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Trance Forum » » Forum  France - The end of Festivals and outdoor parties in France??
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The end of Festivals and outdoor parties in France??

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  24
Posts :  1647
Posted : Jun 30, 2011 16:00:42
I know not so much french here around, but it called my attention that most of the announced festivals and parties in France are getting cancelled. So what's going on there in Sarkozyland, is it becoming antipsytrance land?? too bad one of the best parties and locations I have been ever to.
is it a general thing with all electronic music or is it just case of trance??           to use your head you have to go out of your mind
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  43
Posts :  740
Posted : Jun 30, 2011 16:47
not sur it's antipsytrance... but unfortunately yes a lot of parties and festival had been cancelled (one of the best french festival called arcadia has just been cancelled few days ago)...
what is strange is that the promoters are very professionnal and have already made a lot of successful events with no problems
it's quite sad cause there is a lot of rock, hard rock and even eletronic music festivals which have no problem for getting all the authorizations... so i guess it's not only trance, but in countryside of france a lot of local elected people have a very bad opinion about electronic music parties and festivals(drugs,fights blablabla).. they also don't give the authorization because there is a lot of complains and also for their election... france is not a dead country but it begins to be quite worrying !
          Psychotrop(Neurobiotic Rec)
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  162
Posts :  8087
Posted : Jul 3, 2011 21:52
if you like and want to enjoy psytrance don t come in france ,simple as that, the scene is not that great and it s not new.
Parvati Records
Parvati Records
Started Topics :  47
Posts :  272
Posted : Aug 6, 2011 22:15

Psy Spirit Family is super duper happy to present our next Goa Tribes Connection, to celebrate summer and end of season in a green, magic and mystic location :


...Open Air Party

3 septembre 2011 - 45 min Paris

For this gathering, Psy Spirit Family have invited some of its favourite labels :
Parvati Records, Disco Valley, Free Radical, Bom Shanka, Biomekkanikal, World People productions and much more !!!

Main Floor

Live acts

Parvati Rec. (CZ) - 1st time in France !

Disco Valley Rec. (Cyprus)

STEREOGRAPHIC - 1st time in France !
Bom SHanka Rec. (Brazil)​hicmusic

Bom Shanka Rec. (GB)

DJ sets

Parvati Records boss: GIUSEPPE (DK)

Disco Valley Records Boss: TEO - (GR) - 1st time in France !

Biomechanical Boss: CTC DROPE (BR) - 1st time in France !

Free Radical Boss: Sasha - (SA)

Drakko - Psy Spirit Family/Nabi Rec. (FR)

Doog - Chapora Technology (FR)

Kustom vs Crispod - World People prod (FR)

Kevin - World People prod. (ES)

Psykelo- Morphonic Rec. (FR)

          v/a CD Brainzcrew 3 - OUT NOW !!!
Trance Forum » » Forum  France - The end of Festivals and outdoor parties in France??
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