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The Funktion 1 appreciation thread

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Posted : Sep 15, 2009 12:13

On 2009-09-04 17:59, subconsciousmind wrote:
Years ago I heard a d&B System at a huge festival in Switzerland. It was incredible, when you stood like 300 meters away in a about 45degrees angle to the speakers it still sounded like listening music on a pair of decent HiFi speakers at home.

Last year I was involved in organizing the Somuna Festival in Switzerland and after VERY long evaluation I decided to hire the d&B Q-series line array. The festival is still legendary for its soundquality here in Switzerland. Many people in Switzerland were at the Somuna, then at Ozora and then at Boom where they had function one. Everybody I talked to definitly voted for the d&B. The Martin at the Ozora had no chance anyways, even though it sounds ok too.

The d&B system, in my opinion, really sounds like a pair of good studio speakers in XLARGE. They set the system up as it is only tuning the linearray parameters as for how many speakers used etc. - EQ: FLAT no adjustments and it sounded almost perfect.

It took one year until another Festival in Switzerland could reach that soundquality and it's not only me saying that. The Festival that did it was the SummerNeverEnds Festival and they used a Kling & Freitag Sequenza Linearray which is at least as good as the d&B but in my opinion a bit less musical.

I'm very sure, that everybody who has heard either the dB or KF system and the function 1 will know what I'm talking about. Function 1 sounds brilliant as long as you haven't heard something better. But there is better. It's just, you don't know how it COULD sound until you actually had the chance to hear it. The DB is extremely expensive so most people never hire it or get the chance to hear it.

nice .. except the money factor which tends to be the only reason we dont have the best sound possible, hope i have the chance to listen to them too one day

Started Topics :  37
Posts :  1033
Posted : Sep 16, 2009 13:55
come to
next year, my word it will sound the best possible. I'll have the last word on the system and I assure you that it will be amazing. A function 1 isn't even on my list.

by the way beware "d&B" is the good one. there is also a speaker brand named "DB" which sucks.
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Inactive User

Started Topics :  54
Posts :  3018
Posted : Sep 16, 2009 14:13
the place is sick man
i could come there only for the place !!! omg amazing !!
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