just not "getting it".
Well, if these people has such good ideas and proposals, they just should work towards them and show the world how mistaken it is.
I live in a context of people working hard to make changes in many aspects of human life and I still have to meet someone that has these megalomaniac aspiritations as this guy after working long and hard to fix problems.
To anyone who wants to change the world: change yourself as you find usefull to you, change the world as you can. You are not alone, just be patient because changes take time but if what you do is worth it will succed.
"The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."