It's experimental/dark psy but quite well done except for IMO some annoying samples in the second track. It gives some good ideas of how modular can be used.
Currently I'm working my way in building a The Harvestman based rack (Piston Honda MK II, Hertz Donut MK II & Double Andore) with a look at the top 3u consisting of the Medic Modular filter/vca (two MS-20 style filters) & the Medic Modular sequencer.
I'm definitely more inclined towards the dark side of psychedelic as well as the hi tech sound, but also the sound of early works by Kris Kyvlen (UX/Syb Unity Netwerk) & Sandman.
Cuntus Maximus.
Ancient Alien
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 15, 2014 06:05