The Bestiary ( Dark Prisma Records ) 2009 C.D
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Posted : Nov 23, 2009 14:00:33
After the stunning compilation, The Void, Dark Prisma returns with their latest offering after quite sometime and something that was eagerly anticipated, The Bestiary compiled by Frantic Noise.
Tracklist :
1. Intro (Frantic Noise)
2. Pandoras Box - The hole Visitor
3. Metamorphose - Morph
4. Sattwa - Lucid Induction
5. Frantic Noise - N.A.S.A
6. Frantic Noise - Bastechno beast
7. Kashyyk - Pantro
8. Frantic Noise & Will o Wisp - 1.21 GW
9. Arabali - Chuck you Farley
10. Megalopsy - Alien Stretcher
11. Outro (Prisma)
Mastering : Tim Schuldt
Distribution : Arabesque/Beatspace
Artwork : Sattwa
1. Cool Intro
2. Here comes Pandoras box, one of my favorite artists at the moment having a unique sound. Starts off with haunting melodies and groovy kick-bass. 2 minutes into the track rolling basslines come into picture, with demented sounds,gentle melodies and haunting pads. Very good use of samples and intricate melodies in this track as the track progresses. A hint of Derango quite evident in the basslines. This track is the perfect tool for eerie moments on the floor. Very nice opener. Thumbs up!
3. Here is a new act Metamorphose starting off proceedings with a solid, deep and driving bassline and deep pads and nice percussion. Soon a short saw lead is introduced s the track moves on with more deep pads and strange sounds. Around 3:36 the mood changes as the bassline changes with nice floating atmospheres. Did not like the saw leads too much, in this track but really liked the atmospheres and basslines. Ok, gear up, coz looks like we are in for quite a ride with this CD!
4. Metamorphose takes part in another side project Sattwa, a name ive heard in a couple of compilations. Starts off once again with solid deep basslines and a powerful synth. This reminds me a bit of the Discovalley sound and some of its older tracks like Brain Waves - Spectral Paranoia. A lot of interesting and strange sounds are presented here with a driving force as the track progresses. At around 5:30 the track gathers more momentum with more leads and deep pads. This one is pretty much like the previous one, could have been a little better in the middle, but nice one nevertheless.
5. Frantic Noise, appears with a complete over haul to his sound. Very intelligent, full of robotic chaos. The influence of KDD/Osom very much evident in the newer style. A lot of tricks and breaks are presented in this track. Aptly named Nasa, one might feel he's been thrown into a world of space engineering while listening to this track. A nice uplifting short lead along with a gentle melody is presented at around 3:36
as the track progresses with more chaotic fx and breaks. The climax is approached after a assault of interesting leads, sounds, weird fx, breaks and groovy basslines all dished out in very intelligent patterns. And quite a cool outro too for this 10 min monster!
Yea... Pretty good one this!
6. Frantic Noise starts off the track with the sample "Sorry for wasting your time, i'll be seeing you around!" Much like the previous one, this one as well is very experimental with a lot of work involved. The track moves on with a nice rolling basslines and quirky fx with gentle melodies, giving you a balance of his newer and erstwhile sound. Quite an uplifting feeling to this track with nice pads and synths. At 3:00 the track gathers in momentum with a nice lead and gentle melodies. Very soon a nice breakdown is brought about, with nice fx and cool melodies and the track moves on to the climax with groovy basslines and an assault of robotic fx. good one!
7. Kashyyk offers us Pantro with a nice gated melody and a driving bassline with nice fx to begin with. Quite an uplifting vibe in this track as well. Less chaotic than the previous tracks, but presented nicely with an easy flowing and danceable vibe, yet not missing the mysterious touch, as the sounds are quietly demented with an industrial touch. Towards 6:00, the bassline changes a note higher as more industrial-laced leads and sounds are presented and the gated melody comes in again towards the end of the track. This track starts off pretty nicely, but i felt the ending could have been a bit better, but nevertheless, this doesnt let down
that much.
8. Franitc and Will o Wisp teams up to offer another Kdd/Osom inspired mechanical offering. Starts off with a solid kick-bass combo and cool leads and fm sounds and well manipulated samples. Nice leads and breaks are introduced as the track progresses. More assault of sounds and fx from 4:00 follows as the track turns more driving. Well, if you are a sucker for these sounds, then you know what you can expect. Nothing new as such, but once again good production and flow.
9. Its the first time im hearing this combo of Arahat and Mubali. The older style of Mubali is quite evident from this track with those groovy mechanical sounds.The track progresses with those trademark basslines and more industrial sounds with gentle melodies. More strange sounds are emitted as the track moves on with more quirky sounds. Groovy and strangely mechanical at times..Quite decent this track, but did not move me that much. Was expecting just a tad lil more...
10. Ok, gear up for the track of the compilation. Z1p and Nico contribute us this gem of a track. They have consistently delivered in the recent past with quality tracks and this one too lives up to that. Starts off directly with demented sounds,samples and a stretched bassline. Soon the solid kick and bass settles in with very nice atmospheres. Soon the track moves on with beautiful pads, sounds and atmospheres. Soon the track takes a diversion with intelligently structured small breaks and follows into a realm of alien sounds, fx and pads. A hint of Derango at this part with the melodies and pads. As the track moves on it just places you into another dimension; and a cool outro too! Beauty! Truly... the alien has been stretched!
11. The best part of Dark Primsa compilations to me, is the outro in the form of Nico's side project Prisma. Also named Alien stretcher this is another haunting down-tempo with demented samples. Beautiful melodies and pads are offered here with intelligent use of samples.
Just sit back, relax and enjoy!
This has to be one of the best compilations i've heard this year. Although, it doesnt actually quite live upto what The Void offered, i think the sounds and quality have become a notch higher. this compilation has a nice balance of deep, mechanical and atmospheric sounds with a touch of alien sounds quite true to their concept. The artwork and the package is stunning, quite confused as to why that was not mentioned in the package as to who created the artwork.
Overall, good package and good music. The aliens from Argentina never disappoint. Eagerly awaiting the next one!
Go grab this one....!! |
Silent Horror
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Posted : Nov 23, 2009 23:06
awsome music..
love all trax
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Posted : Nov 26, 2009 01:36
thank you SO much sumith for your review
i'm glad you liked it buddy
let me just add that
the artwork was done by the bogy from the o.m. community in serbia.
also part of the music project Sattwa =)
all the best!
  (www) ~ ~ ~
providing shamanic euphoria until the end of the days! |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jan 4, 2010 02:11
great music !
keep that vibes dark prisma
Inactive User
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Posted : Jan 4, 2010 15:34
skimmed thru , frantic noise solo tracks and the one with will o wisp .. and the megalopsy one stood out , arabali also good , good compilation , nice vibe thru the whole cd , proper psytrance ..nice 1
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Posted : Jan 8, 2010 00:13
National Aeronaut Space Asociation
can also stand for ...
< Never A Straight Answer >
  (www) ~ ~ ~
providing shamanic euphoria until the end of the days! |
Inactive User
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Posted : Jan 8, 2010 04:15
:) , i noticed that one , so you ppl are quite the ufo buffs eh , good , big bob dean fan here too , good stuff .. is this cd the second part of the trilogy u guys mentioned , the last one `the void - disintegration` was good too .
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Posted : Jan 8, 2010 07:37
this very good cd here , full powerr crazy music |
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Posted : Jan 11, 2010 15:52
On 2010-01-08 04:15, mk47 wrote:
, i noticed that one , so you ppl are quite the ufo buffs eh , good , big bob dean fan here too , good stuff .. is this cd the second part of the trilogy u guys mentioned , the last one `the void - disintegration` was good too .
hehe im glad you recognized that
it's always a good topic to discuss about
this cd is another chapter in the same story line, but not the exact follow up in our galaxy's timeline of events,
there shall be follow ups for each of one of this delirious initiatives, but we will see as time blasts by,
all the best
  (www) ~ ~ ~
providing shamanic euphoria until the end of the days! |
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Posted : Jan 16, 2010 00:11
cool cd man! first and last track are the best |