The Delta - Minusman album review
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Posted : Mar 25, 2009 19:16
On 2009-03-25 15:46, October Rust wrote:
After the Japanese label 'Wonkavator Records' which released the new Delta-cd in Japan had problems finding an European distributor for the Minusman-album, we at Nachtstrom Schallplatten decided to help out and sell the cd outside of Asia through our label and distributor.
Our distirbutor DBH Music is doing the presales for Europe etc. at the moment and the album should be available in the shops in some weeks.
If you don't want to wait so long anymore, you can also order the album dircetly with us FROM NOW ON. Please use the following email-address:
Furthermore we still offer the vinyl version of Minusman which contains different mixes than featured on the cd-version!!!
i already thought this would never happen anymore. thank you so much nachtstrom for finally making this masterpiece available outside japan.
in my eyes the best album since long time........ |
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Posted : Mar 27, 2009 05:42
great news,finally |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Aug 17, 2012 12:32
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Mar 16, 2014 00:04
Have been really enjoying this. My only slight gripe is that there seems to be a lot of filter work during tracks that I think would work better live/dj than on the album.
The As A Child Remix is the best track, it's where I'd like progressive to have headed in a more techno way instead of the Neelix style. I'd love to hear that track outdoors around 5am.
I really miss this German style, I wish the lads would do another Midi Miliz & Spirallianz project but I guess too much fun & cash following tree more popular project now. Even another X-Dream along the Irritant style would be nice.
I bought my copy along with the VX & Heckmann CDs direct from the label which worked fine. Those two albums are good as well, although very different in there own way.
VX to me is somewhat like earlier Delta with atmospheric pads over a techno beat but with none of the industrial crunch The Delta has.
More more more CD albums like this please! Enough off the funkier tech trance style, bring back the crunch!!
  Cuntus Maximus. |