Faxi Nadu / Elmooht
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Posted : Feb 12, 2008 19:44
Dear Sirs and Madams,
ATTENTION: The Freak Show Live Set on Hafirot 106fmthis Wednesday
The Freak Show are Itay Avraham and Itay Dangur, hailing from Holon, Israel. The Freak Show bring a unique perspective on psy music, taking inspiration from black music, hiphop and electro, thus creating groovy and funky music with more than an ounce of disco vibes.
The freaks released their debut album called "The Less You Freak" on BNE/YoYo in 2006, and have been performing around the world since.
The Freak Show have made a special treat for us – we will listen to a live Freak Show set from their recent tour of Australia, with kangaroos, koalas, pina coladas, poker, naked chicks and all that stuff included.
Join us
Hafirot the #1 Trance magazine in the galaxy with DJ Nadav Agami, Danny Ruster , PinkE and Faxi Nadu.
Check out The Freak Show online:
13.00 PM
106FM Tel Aviv
Kol Hakampus
listen also on:
web: http://www.106fm.co.il
TV: Yes radio channel 71
Hot channel 87
check us out on :
The Way Back
https://faxinadu.bandcamp.com/album/the-way-back |