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The Funktion 1 appreciation thread

Started Topics :  10
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Posted : Aug 7, 2009 19:53
i counted at least 50 funktion one cabs at glade...

but i agree with Colin... opus is better.

funktion one is incredibly, well, clinical... really clear high frequencies, almost too much razor-sharp high-end.

opus has a more natural sound... they 'breathe' a bit more, and have a more 'organic'-y feel to them.

Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posted : Aug 7, 2009 20:17
A friend of mine who engineers PAs describes F1 as having "overdriven piezo tweeters", but that's obviously just his opinion! I fully agree with the description of Opus having a more natural and organic sound, possibly due to the 100% analog signal path (no digital system controller, analog crossovers)... there really is something magic about it, and the bigger the rig gets the more magic it is!           Mastering - ::
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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 7, 2009 21:20
funktion 1's have pretty much become a standard at the bigger parties here so i cant say im still overwhelmed from their sound but the first time i went to a party that had funktion 1's it was incredible and the sound @ boom last year was fucking amazing as well

i hope ozora will have a great rig too

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Aug 8, 2009 19:21
Although you need to pick just the right spot on the dancefloor to hear and feel how great they are.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 13, 2009 16:27
funktion 1 rules!!!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 13, 2009 17:50

On 2009-08-06 19:47, rich wrote:
Appreciated. Walking up to the dance floor the first time I heard these, the sound didn't get louder it seemed to get fuller, saturating the air with reverberating molecules in a most pleasing audio spectrum, resonating with every fibre and bone in my body.

I realy got no better way to describe the feeling
I have when I listen to music with Function 1.
Took the words out of my mouth.           Now say the magic words: Bleep Bleep Deep Deep Wham.....
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 14, 2009 00:25
We have a Funktion 1 system at parties in LA sometimes and it is definitely the best speaker system I have ever heard. Incredibly powerful, crisp & clean sound


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Posted : Aug 14, 2009 01:04
Funktion One is awesome, no doubt about that, clean sound and visually very appealing , but if you want super quality maybe you should take a look at the Meyer Sound

Won the MIPA in 2009 on the Frankfurt music messe,
and in 2008, and in 2007.

But its just too pricy for a trance event.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 15, 2009 04:46
We have Funktion1 at many of our parties in Southern California (psy and not). Our local Psy promoters especially, almost always grab Funktion1 for the bigger parties. Our 'alternative' system is the almost as good sounding Vorbis Turbosound. (made by the same people).

If anything, I'd say out psy parties have the best quality sound that you find at ANY parties here. 

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  61
Posted : Aug 16, 2009 11:18
Anyone else used/heard/played on a Tom Danley designed system? I've only ever played on a relatively small Danley system (4 SH-50s for tops, 6 LAB Horn subs), but in terms of quality, that rig totally owned anything else I've ever heard/played on/run - funktion1, turbosound, meyer, d&b, jbl, eaw, ev... And apparently the newer, bigger Danley Sound Labs pieaces (the Genesis Horn, and TH-812/221s) are absolutely mental.

Never heard an Opus system though, hopefully will someday soon.

and lets not forget that the person (or people) who set up, tune, and run the system are often at least as important to the quality of the end result as the brand of the gear - I've heard some fairly modest systems sound totally stunning in the hands of a skilled engineer, and some really expensive, big name systems sound like total crap because the people running them didn't know what they were doing.           Psytrance DJ sets-->
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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 19, 2009 05:50

On 2009-08-16 11:18, MsoB wrote:
Anyone else used/heard/played on a Tom Danley designed system? I've only ever played on a relatively small Danley system (4 SH-50s for tops, 6 LAB Horn subs), but in terms of quality, that rig totally owned anything else I've ever heard/played on/run - funktion1, turbosound, meyer, d&b, jbl, eaw, ev... And apparently the newer, bigger Danley Sound Labs pieaces (the Genesis Horn, and TH-812/221s) are absolutely mental.

we have a system almost like that in Colorado.. they like to set up 12 LABs when there's enough space. i love it, the best outdoor sound i've heard. for indoor though, i prefer more compact cabinets.
's just another party..

Started Topics :  37
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Posted : Aug 22, 2009 14:05
I heard the function one and played on it at Boom 2008.

I think it's a good system, better than the average at psyparties I have been.

But I wouldn't say that it is especially good.

I think everybody who has ever heard psytrance through a "D&B" Q.series or J.series or as recently in switzerland trhough a Kling and Freitag "Sequenza" will agree with me that function 1 isn't THAT good. there is so much more possible in clarity and precision, but also in sound distributiuon through the dancefloor. With the d&B or Kling and Freitag systems set up properly you have the perfect sound EVERYWHERE on the dancefloor.. something that the function 1 is very far from achieving...

Anyways, I'm happy to see a function 1 at parties, even though there are much better systems around, because function 1 is better than average.           Most of my music for you to download at:
Inactive User

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Posted : Aug 26, 2009 11:03

One more time i had the ultimate pleasure in Auroras chill out !!
Ambient on Funktion one !!! woohoooooo!!

I love this soundsystem ... just love it !!!!!!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 26, 2009 14:01
Any of you here connected to official dealerships? We want to suggest the F1 concept to some clubs in India.


Started Topics :  4
Posts :  61
Posted : Aug 27, 2009 11:57

On 2009-08-19 05:50, DiMiTry wrote:

On 2009-08-16 11:18, MsoB wrote:
Anyone else used/heard/played on a Tom Danley designed system? I've only ever played on a relatively small Danley system (4 SH-50s for tops, 6 LAB Horn subs), but in terms of quality, that rig totally owned anything else I've ever heard/played on/run - funktion1, turbosound, meyer, d&b, jbl, eaw, ev... And apparently the newer, bigger Danley Sound Labs pieaces (the Genesis Horn, and TH-812/221s) are absolutely mental.

we have a system almost like that in Colorado.. they like to set up 12 LABs when there's enough space. i love it, the best outdoor sound i've heard. for indoor though, i prefer more compact cabinets.

Yup, I know, I was talking about Jeff(basscouch)'s system

i live in denver too, and i think we (sorta) know each other.           Psytrance DJ sets-->
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