The aliens are here...
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Posted : Aug 29, 2009 18:27
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Posted : Aug 30, 2009 17:12
I just watched the full project disclosure video.
To me, it seems like a bunch of fully conscious charlatans and rip-off artists. So much stuttering, so many sweaty palms, so much throat clearing, so many confessions of "being scared or nervous", so many shifty eyes, so much right brain-brain image construction, so much memorization, so much word choking, so much forgetfulness. But so little evidence? Why all the anxiety and tension when they have legal council and claim themselves that nothing they're saying is against the constitution? Also considering they are willing to testify in front of congress? hah.
If these guys are so desperate to reveal "truth" why didn't that crook in the beginning project his video? why didn't he play his audio tape recording? Why was such a blissfully idiotic audience present, with daft journalists asking moronic questions? Why did that thug towards the end say it would "take too long" to describe the bodies he saw? And then quite simply said aliens looked humanoid the next second? Also, how did this fraudster know that the aliens could go into a darkroom and guess what color an object was by touching it, especially when he said the aliens were shot with rifles when they surfaced from the craft? These guys should be ashamed of themselves.
Lie after lie after lie. Either these racketeers are actually deluded(I don't think so except for those two chicks), or pulling off a cheap gimmick, or were fired from their positions in the government(if they were actually employed) at some point. Don't get me wrong, I too am pretty certain there's E.T life elsewhere, it's just that this video is riddled with gas and quacks. So, this video isn't highly recommended for information, but for ridicule and laughter purposes.
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Posted : Aug 30, 2009 19:39
On 2009-08-30 17:12, bbgun wrote:
I just watched the full project disclosure video.
To me, it seems like a bunch of fully conscious charlatans and rip-off artists. So much stuttering, so many sweaty palms, so much throat clearing, so many confessions of "being scared or nervous", so many shifty eyes, so much right brain-brain image construction, so much memorization, so much word choking, so much forgetfulness. But so little evidence? Why all the anxiety and tension when they have legal council and claim themselves that nothing they're saying is against the constitution? Also considering they are willing to testify in front of congress? hah.
If these guys are so desperate to reveal "truth" why didn't that crook in the beginning project his video? why didn't he play his audio tape recording? Why was such a blissfully idiotic audience present, with daft journalists asking moronic questions? Why did that thug towards the end say it would "take too long" to describe the bodies he saw? And then quite simply said aliens looked humanoid the next second? Also, how did this fraudster know that the aliens could go into a darkroom and guess what color an object was by touching it, especially when he said the aliens were shot with rifles when they surfaced from the craft? These guys should be ashamed of themselves.
Lie after lie after lie. Either these racketeers are actually deluded(I don't think so except for those two chicks), or pulling off a cheap gimmick, or were fired from their positions in the government(if they were actually employed) at some point. Don't get me wrong, I too am pretty certain there's E.T life elsewhere, it's just that this video is riddled with gas and quacks. So, this video isn't highly recommended for information, but for ridicule and laughter purposes.
So much for the video....
Glad i never saw it yet.
So can anybody recommend another any video on research of aliens which is non-fiction? |
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Posted : Aug 30, 2009 19:48
On 2009-08-26 21:44, djanahata wrote:
On 2009-08-26 21:21, toogoodforyou wrote:
Also... can any of you name some good documentary on Aliens or something similar here so i can download it using torrents. Not some random you tube link. something which is validated by experts.
Wich is validated by expert u mean?
start with THE DISCLOSUE PROJECT, more than 400 expert will explain to you what happens..
haha man do you think 400 "experts" makes Disclosure Project credible? Look at what the religions have done to humanity. Our stupid monkey brains are credulous, there is nothing we can do. Even the toughest nuts are sometimes susceptible to the awe and wonders of this world. However, 400 witnesses of UFOs mean nothing. The majority of them, as the videos posted inform us, are a parade of moving lights. In fact I heard about this lunatic in Mexico called Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda who claims he's the second coming of Christ, and conveniently the anti-christ as well. It's amazing how this nutjob preaches to followers in over 35 countries, has some 287 radio channels and a 24 hour TV channel. So, 400 monkeys testifying without unique, concrete evidence of their own means nothing.
PS - Evidence doesn't equal making claims. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Aug 30, 2009 20:15
<<Understand that most of them are not ready to be unplugged. And many are so accustomed, so utterly dependent on the system, they would fight to protect it.>>
Out Now! va PROFESSIONAL MATCD12 - Compiled by Dj Anahata |
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Posted : Aug 30, 2009 20:18
That's great. How about a few original words from the mouth of a man who possesses "Veda knowledge" and claims Shiva, Kali and Lucifer are real entities living on other planets. Shoot and enlighten me. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Aug 30, 2009 20:23
Our stupid monkey brains are credulous, there is nothing we can do. |
sorry but i have no monkey brain, human race not caming from monkey, and stop attack me there and in the other thread, any personal problem?
I respect your opinion even if i thing you completly wrong...
keep investigate mate
Out Now! va PROFESSIONAL MATCD12 - Compiled by Dj Anahata |
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Posted : Aug 30, 2009 20:27
On 2009-08-30 20:23, djanahata wrote:
Our stupid monkey brains are credulous, there is nothing we can do. |
sorry but i have no monkey brain, human race not caming from monkey, and stop attack me there and in the other forum, any personal problem?
I respect your opinion even if i thing you completly wrong...
keep investigate mate
So you say evolution has never/does not/will never occur here and in your PM to me. Our conversation can end here; say hello when you pass 4th grade biology.
PS - This is a public forum. Funny opinions are subject to funny criticisms. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Aug 30, 2009 20:33
I writte here to share with peoples, not to speack with u, what u think i dont care my friend, be happy..
and for sure evolution and mutations Are part of life, thats dont means that human are the evolution of monkey...
but again, add something relevant in this thread, and forget me dude
Out Now! va PROFESSIONAL MATCD12 - Compiled by Dj Anahata |
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Posted : Aug 30, 2009 20:40
On 2009-08-30 20:33, djanahata wrote:
and for sure evolution and mutations Are part of life, thats dont means that human are the evolution of monkey...
but again, add something relevant in this thread, and forget me dude
I certainly will: you share an ancestor with monkeys whether that goes down well, or not. Cheers |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Aug 30, 2009 20:45
ooh, for the first time i can also sit a bit and eat some popcorns here and watch the show:)))).
i told you already that the aliens came to fuck the female monkeys at the beginning of the human evolution, you dont believe me hehehehe
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Posted : Aug 30, 2009 21:28
On 2009-08-30 20:45, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
i told you already that the aliens came to fuck the female monkeys at the beginning of the human evolution, you dont believe me hehehehe
Well, not so. If at all, it will be us eventually evolving into something that looks "alien" from our present perspective today. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Aug 30, 2009 21:52
our present perspective can be anytime wrong. never forget it:). if millions of ppl believe in the same thing, it gives them an imaginary certainty that they are right, but it is possible that they are totally wrong as well. mostly the case hehehe. just collectively wrong you know. humans love this.
p.s. my popcorns are finished too fast;)) drama off:) |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Aug 30, 2009 21:54
On 2009-08-30 17:12, bbgun wrote:
I just watched the full project disclosure video.
To me, it seems like a bunch of fully conscious charlatans and rip-off artists. So much stuttering, so many sweaty palms, so much throat clearing, so many confessions of "being scared or nervous", so many shifty eyes, so much right brain-brain image construction, so much memorization, so much word choking, so much forgetfulness. But so little evidence? Why all the anxiety and tension when they have legal council and claim themselves that nothing they're saying is against the constitution? Also considering they are willing to testify in front of congress? hah.
If these guys are so desperate to reveal "truth" why didn't that crook in the beginning project his video? why didn't he play his audio tape recording? Why was such a blissfully idiotic audience present, with daft journalists asking moronic questions? Why did that thug towards the end say it would "take too long" to describe the bodies he saw? And then quite simply said aliens looked humanoid the next second? Also, how did this fraudster know that the aliens could go into a darkroom and guess what color an object was by touching it, especially when he said the aliens were shot with rifles when they surfaced from the craft? These guys should be ashamed of themselves.
Lie after lie after lie. Either these racketeers are actually deluded(I don't think so except for those two chicks), or pulling off a cheap gimmick, or were fired from their positions in the government(if they were actually employed) at some point. Don't get me wrong, I too am pretty certain there's E.T life elsewhere, it's just that this video is riddled with gas and quacks.
Bbgun, your analysis of the video is kind of flaky and childish, I mean seriously. First you proceed to insult all these people of whom YOU KNOW ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT by calling them: charlatans, fraudsters, crooks and liars based only on the fact that they are not providing any evidence and are only sharing their testimony. Is this really fair? I mean you can choose not to believe somebodies testimony, and that is fair. But to dismiss them all as liars without any knowledge of who they are seems a bit moronic if you ask me. I mean if you had worked on some of these projects with these people, knew their history, their ranks, and the type of people they actually are then you would have some grounds to call them liars. Otherwise you fall in the typical ignorant closed minded mindset of talking about things you really do not know jack shit about.
You ask for evidence of what these people are claiming, but a lot of times, even in the court of law, all you have is a testimony and it can still have a lot of merit and value. And in this case I think the value of many of these witnesses comes forward when you consider the ranks and high positions and projects they have been involved with. They are not just some bbgun nobody talking out of their ass in a forum. I mean you have airforce pilots, engenieers involved with the manufacturing of military aircraft, military colonels, high ranking defense officials, astronouts who have been to the moon, etc. So you have to be real moron not to give any validity whatsoever the testimonies of these people. And if anything these people are putting their reputation on the line because this subject that has been target criticism and ridicoule for a long time. You have to understand that like bbgun, most people in the world have a hard time opening up their minds to the possiblity that all this stuff could actually be taking place.
And bbgun points out that there is a lot of stuttering, sweaty palms, shifty eyes, etc in these witnesses while they are talking, as if that is proof that they are liars. He goes on to make this statement:
“Why all the anxiety and tension when they have legal council and claim themselves that nothing they're saying is against the constitution?”
WOW.. talk about a lack of grasp of this subject. Dude these people are claimin that there is a coverup and that people involved in these black operations are threatened in every possible way so they don’t come out with this info. When Dr Greer makes the claim that “they have legal council and nothing they are saying is against the constitution” it’s to try and protect themselves against these powers that have been manipulating things. If this whole coverup is true you can bet that there many many more witnesses who have CHOSEN not to come out because of fear of their lives. Because they will threaten to kill you, your family, your friends and that is not the price that most people are willing to pay for disclousure. So if that is the case, then these people that came out with their testimony are very fucking brave, because they are putting not only their reputation at risk but potentially also their life. And so displaying all those characteristcs you describe like sweaty palms, eyes shifting, etc actually makes, ummm…. PERFECT SENSE. In fact it would be odd if these people were totally relaxed in disclosing this information openly when its highly supresed by very powerful people. Understand amigo? Think about it, it actually all makes sense that these people would be having anxiety and nervousness,. And I think the point of the discloure project was also to try and get as many people together to come out openly at the same time, that way it would reach the press and these people would be somehow more protected than if they came out each on their own.
So, this video isn't highly recommended for information, but for ridicule and laughter purposes. Enjoy. |
An you base this out of your simplistic biased anaylis of the video? hehe..
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Aug 30, 2009 22:04
So much for the video....
Glad i never saw it yet.
Well don't just believe any fool, check it out yourself. Yes these are just testimonies, but they are the testimonies of many high ranking officers, colonels, nasa astrouts, etc so you have to give at least some validity to that.
You can see a list of the witnesses here: