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The Double-Slit Experiment & Spirituality

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  20
Posts :  420
Posted : Oct 24, 2009 03:29:01
has this famous experiment influenced anyone else's beliefs?

for me, the DOUBLE SLIT EXPERIMENT is science showing that there is a non-physical aspect to the Universe. hopefully someday there will be more definitive proof, but for now, it is one of the fundamental scientific experiments which has caused me to believe what I believe.

link to video explaining the Double Slit Experiment:

and here is how this experiment has influenced my beliefs:

If the Universe were 100% physical, the particles / fabric of the Universe would behave 100% physically, 100% of the time. right?

Quantum Physics has taught us that particles only act 100% physically when we are observing them, but they act much much much more crazy / non-physically when we are not observing them.

Quantum Physics strongly supports the theory that the particles which comprise the fabric of our Universe are actually non-physical waves of possibilities, having multiple possible locations when we aren't observing them or recording / measuring them with a device. (This is not a physical wave like a water wave, it is a wave of possibilities, such as many possible locations, many possible paths, many possible sequence of events, many possible timings of events, etc.)

is this a non-physical property? is this a supra-physical property? is this an incomprehensible property of physical stuff? is it even physical stuff if it acts so non-physical we we are not observing it? who knows...

The double-slit experiment seems to suggest that physical matter is actually non-physical waves of possibility, but when we observe / measure / interact with those 'possibility waves', they simplify into definitive physical matter, in one physical place, at one physical time.

The very act of OBSERVING / TESTING / EXAMINING the particle causes it to change it's form from being a wave of potential possibilities, to being a very simplified, physical particle, in only one of those combinations of possibilities.

This means that the fabric of the Universe has a special quality which prevents us from knowing very much about the non-physical 'possibility-waves' that constitute the fabric of our Universe, because everytime we go to observe that non-physical, wave-like nature of the fabric, it instantaneously becomes simplified and physical.

It's like every time we try observe this non-physical, wave-like nature of the fabric of the Universe, it just simplifies itself to being plain and physical so that we can comprehend, understand, and observe it.

For this reason, it seems that we will never know the true nature / qualities / properties of the fabric of the Universe, because the fabric is so amazing, that it changes itself from being infinitely complex (when we are not observing it) to being super simplified (when we are observing it), almost as if the fabric of the Universe is 'aware' of when we are observing it.

To summarize, the fabric of the Universe is simplified and physical when we are observing it, and unfathomably complex and non-physical when we are not observing it.

This scientific experiment, and all the related experiments which surround it and support it, have led me to believe that all physical particles are merely SIMPLIFICATIONS of the infinite, non-physical 'material' which constitutes the fabric of our Universe.

that is just one small, yet important part of my beliefs, but I figured I would share it with ya'll in case you are bored and reading this discussion.

i think it is silly that so many Atheists think that their beliefs make them happier or more free than someone with different beliefs, such as mine. Take my beliefs as a grain of salt, they are just my beliefs, and i am only one small person in this vast Universe, but please Atheists, do not tell me that you are more happy or more free than I am because you recently joined the rapidly growing "the Universe is 100% physical, and that's all there is to it" club.

My beliefs make me feel very happy and very free, so I figured i would share my interpretation of the famous double-slit experiment with ya'll, because I don't think I ever really fully explained this part of my beliefs before.


<3 Abe           Abrahm
Spreading Psytrance and Love in the Midwest USA

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Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

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Posts :  1848
Posted : Oct 24, 2009 03:32
In short, this is the phenomenon that if you have a piece of paper with two holes in it, if you accelerate a particle fast enough, it will pass through both holes physically at the same time, correct?

It's things like this which make me love science so much as its self-correcting nature is showing us things about the universe and reality that are beyond anything we ever dreamed or any religion has ever cooked up.

Inactive User

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Posted : Oct 24, 2009 09:35
no not exactly , i think this is about the observer camera being placed to record what the particles where doing , and the phenomena vanished , they went back to doing what they were `supposed` to be doing , was a lovely little cartoon on youtube explaining it , can`t seem to find it , spiritual , coz observing a thought cancels it , say the masters , observing anger kills it etc .. very cool

edit : found it , here we go

theres more `serious` material on it but this is basically it . discuss
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  241
Posts :  2848
Posted : Oct 24, 2009 09:45

this slit is better experiment
its easier too
all u need is knife or blade
and body part of your choice
see           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  20
Posts :  420
Posted : Oct 24, 2009 10:13
how do you embed videos on here? i provided the link to the 5 minute video that you posted as well, only mine was not embedded see my link at the top of my original post?           Abrahm
Spreading Psytrance and Love in the Midwest USA

9/11 Challenge: Explain the Evidence

Inactive User

Started Topics :  118
Posts :  4444
Posted : Oct 24, 2009 12:46

On 2009-10-24 10:13, PookztA wrote:
how do you embed videos on here? i provided the link to the 5 minute video that you posted as well, only mine was not embedded see my link at the top of my original post?

sorry , no , just skimmed thru your post and figured what u were talking about , this forum auto embeds youtube urls , no code needed , just paste the link and the video appears ,anyway .. fascinating stuff , the experiment .
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  37
Posts :  275
Posted : Oct 24, 2009 15:09
interesting, not that we really need science to prove a higher existence but it is nice to see. it's a shame that the search for god has been taken out of science so much, when throughout history the two have been closely connected. they both are asking questions about our place in this existence. ancient astronomy was the basis for many spiritual beliefs. nature and the universe is a way for the ultimate spirit to communicate with us and alot of times i find spiritual metaphors in the science of the universe. the more we discover about the universe and how infinitely complex yet perfectly in harmony it is, the more we should marvel in it and give thanks for this amazing existense.

'Then there are the fanatical atheists whose intolerance is the same as that of the religious fanatics, and it springs from the same source . . . They are creatures who can't hear the music of the spheres.' -Einstein

'In the view of such harmony in the cosmos which I, with my limited human mind, am able to recognise, there are yet people who say there is no God. But what makes me really angry is that they quote me for support for such views.' -Einstein
          Ovnimoon Records
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  20
Posts :  420
Posted : Oct 26, 2009 06:15

On 2009-10-24 15:09, labyrinth wrote:
interesting, not that we really need science to prove a higher existence but it is nice to see. it's a shame that the search for god has been taken out of science so much, when throughout history the two have been closely connected. they both are asking questions about our place in this existence. ancient astronomy was the basis for many spiritual beliefs. nature and the universe is a way for the ultimate spirit to communicate with us and alot of times i find spiritual metaphors in the science of the universe. the more we discover about the universe and how infinitely complex yet perfectly in harmony it is, the more we should marvel in it and give thanks for this amazing existense.

'Then there are the fanatical atheists whose intolerance is the same as that of the religious fanatics, and it springs from the same source . . . They are creatures who can't hear the music of the spheres.' -Einstein

'In the view of such harmony in the cosmos which I, with my limited human mind, am able to recognise, there are yet people who say there is no God. But what makes me really angry is that they quote me for support for such views.' -Einstein

thumbs up for the comments you 2 just posted. and an extra thumbs up for that Einstein quote! hell yeah for Einstein!           Abrahm
Spreading Psytrance and Love in the Midwest USA

9/11 Challenge: Explain the Evidence

Trance Forum » » Forum  Spirituality - The Double-Slit Experiment & Spirituality
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