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The best Stone Age records release ?

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  200
Posts :  5057
Posted : Dec 15, 2009 17:20:40
The best record label hands down atleast in the first half of this decade as far as dark psy is concerned.

I wanted to honor the freakfactory for all the trips down memory lane especially the stone age records party in Goa which converted me into a darkpsynut.

I personally like the Trashlords vs Psychotic micro more than the other ones.

All other releases are above par IMO.

Lets hear it!           missing plug-in
Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton

Started Topics :  128
Posts :  2899
Posted : Dec 15, 2009 18:07
Probably Tales from the Dark forest

Örebro is still a freakfactory!
Wizack Twizack
Wizack Twizack

Started Topics :  239
Posts :  3486
Posted : Dec 15, 2009 19:16
Cool thread =)
As stoneage has been down for some time now, we are thinking of going digital only. Prepering a better site with lots of free downloads and such.
I'll do my best with jonas to get things moving for 2010.


btw ÖFF 2 & 3 are the best ones imo.

bOm..           For Contact & Bookings:
New Album Out: Wizack Twizack - IV (Ovnimoon Records 2011)
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - The best Stone Age records release ?
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