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Trance Forum » » Forum  Ambient & Chill Out - The Devine Sunrise Album by Nathassia - Album Trailer
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The Devine Sunrise Album by Nathassia - Album Trailer

Jessica B
IsraTrance Full Member
Started Topics :  139
Posts :  53
Posted : May 26, 2018 15:17:50
The Devine Sunrise album, by Nathassia... is everything we all crave for during those ecstatic or reflective moments in life. An album with deeply emotive electronica fused with elegantly crafted world music.

The listener will experience a sublime metamorphosis from our ancient past right through to our impending carousel-stranded future. Ten songs that dare to delve into the heart of humanity and our evolving consciousness. From Paganism to Transhumanism | Egypt to Nanotech | Third Eye to A.I.

Produced by renowned downtempo artist/DJ Pete Ardron & Nathassia Devine.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Ambient & Chill Out - The Devine Sunrise Album by Nathassia - Album Trailer
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