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Posted : Aug 27, 2009 19:27
I don't know about aliens...... but about crop circles some have been studied and results are that all can't be man made - if yes it would have needed too much people: engineer, technicians .... too much for a simple joke.
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Posted : Aug 27, 2009 21:23
Remember; Our (self-made) idea of aliens might be very different than what they appear like
Im just taking the massive activity in this thread as a conclusion that _something_ is definetively going on hehe
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Aug 27, 2009 21:52
Don't mess with them reptilians
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Posted : Aug 28, 2009 01:19
On 2009-08-27 21:23, Fragletrollet wrote:
Remember; Our (self-made) idea of aliens might be very different than what they appear like
Im just taking the massive activity in this thread as a conclusion that _something_ is definetively going on hehe
exactly what I think about what's happening in a lot of forum and people i meet, especialy in my country - France;-)
regarding what it is, i also agree but for me without seeing by myself i can't say if it's from outer space or from our planet, if it is alien as in american movies;-) or if it is spiritual beings from other dimensions, or if it is a superb mind control method in order to make us forget the quest of the innerside of ourselves: looking far in the sky makes everybody blind to look at what is important = spiritual evolution ;-)
sorry for my english
"an alien phenomen is meaning outside of our knowledge" Zacharia Sitchin
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Aug 28, 2009 09:51
On 2009-08-27 19:27, specymen wrote:
I don't know about aliens...... but about crop circles some have been studied and results are that all can't be man made - if yes it would have needed too much people: engineer, technicians .... too much for a simple joke.
Well... it could be a complex joke then!
"It's not the fall that kills you; it's the sudden stop at the end." - Douglas Adams
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Aug 28, 2009 10:21
On 2009-08-28 09:51, day_tripper wrote:
On 2009-08-27 19:27, specymen wrote:
I don't know about aliens...... but about crop circles some have been studied and results are that all can't be man made - if yes it would have needed too much people: engineer, technicians .... too much for a simple joke.
Well... it could be a complex joke then!
Yes, there are strange (or lets say interesting) people, who maybe would take the effort for such complex jokes.
I just don`t know.
Also, all the viewings of UFOs. Actually it´S just viewings of lights, isn`t it? Isn`t it just the interpretation that makes those lights to UFOs?
Sometimes I see strange things in the sky , too, but then it turns out it`S just something put in air by humans.
As soon as there are no 100 % clear sign, why should one believe that there are aliens, who are visiting us? It`s just an interpretation.
But it could be, i don`t say it couldn`t be. I just don`t see any clear sign for it.
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Aug 28, 2009 11:31
Gunter wrote:
Also, all the viewings of UFOs. Actually it´S just viewings of lights, isn`t it?
Well most of them are. But, there are also many sightings of actual spaceships where they can see see its some kind of intelligent craft. Some of these "spaceships" have been reported to be in some cases several miles long, (I mean no chance to confuse it with a plane, hehe) and some of these sightings have been reported by hundreds of witnesses in the same location like the phoenix lights which were even witnessed by the gobernor of Arizona. Yeah these reports come out from all types of people including many trained pilots who know the difference between a balloon and a real unknown object.
For instance:
And many people are now at this time coming out openly about this issue, so who knows maybe something BIG is on its way.
Check out for instance what Edgar Mitchel, one of the astronouts who went to the moon has to say:
And we have to remember that YES there are a lot of hoaxs and a lot of nonsense polluting the UFO issue, however it does not make the UFO case any less real because there is a mountain of evidence to support it if you do the research. For instance consider the case of J. Allen Hynek, an astrophysicist assigned under project blue book to look into the phenomena and descrive in scientific terms several claims of UFOs. Well he was an open skeptic about the UFO issue, and would dismiss all the sighgtings as swamp gass, hallucinations, etc. However later in his life he admitted that there was some kind of coverup and that this stuff is REAL.
there are also some NASA footage of what seems to be UFOS
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Posted : Aug 28, 2009 11:37
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Aug 28, 2009 13:20
Also, all the viewings of UFOs. Actually it´S just viewings of lights, isn`t it? Isn`t it just the interpretation that makes those lights to UFOs?
Sometimes I see strange things in the sky , too, but then it turns out it`S just something put in air by humans.
As soon as there are no 100 % clear sign, why should one believe that there are aliens, who are visiting us? It`s just an interpretation.
dear gunter but it is not only lights though:). sometimes it is real stories with conversations and given messages.
but of course there is no clear sign for it. people who dont see anything paranormal in the world around them or within their soul, will never ever accept any sign anyway.
but i agree that the corn corcles are simply too complicated in terms of mathematics and sacred geometry. too much messages inside the real ones:).alone this fact is worth thinking about. what kind of humans would do this?
well i dont know, may be a big network of crazy people like in the movie 12 monkeys where the guys from the mental institution had a big vision to know...
i ve seen a lot mentally disordered ppl who have contact with aliens. also a fact that speaks for itself. but i have seen also a lot of this other type of ppl on the border between sanity and insanity. and yet not insane.
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Aug 28, 2009 18:54
Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
i ve seen a lot mentally disordered ppl who have contact with aliens. also a fact that speaks for itself. but i have seen also a lot of this other type of ppl on the border between sanity and insanity. and yet not insane.
Check out this video by Terrence Mckenna, it touches on some some very interesting points about "insanity"
"its no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society"
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Aug 28, 2009 21:13
And I am not so sure that there is any significant contact between ETs and our so called leaders. I mean why would an advanced species bother with the worst kind of people from our planet?. If anything I would think they would want to empower the good hearted people and not these “leaders” who could care less about humanity. And we have to remember that these “leaders” that run the economic system in the world, despite their control are only empowered by us the people. They may have the control now, but in the end we are the ones that have the power, it is inside us and our spirit is greater than all the mental and spiritual chains that may be blocking our true potential and freedom.
So I would not wait for our leaders to establish contact with ETs. If you want to establish contact, send that intent out from your heart and you might be very surprised about the response you get. So yeah, lets forget about our leaders and step up to the plate ourselves. My friends we have to become the leaders, the shamans, the embassadors of earth and turn our back to the old power structure of greed based on fear that is a danger to humanity. We are done with the old and we have to look at each other in the eyes and confirm the important message that we are turning the wheel.
This is the new age! And its time to step up with a new vision for planet earth.
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Aug 28, 2009 22:19
...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell...
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Posted : Aug 29, 2009 07:07
The Phil Schneider video may seem compelling but I think there is a good chance that he's a fraud. Search on google and there are several articles that elaborate his contradictions, fallacies and lies regarding age, dates etc. If there are E.T aliens, I'm quite certain they will not be greys or reptilian; it is only our primate imaginations that conjure anthropomorphic extraterrestrials. There is no reason E.T should evolve in the identical manner as we did or anywhere along the same lines in fact. With regard to claims of aliens on earth(other than ourselves), they are all in the form of testimony and there isn't single shard of concrete evidence. How about a credible photograph, video etc.?
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Aug 29, 2009 11:02
but bb, didn't you see the videos of the lights in the sky?! I mean come on man, lights! what more proof do you want!
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Aug 29, 2009 17:59
the aliens have nowhere to go but here...
When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive